Analysis of the economic structure in Romania and in some member states ot the European Union
agriculture economic structure general agricultural census agriculture in Romania land use land structure
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Nagy, S. (2024). Analysis of the economic structure in Romania and in some member states ot the European Union. Economica, 15(1-2), 44-54.
In Romania agriculture plays a crucial role, contributes a large share to GDP production and has a high agricultural potential. The aim of the study is to analyse the farm structure of Romania and of some EU Member States (Hungary, Poland, France, Italy) on the basis of the data of the 2016 Farm Structure Census, the 2010 General Agricultural Census and the preliminary data of the 2020 Agricultural Census. Draw conclusions by processing the aforementioned data, in particular by processing the preliminary data of the 2010 General Agricultural Census and the 2020 General Agricultural Census.
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