Vol. 11 No. 30 (2020)

Published May 8, 2020



  • Coping Strategies of Elite Hungarian Junior Handball Players

    Several studies provided instruments, with the possibility to measure self-assessment and coping strategies. This study aimed to study differences in coping strategies by age groups and gender in handball players. For psychological profile the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI-28) was applied, at elite Hungarian junior handball teams (n=288) in 2016-2017. On the scales Coping with Adversity and Freedom From worry males acquired significantly higher average values, females showed higher mean values of Goal Setting / Mental Preparation and Coachability. On Freedom from Worry, the oldest players performed the best, Coachability was highest in the youngest group. High values of Concentration were measured by playmakers, which was significantly higher than that of other offensive roles. With the results of our study, we would like to draw attention to the fact that for successful preparation, the knowledge of the athlete's coping skills and their self-knowledge are in dispensable.

  • Health through the Eyes of the Romani minority

    Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain the subjective view of the Romani community on their own health, in the context of social integration and the effects of the environment, using the Transcultural Assessment Model.
    Methods: The collection of data was conducted via quantitative research using an unstructured questionnaire. The experimental group consisted of 600 members of the Romani minority.
    Results: The results showed that health is one of the main values that influence the life of the Romani minority. According to a substantial proportion of respondents, they are regularly concerned with matters of their own health; however, most of them do not attend medical check-ups.
    Conclusion: The concept of sickness and health is highly subjective for each person. Moreover, the culture to which an individual belongs is among the factors that influence an understanding of the concept of health. Thus, when providing medical care, one must also get to know a patient’s culture and their subjective view of health or sickness.

  • Néhány szempont a magyar egészségügyi ágazat problématérképének összeállításához

    Dysfunction of health care has been a hot issue recently. Financial and human resource problems have been perceived by many of us, although a pile of other interrelated problems also appears in this field. However, several of them could be improved with adequate management methods. In order to understand the changes previously carried out in health care, it is vital to get know the legislations documenting national and international tendencies. The multi-aspect research is based on documentations, comparative analysis and evaluation of statistics from the given field. Besides them, the financial system, the state’s participation, and the service systems also need to be taken into consideration. Due to former reorganizations of health care, many different types of organizational structures connect with one another, and for profit and non profit organizations are interwoven. The complicated situation suggests that our research into this topic is rather timely. By revealing the health care systems of different countries, two basic tendencies seem to prevail. There are systems, in several states, which make cooperation easier, while there are differences, caused by historical events, whose abolition would serve everybody’s interest.

  • Quality of Life of Patients with Arrhythmia

    Introduction: Quality of life must be perceived in two levels - objective and subjective. Heart arrhythmia is a disease of the cardiovascular system that, by its subjective and objective symptoms, can affect the individual's life physically, mentally, and also socially. It can limit a person in his or her everyday activities or in activities that make them happy or satisfied.
    Objectives: The aim of the research was to map the quality of life of patients with arrhythmia and to verify whether the duration of arrhythmia has an effect on the quality of life of patients with arrhythmia.
    Methods: A standardized ASTA (Arrhythmia - Specific Questionnaire in Tachycardia and Arrhythmias) questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. The research group consisted of adult patients diagnosed with hearth arrhythmia, hospitalized at the Department of Cardiology of the Ceske Budejovice Hospital (Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s.). A total of 127 valid questionnaires were used for data processing.
    Results: The research revealed that the most common symptom of arrhythmia in 58% cases was rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, and a sense of heart failure. Most respondents agreed with the claim that heart rhythm disorder makes it impossible for them to perform work, study, and perform daily life activities. No statistically significant differences were found in the evaluation of the influence of the arrhythmia duration on the patients' quality of life.
    Conclusions: Arrhythmia duration in the selected sample does not affect the overall health status and quality of life measured by the ASTA series questionnaires. Arrhythmia restricts the patient to perform work tasks, study, and perform daily life activities.

  • Health Consciousness. Health Education as a Special Case of Social Responsibility

    Aim: In 2017, the infant death was .0039 and 0.3% of them was caused by cot death. The only chance for these infants to survive is early recognition and immediate intervention by laymen. Consequently, parents and carers are to be trained. Our research examined the efficiency of education into this emergency situation. Our aim was to highlight the key role of education which can promote health consciousness.
    Methods: Efficiency was examined in two target groups. Traditional education was provided for one of the groups, while phantom simulators were used in the other one. Questionnaires and interviews revealed the respondents’ experience (n=421). The results were analysed with statistical methods.
    Results: Teaching with simulation proved to be more efficient and popular than traditional education.
    Conclusion: Our results reflect that simulation based education is highly needed. Education on prevention, which teaches the basics of health education, paves the way to health consciousness and health behaviour.

  • Social Exclusion of Pervitin Users

    The article is based on a qualitative study using narrative interviews with 13 South Bohemian Pervitin users who visit the drug advisory centre. The goal of the article is to describe how social exclusion is subjectively experienced by Pervitin users. The data were processed with the help of grounded theory. The respondents feel to be excluded in a number of normal life areas: they are rejected by their family, friends, and also by public institutions - particularly by the police and by health care facilities. Social exclusion is accompanied by feelings of guilt and remorse for the users. They are also ashamed of their situation, feeling sorrow and disappointed themselves. In some cases, the users are angry with themselves, in other cases with their surroundings for rejecting them. In both variants, exclusion may constitute an important factor in reducing the users' chances of abstinence.

  • A digitális egyenlőtlenség vizsgálata a társadalmi kirekesztődés szempontjából

    My research, which is part of a doctoral thesis, was made in Bereg the most backward subregion of Hungary in 2017. I examined the risk of poverty and social exclusion concerning the children of the age of 14 living here. I looked at this risk from a new angle, the angle of digital inequality. I looked for the answer whether the usage of the modern multi-media devices and the internet can help in the development of this subregion, the future generation will be able to meet the exigencies of the time, find a job in the digitalized labour market. Or else, the lack of these devices and the disability of using them make their position worse. I unveiled the students’ sociodemographic, socioeconomical features, the degree of the supply concerning multi-media devices, the purpose of their usage, their attributes and the factors causing digital inequality. I scrutinized the degree of ICT usage at schools, the relationship between the usage of the internet and the school achievements, the students’ relationships and their future prospects. In this article I would like to introduce the first part of my research in which I examined the socioeconomical background of the degree of supply with multimedia devices.

  • The Characteristic Features of Social Care System in Transcarpathia

    The study deals with the social protection system in Transcarpathia; presents the structure of Ukrainian social protection and describes its components; the current economic, social and social situation characterized in the light of past and present aspects; outlines the peculiarities and tasks of Ukrainian state and non-state social protection its tasks and the factors limiting their fulfilment; clarifies the concept of social protection, welfare and well-being in order to avoid misunderstanding and contradictions in their interpretation; presents the system of Transcarpathian social services through certain activities and good practices of some major state, non-state and church institutions, draws conclusions on the situation and development tendencies.

  • Research on learning styles based on Felder-Soloman test

    In my survey I try to find the answer that how secondary school students study and how teachers can use this information in their lessons when they create lesson plans. Answers of Felder-Soloman learning style questionnaire include how students receive information in the easiest way, how they systematize them and what they need to memorize them. The results are important for both students and their parents. In results of survey we can see that the most of students are visual, concrete, active and analytic, so they are in the inductive group. A fewer of them are verbal, abstract, reflective and global, so they are in deductive group. I know the answer too that parents’ educational attainment, students’ daily school of, career choices and the class do not influence the studying style.

  • Speciális Olimpia mozgalom Kölyök Sportoló programjának állapotfelmérő-eszköze a gyakorlatban

    The study provides a snapshot on the adaptation process of Special Olympics Young Athletes global motor assessment tool in Hungary. The research was conducted with the involvement of the experts leading groups of Young Athletes in Hungary. Its aim is to have the special educators try and comment on the Hungarian version of Young Athletes Motor Skills Assessment Check List, assisting with its establishment in the Hungarian praxis.