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  • The improvement and the new manifestation of the Veblenian conspicuous consumption theory

    This paper focuses on how the Veblenian conspicuous consumption theory has been developed further by the theorists of modern economics. The connection between status, status goods and conspicuous consumption is underlined in the discussion. It is emphasized that the price has a multiple role, however, the hypothesized positive relation between price and quantity is not necessarily valid. The wide-ranging motivations and consequences of conspicuous consumption are also analyzed. Finally, the new features of conspicuous consumption are discussed, that is, instead of wasting money on goods, cultural capital and taste have become the core of conspicuous consumption, and instead of focusing on wealth, the contexts of income have become relevant.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Codes: D11, Z13

  • The prospects of uniformization of the internal market of electricity in the European Union

    The European internal market of electricity is not yet uniform, although it has been moving toward this direction for the last two decades. The energy market position of the consumers has been strengthening, the liquidity and the cross-border trade of the European electricity markets has been increasing. The stronger competition limited the wholesale prices. Despite the backsliding or stagnating household and industrial consumption, however, the retail prices and the costs have been increasing. The EU has to carry on reforming the electricity market in order to satisfy the need for more flexible energy-systems, to increase the competition, to make the consumers react to price changes in a more flexible way, to create more cost-effective governmental/market measures to handle price volatilities, to finance investments, and to minimise cost increases. The most recent comprehensive recommendations of the European Committee intend to create a new electricity market model, however, it yet remains to see the reception of these on behalf of the member countries.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: Q48

  • A monetáris politika eltérő hatása az USA-ban és az eurózónában – azaz gondolatok az eltérő kibocsátási reakcióról

    Angeloni és szerzőtársai 2003-as tanulmányukban kvantitatív módszerekkel nem találták a választ arra kérdésre, hogy miért reagál az Egyesült Államokban érzékenyebben a fogyasztás egy monetáris politikai lépésre, mint az eurózóna országaiban. E dolgozatban kvalitatív módon vázol fel egy lehetséges választ a fenti problémára. A szerző elsősorban a pénzügyi közvetítőrendszer, az ebből következő pénzügyi vagyonszerkezet és az erre épülő transzmissziós mechanizmusok különbségében látja a lehetséges megoldást. Módszerünkkel nem tudunk választ adni arra a kérdésre, hogy a felvázolt strukturális eltérésekből következő érzékenységkülönbség megmagyarázza az Angeloni és szerzőtársai által kimutatott mértéket.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: E21, E44, E52, G20

  • Presentation of two models of consumption/saving

    The Permanent Income Hypothesis (developed by Friedman) and the Life Cycle Hypothesis (developed by Modigliani) are the most popular consumption or saving theories in economics. The aim of this paper is to introduce the main features and consequences of the models mentioned above. The first part of this paper introduces the historical circumstances in which the hypotheses were developed. In the second part we mention various debates on the theories which helped tp clarify some of their more complex aspects. The aim of the third part is to introduce various ways of expanding and supplementing the basic theories and convert them into more realistic ones.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: E21