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  • The Rigidity of Labor Markets and the Unit Root in the Time Series of Unemployment rate: Raising a Problem

    The article is a review of the literature concerning the time series of the unemployment rate, and of the economic explanations behind the tests of these time series. We seek to identify the theoretical explanations behind a possible unit root in unemployment time series. We argue that the main difficulty faced by these unit root tests is the change in labor market institutions. The ffects of institutional changes make the traditional tests rather weak, while the panel unit root tests oversimplify the economics of the question. Our conclusion is that the possible application of the tests developed theoretically for nearly unit root processes seems to offer a way out of this dilemma.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: C22, E24

  • Analysis of labor market in Northern Hungary

    The aim of the paper is to reveal the main causes of unemployment and understand the labor market situation in Northern Hungary, as well as quantify and evaluate the changes in the employment structure. The main concern is about the changes in the number of registered job-seekers in Hungary and in particular, in the North Hungarian region. The author uses several tools to investigate this issue, such as shift-share analysis, linear regression, Lilien-index and Beveridge-curve. The Lilien-index suggests that in Northern Hungary the flow of sectoral labor force has exerted less and less influential power on employment since the transition. Job vacancies and the high number of unemployed do not meet in Northern Hungary; the reason for that is the inadequate qualification level of the unemployed. The labor market position of the North Hungarian region is determined by the specific socio-economic situation resulting from the transition, so it will be useful the regionally differentiated employment policy in Hungary.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: J21, R23

  • Is the strategic thinking characteristic of SMEs in the North Hungarian Region? – experiences of a survey

    Regional differences can be observed in the economic importance of small and medium sized enterprises. The research covers the small and medium enterprises within the North Hungarian Region, based on a questionnaire carried out in the autumn of 2011. We examine the existence of a conscious strategic vision of the future and their innovative capability. The low economic activity, the low proportion of industrial enterprises, which is below the national average, and low professional skills are typical of the region. Those managers who have a conscious strategy reported above average profitability. We revealed a correlation between the depth of strategy knowledge and the existence of a formalized strategy, paying attention to the role of education and skills. The knowledge and the acceptance of innovational cooperation opportunities (innovational nets) are at a low-level in the region. Besides strategic thinking, one key element for strengthening the sector is continuous renewal, innovation, observing best practice, and imitating it.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D220

  • Globalizáció és jóléti állam: azonos kihívás – eltérő válaszok

    A szakirodalom nagy része által elfogadott tény, hogy a globalizáció hatással van a jóléti államra. A kormányok kettős szorítással szembesülnek, megnőttek ugyanis a kiadások iránti igények, ugyanakkor a bevételi források lecsökkentek. A globalizáció által kiváltott azonos kihívásra a jóléti államok eltérő válaszokat adtak. A tanulmány célja elsősorban két lehetséges irány leíró jellegű bemutatása Svédország és
    Franciaország példáján keresztül. Míg a svéd jóléti rendszeren radikális átalakításokat hajtottak végre, amelyek javították is az ország teljesítményét, addig Franciaországban nem következett be alapvető változás, csupán kisebb reformokat vezettek be.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kódok: E62, H50, H60, I38, P52

  • Tegnap, ma, holnap: a vállalati tevékenységek kiszervezésének trendjei

    A tevékenységek kiszervezése, illetve annak nemzetközi változata, az úgynevezett offshore outsourcing napjaink gazdaságának egyik legfontosabb jelensége. A termelés kihelyezése olcsó országokba már évtizedekkel ezelőtt megindult. Az infokommunikácós technológia fejlődésének köszönhetően a múlt század kilencvenes éveiben az egyéb, többnyire szolgáltatás jellegű vállalati tevékenységek is sorra kerültek. A near-shoring és az off-shoring hatalmas, dinamikusan fejlődő iparággá vált, ami különleges lehetőségeket biztosít számos feltörekvő országnak. A szektorban élénk verseny bontakozott ki, aminek részese hazánk is. Ebben a küzdelemben sajátos ország- és vállalati stratégiák figyelhetők meg. A fejlődés számos gazdasági, politikai és társadalmi problémát vet fel, amelyekre megoldást kell keresniük mindazoknak, akik élni kívánnak a lehetőségekkel.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: L24.

  • Economy of Austria

    In my article I examine a member state of the European Union, the open and federal Austria, which can be considered as an example of a corporate economy. During the reconstruction period following the Second World War the Austrian economy was characterized by a frantic economic expansion. After the oil crisis, an incomparably low inflation rate and low unemployment, and the more dynamic than average economic growth attracted attention to the country. Due to the intensified external economic interest, the Austrian model - namely the economic policy and establishment - was widely studied at this time. However, at the beginning of the 1980's some structural problems appearing in the economy contributed to slowdown in growth, until the political changes of the year 2000, which finally brought a new favourable turn in economic policy. I start with an examination of Austria's economic status after the Second World War, then the development, changes and role of the Austrian social partnership. I go on to analyze today's Austria from the point of view of the sustainable balanced budget, focusing on the financial circumstances of the state, such as the complex financial connections derived from federalism.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL): H62, H63