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  • Anti-bullying approach applied among children with autism spectrum disorder in light of a professional literate review

    The investigation of the phenomenon called bullying has started approximately five decades ago and simultaneously prevention and intervention programs have been developed. Shedding light on the concern of students with disabilities, such as children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders has delayed. The focused programs for students with autism are still missing, though it is likely that the tools and aiming of prevention and intervention should not be irrespective of the nature and diagnosis of autism and the identified risk factors.

  • Korai kötődést befolyásoló tényezők az asthmás krónikus beteg gyermeket nevelő családokban

    The modern society of the 21st century has to cope with many psychosomatic disorders which have high significance in public health. Several researches pointed out that one of the most determinant aspects in connection with asthma bronchiale is the mother-child relation. The aim of this study was to detect what is the predisposing role of early childhood attachment factors. 130 children with asthma bronchiale between the age of 10 to 18 and their mothers were involved. A socio-demographic questionnaire (to detect the early experiences), the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale (for the children) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (for the parents) were used. Our most important finding is that out of important life events in connection with childhood attachment (especially the breastfeeding and its length) was proven to be a protective factor. Establishing preventive opportunities at institutions are recommended, e.g. setting up educative and preventive groups for chronically ill children and their parents. Attachment in early childhood must be considered to be even more important in the case of chronically ill patients.

  • Health state and health education

    In our study, we present the results of a survey, presented among the roma local group living in settlement conditions; concerning their health state, health education and health awareness behaviour. The study explored the quality of life of these disadvantaged groups in several dimensions. According to our results health state and health education need a multilevel intervention, focused on emphasising the preventive functions of the primary health care; in order to gain a long term, positive change among the related social groups.

  • Lemorzsolódás - Magyar tapasztalatok a szakiskolai képzés területén

    Az alacsony iskolai végzettséggel rendelkezők aránya továbbra is jelentős Magyarországon, ami nemcsak megnehezíti számukra a jelenlegi munkaerőpiacra való belépést, hanem hosszú távon tartósan kiszorulnak onnan. A növekedést kiváltó egyik leggyakoribb ok a lemorzsolódás. A megelőzés, mint meghatározó intézkedés választ adhat erre a problémára. A tanulmány a középiskolai lemorzsolódás kérdéskörére fókuszál kérdőíves felmérés és félig strukturált interjú módszereket alkalmazva. A tanulmány célja, hogy feltárja a szakképzésből való lemorzsolódás körülményeit, valamint a kompenzációs intézkedésekhez kapcsolódó eredményeket. A kutatás eredményei rámutatnak az iskola és a család jelentős hatására, beleértve a korábbi iskolai tapasztalatokat, a lakóhelyet és a munkaerő-piaci helyzetet. Az eredményekből levont következtetések gyakorlati módon foglalkoznak a témával, és lehetőséget adnak egy esetleges cselekvési terv kidolgozására a lemorzsolódás megelőzése érdekében.

  • Vallásfüggőség

    Vallásfüggőségről beszélni a mai korban egyszerre időszerű és tabuizált téma. A vallás ősidőktől fogva az emberi élet része. A viselkedési addikciók kutatásában talán az egyik legizgalmasabb és legösszetettebb terület a maga negatív és pozitív oldalaival. Azonban, amikor vallásfüggőségről beszélünk ott az egyén diszfunkcionális működése mellett megjelenik az adott vallási csoport diszfunkcionális működése is. A témát igyekszem több oldalról körbejárni, hangsúlyt fektetve a vallás fogalmának és funkcióinak tisztázására, körbe járva annak pozitív és negatív hatásait, illetve bemutatni a fiatalokra gyakorolt terápiás jellegének módszereit is.

  • Health Consciousness. Health Education as a Special Case of Social Responsibility

    Aim: In 2017, the infant death was .0039 and 0.3% of them was caused by cot death. The only chance for these infants to survive is early recognition and immediate intervention by laymen. Consequently, parents and carers are to be trained. Our research examined the efficiency of education into this emergency situation. Our aim was to highlight the key role of education which can promote health consciousness.
    Methods: Efficiency was examined in two target groups. Traditional education was provided for one of the groups, while phantom simulators were used in the other one. Questionnaires and interviews revealed the respondents’ experience (n=421). The results were analysed with statistical methods.
    Results: Teaching with simulation proved to be more efficient and popular than traditional education.
    Conclusion: Our results reflect that simulation based education is highly needed. Education on prevention, which teaches the basics of health education, paves the way to health consciousness and health behaviour.

  • Health through the Eyes of the Romani minority

    Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain the subjective view of the Romani community on their own health, in the context of social integration and the effects of the environment, using the Transcultural Assessment Model.
    Methods: The collection of data was conducted via quantitative research using an unstructured questionnaire. The experimental group consisted of 600 members of the Romani minority.
    Results: The results showed that health is one of the main values that influence the life of the Romani minority. According to a substantial proportion of respondents, they are regularly concerned with matters of their own health; however, most of them do not attend medical check-ups.
    Conclusion: The concept of sickness and health is highly subjective for each person. Moreover, the culture to which an individual belongs is among the factors that influence an understanding of the concept of health. Thus, when providing medical care, one must also get to know a patient’s culture and their subjective view of health or sickness.

  • Az extrém fizikai aktivitás élettani és immunológiai hatásai

    Many researches have proven that prolonged endurance exercise like long distance running causes acute, unfavorable effects including damages in kidney, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system or gastrointestinal system. Several attempts were made to prevent or modulate these unwanted effects. To better understand the physiological and immunological background of damages caused by prolonged endurance exercise, studies were made on 8 healthy, trained male volunteer during a 2 hour training protocol. The protocol included 1 hour intensive cycling and 1 hour intensive running under medical control. Studies focused on the measurements of clinical chemistry parameters, also on the global gene expression changes of neutrophil granulocytes. Blood samples were collected before exercise (baseline), and 3, 48 and 96 hours following exercise. Based on the results, the intensive physical exercise dramatically changes several parameters in the blood. Many of these parameters return to the baseline within a few hours, while many of them requires several days for the recovery. One of the aims of the future studies is to develop food supplements that may prevent or alleviate the unwanted physiological damages.