
Tracebility in vojvodina's spice prepper production


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Kovács, V., & Kovács Sárkány, H. (2020). Tracebility in vojvodina’s spice prepper production. Economica, 7(3), 208-214.

The spice paprika production has a tradition in our region; however there is a risk that due to the price competition products with dubious origin or lower quality might be included into the supply chain. This could be resolved using product-traceability in the most effective way, which is also supported by legislation. Processing plants operate such food safety and quality management systems that are strongly committed towards implementation of the product traceability systems. However, we have experienced that some spice paprika processors operate their management system an “island-like” manner: there is no cooperation with other spice paprika processing companies in the field of procurement and transparency. We believe that could be beneficial to establish a public traceability system/database for buyers in order to prove the product origin in a transparent manner. It would be worth for spice paprika producers the LocalG.A.P program/standard issued by the Food Plus to be revised for spice paprika cultivation, with this standardized and comparable food-safety and traceability criteria could be reached for producers. There is a need for such an independent, non-profit association in order to realize all of that, which could elaborate and continually develop the production criteria by experts, as well as could be overseen and managed the traceability related database.