No. 41 (2010)
The effect of long-term fertilization on phosphorus content determined in different soil extractants on meadow chernozem soil
7-11Views:76The 0.01 M CaCl2 universal extractant is known all over Europe since the 90’s. During my research, I exam the phosphorus content determined in 0.01 M CaCl2 of the samples originated from the B 17 National Uniformed Long Term Fertilisation Trials in the experimental site Karcag, in the 40th year of the experiment. Relationships between the CaCl2-P and the AL-P content of the soil, the average yields, and the phosphorus balance of the
2006/2007 year were studied. From the results of the study it was concluded as follows:
– Correlation was close (r=0.68-0.7) between the AL-P and CaCl2-P. This is in accordance with the results of previous experiments in Hungary and other countries.
– My studies confirmed that the calcium-chloride method indicates well the deficiency and the surplus of plant available phosphorus. In case of different degrees of negative balance, the amount of CaCl2 extractable phosphorus showed no changes, or decreased, and in case of positive balance it increased exponentially by the long-term effect of P rates.
– The 120 and 180 kg ha-1 rates resulted in significant increases in the amount of CaCl2-P according to the control and treatments that are not fertilized with phosphorus. The 60 kg ha-1 rate didn’t result any increase as it didn’t meet the phosphorus requirement of winter wheat, and presumably the P-balance was negative in the earlier years as well.
– It can be stated that the 0.01 M CaCl2 was able to assess the deficiency and the excess of phosphorus causing negative impacts on environment as well.pdf153 -
The effect of NPK fertilization and the plant density on maize yield and bioethanol production
13-18Views:125For industrial (bioethanol) production of maize, a new production technology is needed. I tested and selected hybrids appropriate for this purpose and set up fertilization and plant density experiments. The experiment were set up on chernozem soil in 2008.
In bioethanol production, the selection of a high-yielding hybrid with high starch content, a slight reduction of N, increase of potassium, the application of the highest plant densities of the optimum interval, harvest at full maturity (when starch content is the highest compared to protein content) are of great importance.pdf184 -
Effects of cultivar and fertilization on extensograph parameters of winter wheat flours
19-24Views:128In present paper we have examined the effect of mineral fertilization on the extensograph characteristics of wheat-flours. The baking quality of winter wheat is largely determined by cultivar, but it can be influenced by fertilization. Flours were from 4 cultivars grown at six nitrogen fertilizer. The average flour protein content of cultivars was very different (11.8, 13.0, 14.3, and 13.07%, respectively). We have found that the extensograph
properties of dough are affected by mineral fertilization, nevertheless, different cultivars distinctly react to the increase of fertilizer doses. We estimates the correlation between flour protein content and extensograph properties, based on our investigations, it became obvious that the correlation between flour protein content and extensograph parameters is really strong.pdf143 -
Antioxidant activity and total flavonoid content of honeys
25-28Views:172The influence of honey on human health has been known since ancient times. Different components, like vitamins, amino-acids, enzymes, and the so called antioxidant activity of the honey play role in this effect, and also in the excellent quality. The aim of present study was to determine the total antioxidant activity and the flavonoid content of some honey samples. These two parameters are widely studied, and a lot of data can be used to compare and analyse. On the basis of them we can state that our results are quite similar than those we can find in literature. Characteristic feature of the examined honey samples is, that the antioxidant activity increased with the darkening of the colour. The lowest antioxidant activity and flavonoid content was produced by the acacia honeys with greenish shade of colour. The highest values was found in the very dark honeys (forest, sage, golden rod). The only exception was the coriander honey, where despite of its lighter colour, very high antioxidant activity was
measured.pdf342 -
Comparison of supplier quality assurance methods for compound feed manufacturing from efficiency, product consistency and economical point of view
29-34Views:123Feed manufacturing and human food production are the main routes of use for agricultural products. The food industryparticularly has intensively implemented the recent quality management principles and developed systems that facilitate the continuous improvement and efficiency of the industrial production. Feed production has taken similar approaches however the intensity of deployment at the manufacturer and the rollout towards its supply chain has shown slower progress. The methods, that the feed manufacturer manages the supplier chain of mainly primer agricultural products according to, have a certain impact on the efficiency of the inbound operations, feed product quality and its consistency as well as on other resources. These methods have been built on sound quality management principles that are stated not only in quality standards but also in relevant regulations. Current study addresses the questions related to the link between supply chain quality management and feed product. The objective of the frontier research was to highlight the theoretical possibilities and benefits of the robust design methodimplemented into animal feed manufacturing dealing with highly variable ingredients.
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Effect of extreme crop year on soil moisture in maize
35-40Views:84We examined the change of the time of water balance of soil in 25 years old experiment, on chernozem soil, in different croprotation systems (mono-, bi- and triculture) in two extreme cropyear in 2007 and 2009 in maizestock.
According to our findings the values of waterdeficit of soil of maizestock were about 100 mm before the sowing time that grew because of considerable deficit of precipitation and high average temperature in months of summer. Values of waterdeficit achieved at the end of August the maximum and lessed a little bit to end of crop time. Decrease of waterstock stopped because of irrigation treatments in irrigated plots but the difference between two irrigation treatments (Ö1-Ö3) vanishedat the end of summer, waterdeficit were higher with 17 mm in monoculture in irrigated plot than value of not-irrigated plot. Considerabler precipitation in Jun effected on waterbalance of soils of three of crop-rotation systems favourable, rapid waterloss starting to april began to lessenat the end of May and started to increase from early in July. Precipitation in Jun had positiv effect on yield also.pdf131 -
The possibilities and limitations of organic fruit production
41-45Views:83In this review, direct and indirect technological elements of organic production are discussed. Today, there is a growing interest in production prepared without chemicals. We discuss the following issues: site selection, soil, rootstock and cultivar requirements, plant material, planting distances, crown formation, phytotechical operation, irrigation, soil tillage, soil covering and muchning, nutrition supply. Separate section deals with methods of plant protection.
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Study of traditional folk foods from the point of view of nutrition in Hajdú-Bihar County
47-51Views:140Healthy nutrition is one of the major topics of our days. The occurrence of the so called “civilization diseases” is increasing continuously as a result of the changes in our nutritional habits and life-style. It was thought that folk nutrition at the beginning of the 19. Century had several beneficial effects on health. For this reason it was decided to study the food and nutritional habits of the population of Hajdu-Bihar County around the 1930s on the
basis of literary sources to see how well they do match with modern requirements of healthy nutrition.pdf198 -
Establishment the strategy of the food retail companies
53-58Views:84In this article I have reviewed the SWOT analysis of the two company-group, such as the Hungarian SME and the multinational company. In this frame we have got ready the so called cross-table of the two company-group. These cross-tables have showed, which opportunities they can exploit on the base of their strengths, and which threats will be intensified by their weaknesses. On the base of these results we have found out, that the SME’s realize defensive strategy, while the multinational companies realize outbreaking strategy.
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Complex evaluation of agrotechnical factors in rape seed
59-63Views:108A polifactorial field trial with rape was carried out in the crop-years of 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 at the Látókép Research Centre of University of Debrecen, 15 km away from Debrecen. The soil type of the research area was a calcaric chernozem, with a levelled and homogeneous surface. Our investigations on the dynamics of lodging proved that rape can easily be lodged under unfavourable weather conditions, which results in a significant crop failure: In crop-year 2009 yields were 1.0-1.5 t ha-1 higher than in 2008, when the weather conditions were more unfavourable. In both crop-years the influence of sowing time on the crop yield of rape was examined in three soil cultivation systems, with ploughing, loosening or disking. Different sowing time influenced the yield of rape in both crop-years significantly. In the crop-year of 2007/2008 – due to mild winter – we got the highest yield in the first sowing time (at the end of August) with loosening (3930 kg ha-1) and disking (3727 kg ha-1), while in case of ploughing we experienced the highest yield (3770 kg ha-1) in the second sowing time. There were no significant differences between the first and second sowing time (the end of August and the beginning of September), and in the third sowing time (end of September) also a moderate crop failure (-6.7%) cold be obtained, due to the favourable weather in winter and the water supply of the crop-year 2007/2008. In 2008/2009 all the three cultivation systems showed the best yield-results in the second sowing time (ploughing: 4886 kg ha-1, loosening: 5186 kg ha-1, disking: 5090 kg ha-1), and the first sowing time hardly differed from this (-4.1%), while the late September sowing time resulted in a significant crop failure of -11.1%.
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New possibilities to determine wheat quality parameters by near-infrared spectroscopy
65-69Views:177Analyses and methods in wheat quality determination require more sample, time, work and cost, thatswhy flour quality control needs rapid, reliable tools. Near-infrared spectroscopy has many advantages, which make it suitable in quality control. NIR instruments need calibrations to their work. In our study we examined gluten content, falling number, valorigrpahic waterabsorption, alveographic P/L and W value of wheat samples. Modified partial least squares analyses on NIR spectra were developed for each property. The results show that we got such calibration modells, which are able to predict the properties (expect falling number) with enough accuracy.
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Comparative analysis of physiologically important fatty acids
71-76Views:143Fatty acid composition of some vegetable oils, like wheat germ, walnut, peanut, hempseed, linseed, sunflower-seed, olive, rapeseed, grape seed or pumpkin seed, analysed at Food Science Institute of Debrecen University, are summarised here. The effect of heat treatments usually used in Hungarian cuisine was examined in this paper.The influence of different fatty acids on human health is also reviewed.
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Complex appreciation of agrotechnikal factors of sweet corn (Zea Mays L. convar. saccharata Koern.)
77-81Views:128Three agrotechnical factors (sowing time, fertilization, plant density) and the effect of two different genotypes on the yields of sweet corn was studied, in the dry and warm crop-year of 2009 on a chernozem soil in the County of Hajdúság. The experiments were carried out on the Látókép Research Station of Debrecen University. The experiment involved two sowing times (21 of April and 19 of May), six fertilizer levels (control, N30+PK, N60+PK, N90+PK, N120+PK, N150+PK) and two genotypes (Jumbo, Enterprise). Four plant density levels, 45 thousand ha-1, 55 thousand ha-1, 65 thousand ha-1 and 75 thousand ha-1 were used. In the early sowing time the highest yield was obtained with 65 thousand ha-1 plant density level and N120+PK treatment of Jumbo (18169 kg ha-1), while the maximum yield of Enterprise was 17818 kg ha-1 with 75 thousand ha-1 plant density level and N90+PK dose. In case of the late sowing time both hybrids gave the highest yield with 75 thousand ha-1 plant density level and N30 +PK
treatment, with a crop yield of 13143 kg ha-1 (Jumbo) and 14324 kg ha-1, ( Enterprise).pdf175 -
The special questions of nutrition of forest plants
83-88Views:69Some physiological effects of bacteria containing fertilizer and some wood ash were examined in the experiments. The minimization of the use of chemicals in agriculture has been an ongoing challenge. One option lies in the intenzification of soil life. The release of organic matters by the roots and bacteria play a significant role in the uptake of minerals. The main problem to usilize wood ash in agriculture is its heavy metal contents. The
solubility of heavy metals is very low, therefore there is no risk to use the wood ash in the agriculture and in the horticulture according to our experiments. The wood ash and biofertilizer contains several micronutrients in an optimum composition for forestry and agricultural plants.pdf151 -
Changes of the fatty acid composition of sprouts during germination
89-92Views:139During our research we studied the fat content and fatty acid composition during the germination and sprouting periods of the most important sprouts: wheat, lentil, alfalfa, radish and sunflower seed. In this article we present our research results during this sprouting study. The concentration of the saturated fatty acids (palmitic acid, stearic acid) decreased, the concentration of the unsaturated fatty acids increased during germination, but the tendency was not so high than was published in the literature.
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The variation of breast milk composition during the lactation stage for mothers from the Csík region
93-98Views:122The aim of our research was the examination of breast-milk composition from mothers living in the Csík region and to follow their milk composition variations during lactation. In this article we present the results obtained from three mothers, paying particular attention to essential components. The breast milk samples were collected from healthy mothers with similar habits and age. The milk samples were collected with a hand pump at the
same time after the feeding. The sampling period was from day 5 to the 14th weeks of lactation. The nutrition of mothers was recorded on a questionnaire, completed by the mothers themselves. Comparing our experimental results with data in the literature it was concluded that the milk protein content was very similar to the milk of mothers from other European countries, and is decreased during lactation.
The total saturated fatty acid content was lower, but the palmitic acid content was slightly higher. Regarding the essential fatty acid composition the linoleic- and the arachidonic acid contents were appropriate from a nutritional point of view. The linolenic acid was present in lower amounts, but the docosahexanoic acid was almost undetectable.
The iron and manganese contents were in good agreemen with published results, but the zinc content of the breast milk was lower and its copper content was higher. These differences in milk composition can be explained by the different nutritional habits of our subjects.pdf140 -
Effect of soil-compost proportion on the abiotic and biotic parameters of soilplant system
99-104Views:127The environmental awareness, coming to the front in the 21st century, motivates us to supply the plant nutrient demand (in point of the plant, the environment and the human health) with natural materials.
Composting is known since the beginning of civilization. We came to know more the processes of composting as a result of last decades’ research, but numerous unexplained questions remained up to this day. The good compost is dark gray or brown, and it should not create an odor. It has aggregate structure, and it’s pH is neutral. Compost is soil-like (Fehér, 2001), nutrient-rich material, which contains valuable nutrients extracted from soil, so if we recycle this, we can decrease the chemical fertilizer and other (example: mineral energy) expenses.
The reason of that we chose the more accurate cognition of compost utilization is to do more effective the site-specific nutrient supply. This increases the average yield and the quality of yield. Besides we can decrease the harmful effects, which endanger the plant, the environment, and the human body.
During the compost utilization experiment we blended the acid sandy soil with compost in 4 different volumetric proportions (5 treatments) than we set the pots randomized. The advantage of this method is that we can provide equal conditions for plants so we can measure the effect of treatments correctly. Our experimental plant was ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), that grows rapidly, tolerates the glasshouse conditions, and indicates the effect of treatments well. After the harvest of ryegrass we measured the fresh and dry weight of harvested leaves and the total C-, N-, S-content of the dry matter and of the soil, we examined the pH and the salt concentration of soil as well.
Our aim was to study and evaluate the relations between the compost-soil proportion and the nutrient content of soil and plant. In our previous experiments we confirmed (based on variance analyses) that the compost has a beneficial effect on soil and increases the nutrient content of the soil (Szabó, 2009). But it’s important to appoint that the compound of compost is seasonally change: in winter the selective gathered municipal solid waste contains salt that were applied for non-skidding of roads, but salt has a negative effect to the plant. We proved that in our experiment the 25/75% compost/soil proportion was ideal for the plant. This content of compost effected 6 times higher green matter weight compared to the 100% sandy soil.pdf156 -
Effect of the fertilization on some quality parameters of winter wheat
105-110Views:122We studied the different mineral fertilizer rates effect on the baking quality of five different winter wheat genotypes (GK Öthalom, Lupus, KG Széphalom, GK Békés, Mv Mazurka) on chernozom soil in 2008.
The bigger fertilizer doses increased the wet gluten content, gluten elasticity and the protein content. The high doses of fertilization has got a moderate effect on the valorigaph value, water absorption, and falling number. The optimum level of the fertilizer doses were the N90-120+PK.
The Pearson’s correlation analysis proved strong relationships between the fertilization and gluten content, the quality of the gluten, a valorigraph value, and the protein content. The analysis verified a strong correlation between genotype and falling number, and the protein content.
The variety Mv Mazurka has got the best baking quality parameters.pdf149 -
Comparative examination of a mineral fertiliser and a bacterial fertilizer on humic sandy soil
111-116Views:99In our pot experiment, the impact of a bacterial fertilizer, Bactofil® A10 and a mineral fertilizer Ca(NO3)2 applied in different rates was studied on some soil chemical and microbiological characteristics of a humic sandy soil (Pallag). Perennial rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.) was used as a test-plant. Samples were collected four and eight weeks after sowing in each year. The experiment was set up in 2007-2009 in the greenhouse of
the UD CASE Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science. The available (AL-extractable) nutrient contents of soil, among the microbial parameters the total number of bacteria, the number of microscopic fungi, cellulose-decomposing and nitrifying bacteria, the sacharase and urease enzyme activity, as well as the soil respiration rate were measured.
Statistical analyses were made by means of the measurements deviation, LSD values at the P=0.05 level and correlation coefficients were calculated. Results of our experiment were summarised as follows:
− The readily available nutrient content of humic sandy soil increased as affected by the treatments, in case of the available (AL-extractable) phosphorus and potassium content the higher value was measured in high-dosage artificial fertilizer treatment.
− The treatments had also positive effect on several soil microbial parameters studied. The higher-dosage mineral fertilizer treatments had a beneficial effect on the total number of bacteria, cellulose-decomposing and nitrifying bacteria. No significant differences were obtained between the effect of treatment in case of the total-number of bacteria, the number of microscopic fungi and nitrifying bacteria.
− On the sacharase enzyme activity the artificial fertiliser treatments proved to be unambiguously stimulating, the urease activity significantly increased on the effect of the lower-dosage Ca(NO3)2 artificial fertilizer treatment.
− The soil respiration increased in all treatments in related to the amounts applied, significantly increased in the highest rate of Ca(NO3)2 fertilizer addition.
− Some medium and tight positive correlations were observed between the soil chemical and microbiological parameters studied in case of both nutrient sources.
Summarizing our results, it was established that the organic and all the mineral fertilizer treatments had beneficial effects on the major soil characteristics from the aspect of nutrient supply. In majority of the examined soil parameters (AL-extractable phosphorus- and potassium, total number of bacteria, number of cellulose-decomposing and nitrifying bacteria, activity of sacharase enzyme) the high rate of Ca(NO3)2 mineral fertilizer treatment proved to be more stimulating, but at the same time the high rate bacterium fertilizer resulted in significant increases in
the nitrate-N content, the AL-potassium content of soil, the total number of bacteria, the number of cellulose-decomposing and nitrifying bacteria and the urease enyme activity.
Our examinations showed that the mineral fertilizer treatments proved to be more stimulating on most of the soil parameters studied but according to our results, it was established that Bactofil is efficiently applicable in the maintenance of soil fertility and the combined application of
mineral fertilizer and bacterium fertilizer may be a favourable opportunity – also in aspect of the environmental protection – in maintaining soil fertility.pdf143 -
Correlations study between the selenium content of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum L.) and wheat seeds grown on different soil types
117-121Views:151In the course of the research we determined selenium and dry-matter content of 35 wheat grasses and 35 wheat seeds. The selenium content of the preparation plant samples was measured by spectrofluorimetric determination (ʎexcitation=380 nm, ʎemission=519 nm) of the resulted piaz-selenol complex. It was established that between the selenium content of the wheat grass and wheat seed the correlation coefficient was 0.36 at p=0.05 level which indicates a medium close correlation. Similarly, there was a medium close correlation between selenium content of the wheat grass calculated on dry-matter basis and total selenium content of the wheat, with a correlation coefficient of 0.40 at p=0.02 level.
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The influence of fraction size on the chemical composition of winter wheat flour
123-126Views:104Wheat is one of the most important cereals in the world and the bread made of its flour belongs to the everyday life of human mankind.
The Hungarian standard relating to the laboratory production of wheat flour (MSZ 6367/9-1989) does not mention the type of laboratory mill used for milling, and it only builds up some general criteria, such as: the laboratory mill should be provided with four differently nicked barrels, a sieve with appropriate hole sizes, and also with the separated collections of the pilot flour and the bran. Our study was started at this point and the answers for the following questions were aimed to be found: do the flour patterns studied and produced with different sieving techniques,
widely used in laboratory mills of the same wheat pattern show any alterations after the impact of the formula production as regards chemical constitutions. Various flours of the wheat pattern sieved with different particle sizes were studied in this experiment.
In producing this pattern we used FQC109 type of mill. There were 5 different corn sizes of 250-200; 200-160; 160-125; 125-100; <100 μms used in the partition of the fractions. The results this research confirm that the quality of wheat flour can be modified by different methods of pattern production.pdf184 -
Increase of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Resistance to Leaf Rust (Puccinia tritici) via Gene Transformation
127-129Views:79Leaf rust is one of the most significant fungal disease of wheat not only in Hungary but also in other parts of the world. For improving leaf rust resistance of winter wheat variety (Hajdúság, 2003) produced by conventional breeding methods, verified by results of variety tests, showing outstanding results in the aspect of the most important economic values, integration of tissue culture technics, genetic engineering and traditional
methods may provide facilities. Building the gene(s) responsible for resistance into the determined genome can improve the resistance in a way that changes other features of the plant slightly or not at all. In the course of genetical transformation of the variety Hajdúság we applied one of the wheat’s own effecient green-tissue specific insurer genetical regulator, the promoter of ribulose carboxylase 1-5 bisphosphate (RuBisCo) ‘s small
subunit to control the expression of the gene cmg1.pdf147 -
Correlation of pruning time and fruiting part differentiation of sweet cherry cultivars
131-134Views:108There are several extended studies in sweet cherry production in Hungary and all over the world i.e. for creation and maintainence of smaller tree crown and high density orchards. The use of suitable dwarf rootstocks for this fruit species are very limited. On one hand, most of the draf rootstocks do not cause enough growth reduction and on the other hand these rootstocks are get old very quikcly and their fruits become small, and therefore, they not serve the requirements for intensification. In summary, there is a need for those rootstock which are vital, regeneration enhanching and delay ageing. Due to ensuring above features, Prunus mahaleb is still an obvious solution for intesive production. Increasing intensification can be obtained by use of modernisation of technological elements and suitable cultivar choice.
According to this increasement of intensity through application of novel technological elements (timing, manner and severity of pruning) and selection of the proper cultivar is implement able. Important differences are experienced between sweet cherry cultivars in their growth attributes, light demand and dynamics of fall back in regenerative potencial of different aged wood parts. From this point knowledge of the abow detailed is very important in order to maintain rentability of already established plantations. Our work shows the formation of production part in
9-year old plantation with spike spindle and free spindle crown forms depending on pruning timing (winter, summer) and determining of their various effects.pdf134