
Verbal Event Detection in Hungarian Texts


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Subecz, Z., & Nagyné Csák, Éva. (2020). Verbal Event Detection in Hungarian Texts. Economica, 7(1), 101-106.

The task of event deteci on is to ideni fy meni ons of events in texts. For the purposes of this task, an event meni on is any expression denoi ng an event or state that can be assigned to a pari cular point, or interval, in i me. In texts most event meni ons correspond to verbs, and most verbs introduce events. However this is not always the case. Events can be introduced by noun phrases, and some verbs fail to introduce events. Events somei mes are expressed with muli word expressions. Muli word expressions (MWEs) are lexical units that consist of more than one orthographical word, i.e. a lexical unit that contains spaces. The task is the deteci on of events in texts. In this ari cle we paid at eni on with verbs and infi nii ves. We wrote Java program for this task. We introduce in this ari cle the principles and results of this applicai on.