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  • Az uszodai infrastruktúra vizsgálata az Észak-alföldi régióban

    Swimming is one of the popular sports that can be done at any age in addition to it being a health-promoting form of exercise. Due to the physical inactivity of a significant proportion of our current society, researchers have been looking at how the population can be persuaded to exercise sports regularly, which also included examining the impact of built environment on sporting habits. In our research, we investigated 34 swimming pools in the North Great Plain region, using a telephone interview-based questionnaire method. We reviewed the dates when the swimming pools were inaugurated, the goals set during the establishment, and the number and length of the pools. We analyzed how sporting activities such as school swimming, residential swimming, physiotherapy, training, and competitions appear in the timetable, and how the opening hours affect the usage of the pools by the population. It can be stated that based on the health indicators of the counties concerned, it would be important to educate for a healthy lifestyle, and also to ensure the possibility of swimming. At the same time, the infrastructure currently available is scarce and as such the continuation of the swimming pool building program is of paramount importance.

  • The Economic and Social Attitude of Young People to the Border Regions Where They Live

    The study maps the North-Eastern European 17-19-year old young people living in the counties along the border in Poland, Ukraine and Hungary. The hypothesis of the research study is that the regional identity of the young people is in significant connection with their transborder economic, social activity. According to another research hypothesis those young people assess their attitude to the neighbouring nationalities „very positively” who travel abroad more often and/or whose relatives are members of that nationality. The regions selected to the research have special geographical endowments, however, they face serious economic and social difficulties as well. The competitiveness and prosperity of these regions more and more depend on whether the people and enterprises living there are able to optimally use all the territorial advantages. The competitiveness of the economy depends on the development of relationships with other territories, however, research studies have shown that current enterprises in this region could not live with the opportunities offered by the region’s location, which can be explained by their postsocialist past (Hardi, 2001). From the 1990s cross-border cooperation started to appear among the North-Eastern European regions. The 2004 EU accession made free movement of goods, services and capital possible for two countries (Hungary and Poland) from among the examined countries. In addition to this movement, the flow of technology and ideas as well as cross-border cooperation have become a more and more important element of the regional development. The reason why the 17-19-year old age group has become the target group of the research study is that they were not only born into these new possibilities but they will also become a part of their daily lives. Hopefully during the next decade this age group will become the engine of the crossborder economy and cohesion due to their regional location and their relations.

  • Income situation, income conditions and income inequalities among the inhabitants of those living in settlement conditions

    In the studied impoverished neighborhood, the incomes are significantly lower than the incomes typical of the national and the Northern Great Plain region. The low income is due to unfavorable employment, low educational level and household size. The national average is 2.3 people per household, however, here there are 3.2 per household. A significant part of the population finds it very difficult to live only from their income. In terms of livelihood-related expenditures, expenses related to houseing is the biggest problem for inhabitants. Typically, they are not able to pay their bills and deferring payments usually for rent and utilities is common. At the same time, income inequality exceeding the national average is found int the neigborhood. This is primarily due to the very favorable situation of the top 10%of those living there. this top 10% are characterized not only by the net amount of their income, which is significantly higher than in the neighborhood and also to a lesser extent higher than the national average. Not only are their incomes higher but they have smaller households and are fully employed.

  • Az olvasás funkciójának narratívái rurális családi literációs kontextusban - Szülői olvasói attitűdkutatás

    This study exemines the family literacy narratives in perspective of reading sociology, based on parental reading beliefs in rural context (Praid, Harghita county). In this analysed region access of cultural abilities represents a barrier in family literacy practicies, thus the main aim of this research is to present high educated mothers’ opportunities on behalf of emergent literacy development in rural home literacy environment. The current study is based on 10 semi-structured interviews focusing on benefits of reading in early childhood literacy development.

  • The chance of digital education among students in a disadvantaged settlement

    The study has researched the adherence of full-times tudents’ into digital study in a disadvantaged region The 240 participants consisted of 165 elementary school students, 51 secondary school students and 24 college/university students. The publication shows that part of the questionnaire that deals with the condition of the adherence, infrastructural endowment and the reasons of absence. The study carries out the survey along factors that cause digital and social exclusion, seeking after significant correlations. The furtherresults of the survey – which deal with the methods of education, successfulness, advantages, disadvantages and the improvement of digital education - will be discussed in another publication.

  • A hátrányos helyzetű tanulók nem-kognitív problémamegoldó készségének fejlődése a tanodában

    In contrast to cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills play a key role in shaping an individual's life course, yet the development of non-cognitive skills attracts insufficient attention. This study explores the contribution of study halls today to address the social disadvantage inherited by students in the area of non-cognitive problem-solving skills. The results of our exploratory study in five study halls in cities with county status in the Northern Great Plain region showed that study halls play a prominent role in mitigating the skills deficits of the mainly upper primary disadvantaged students included in the study. As a result of the developmental work of the study hall, problem-solving skills showed improvements mainly in the reduction of problem sources, in the problem-solving instruments and in the form of problem solving. As a result of the intervention of the study hall, the students' acquired social disadvantages were reduced and their inclusion in school, later in the labour market and in society was reinforced.

  • Az egészség komplex megközelítése, mint az egészség-szociológiai vizsgálatok elméleti kerete

    The health indicators of the population are worst in the whole Central and Eastern European region, and thus in Hungary as well. The health status of Hungarians is not possible, it is not a unique phenomenon. The state of health of the Hungarian society is one of the worst in the European Union. To advance the understanding of the situation, it is necessary to conduct complex interdisciplinary studies that combine health and social science models.

    In our study, we present a complex approach to health, its social embeddedness, with the aim of providing a theoretical basis for a study we have designed to target Hungarian health characteristics.

    The theoretical overview emphasizes the context of the definition of health used in certain disciplines of the social sciences, the presentation of the explanatory factors of health, and the theses and models. Outlining our present work and future research cannot be without tracking the changes that have taken place that determine health, so we will first analyze this. In laying the theoretical foundations, we return to the complex approach to health, in which we present the presentation of biomedical and bio-psycho-social models in detail, and then we describe the economic and social models of health. We also deal with health determinants that determine the health of the individual and society.

  • „Nem tudom, hogyan lehet rájuk hatást gyakorolni...” Pedagógusok a roma tanulók oktatásáról

    In our study we analyse a specific aspect of the mass presence of Roma pupils in schools: the context in which the social environment of Szeklerland creates the context for the schooling of Roma pupils. After outlining the characteristics of the regional social context, we present some classroom situations which for teachers bear the challenges of confronting the cultural difference of pupils. The research method is interviews with teachers in Roma-majority classrooms. Our research shows that a significant part of the work of teachers in Roma-majority classrooms is not about teaching, but about managing cultural difference. In the context of the specific social conditions of the Szekler region, in addition to the social approach (extreme poverty) and the search for methodological solutions in the education of Roma children, it is also useful to pay attention to the social relations as a frame of the educational process.

  • Oktatás – ruralitás – társadalmi környezet

    The study examines the question of what factors shape attitudes towards education in Szeklerland (Romania) and what role the rural character of the rural Hungarian regional society plays in shaping attitudes towards school and learning. Due to the specific situation of Szeklerland, four factors frame Hungarian education in the region: the official state institutional system, the minority situation, the regional identity-building process and the way the regional rural society functions. The study summarises the research results of WAC - Center for Regional and Anthropological Research in Miercurea-Ciuc and discusses the ways in which the lifestyle, values and norms of local or micro-regional communities frame the everyday attitude of families and parents towards education. The authors emphasise that the relationship between education and local or micro-communities, which has developed over the past decades and is still relevant today, is characterised by a parallelism in which both distance and interconnectedness are constantly present.

  • Egészségügyi dolgozók sportolási szokásai az Észak-alföldi régióban

    The health of those working in health care institutions is at risk from several aspects. However regular physical activity may play a role in counteracting these adverse effects. During our research, we examined the sporting habits of employees in one of the largest healthcare providers in Hungary. The survey was conducted in a voluntary and anonymous manner using a questionnaire method. 45.1% of the 987 respondents does sport on a regular basis, at least twice a week. We also examined the differences between the various work groups – doctors, health workers, employees of other sort – and those related to gender.
    Based on the results it can be stated that health consciousness still needs to be improved in the region, and an especially important element of this can be the organized health promoting activity of the health care institutions.

  • Szülői segítségnyújtás az iskolai tanulmányi feladatok teljesítésében - Szülői kommunikáció – II. Rész

    Efficient communication between school and family is prerequisite and an essential part of developing effective parent-teacher partnerships. The study analyzes that the five parental communication patterns (active-positive; active-negative; passive-positive, passive-negative, communication-literate and flexible parents) created by Palts and Harro-Loit (2015) how and in what extenr is present in teacher-parent communication in the Kászon region. The passive-positive and passive-negative parent types are the most common in the study area.

  • Educational situation picture of Roma residents living in shantytown conditions in North Great Plain Region

    In our study, we examine what kind of educational qualifications Roma residents living in shantytown conditions in a large city in Hungary have, what their motivation to learn is like and to what extent school dropout is typical among them. We can compare our research results with the national statistical data available only in a limited number, because the analysis of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s Microcensus 2016 data revealing ethnicity data is the last database on the subject under examination. The theoretical part of our paper covers the historical presentation of Roma participation in education, the background factors of school failure and dropout. We used univariate and multivariate analysis techniques to evaluate our research data. According to the analysis of the data, the proportion of Roma with vocational qualifications and certificate of baccalaureate among Roma living in the shantytown conditions examined is higher than in the 2016 national survey. Our data confirmed the sociological findings that the primary role of girls in Roma families is to contribute to family life, even at the detriment of learning, since fewer of the girls living in the shantytown continue their education than boys. According to our results, the respondents are aware that higher education is supposed to lead to find better jobs, but the responses reflect bad experiences and one third of the Roma in the shantytown believe that living in the shantytown is a disadvantage when trying to find a job.

  • Academic risks of students characterized by risk-behaviour

    The aim of our study is to reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of students with different health behaviors. We were curious about the differences between students with different health-care (risk, inactive and health-conscious) students in the studied dimensions of educational performance in Hungary in the Northern Great Plain region, as well as in the Transcarpathia, Highlands, Vojvodina, Par-tium and Transylvania (IESA 2015; N = 2017). In line with our preliminary assumptions, we can see that there are more students at risk who attend less than half of the lectures, one or two or even half of their exams have not been completed, and less than one hour per lesson, while the latter is the least characteristic of for health-conscious students. They are making great efforts to meet their serious study load, but there are more people who are unable to cope with these difficulties in the first round and have failed their examinations. In this way, health-conscious behavior does not constitute supporting factor in the effectiveness of the study.