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  • Prevalence of banana diseases and post-harvest losses in Kenya, and biocontrol potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi against Fusarium wilt

    The demand for bananas (Musa spp.), which is ranked as the most important fruit crop in Kenya has been on the rise owing to both their dietary contribution and income generation. Meeting this demand has however been hampered by losses during production or post-harvest. This study assessed banana disease and post-harvest losses in leading producing counties in Kenya namely; Kisii, Nyamira and Embu. The study also assessed the efficacy of Rhizophagus irregularis in controlling Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data on post-harvest losses. Disease scoring tables, charts and photos were used to confirm observed symptoms and hence, disease occurrence and severity. AMF biocontrol efficacy experiment was conducted using tissue culture bananas grown in the greenhouse. The study revealed that most smallholder farmers were unaware of the causes or the prevalence of post-harvest losses. The findings also revealed a significant difference (p<0.05) in the severity of banana diseases across various cultivars from the three counties. The AMF treated bananas showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in plant height, total leaf area and chlorosis in comparison to other treatments. The study also revealed a reduction of Fusarium’s pathogenic effects including chlorosis, reduced leaf surface area and eventual necrosis.

  • Evaluation of cauliflower genotypes by different growing method

    Cauliflower is currently cultivated on 350-400 thousand hectares in the world and around 1500 ha in Hungary. Its cultivation requires considerable expertise as it is sensitive to environmental factors and adequate nutrient supply. The aim of our experiment was to compare three genotypes (Abeni, SV5777 AC and Telergy F1) by different growing method – under plastic tunnel and on open field. On open field the planting was on 19th of March, 2018, the row and plant distances were 45 and 35 cm. Under plastic tunnel the transplants were set out on the same day with the same genotypes as on open field, with 55x45 cm arrangement. The results have proved that cauliflower curds from plastic tunnel was two times bigger than on open field. The more protected environment had a positive effect not only on the mass of the curd, but also on the biomass production. Among the examined genotypes Abeni showed the highest yield (about 1 kg/plant) under plastic tunnel. The shape of the head is important for the market. According to our data, we measured the width and height of the curd. Open field conditions induced wider curd with longer stem and caused lower product quality and weaker correlation between the parameters than plastic tunnel.

  • Economic aspects of applying hail protection nets in apple plantations

    The up to date intense apple growing in Hungary is capable to produce yearly about 500-1000 thousand Ft/ha income, which means that the investment of 4 000–5 000 thousand Ft is returned by producing 10-20% net income. The economic balance may, however, be upset by the damage caused by hail, quantitative and qualitative, with an apparently increasing frequency experienced in each third or fourth year. Estimates prove that each hail causing 50% damage may reduces the income proportionately to the capital by 1.5–2.0 percent points, which means a serious threat for the economy of apple production. According to calculations, a plantation producing 30–40 t/ha yields would not be able to raise incomes compensating the investment of 7.0–10.0 million Ft/ha, let alone the frequencies of hail damages. Consequently, 50–60 t/ha yields are needed to become successful, and in planning of new plantations those high yields are aimed with hail nets. An additional difficulty is represented by a lack of financial resources to install hail protection nets.

  • The role of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in establishment of short-rotation energy plantations in Hungary

    Establishment of short-rotation energy plantations for fuel production has been of international interest for many years. Energy plantation experiments in Hungary have been conducted for a longer time. In the country black locust ( Robinia ps eudoacacia L.) is one of the most important stand-forming tree species, covering approximately 23% of the forested land (410 000 ha) and providing about 19% of the annual timber output of the country. This fast growing species seems to be suitable for energy plantations as well. So, in Helvecia (Central­ Hungary, sand-soil region) two energy plantation s were established u sing common black locust and its cultivars improved in Hungary. The spacing variations of the common black locust were: l.5x0.3 m, I .5x0.5 m and l.5x 1.0 m. At the age of 5 the closest spacing ( 1.5x0.3m) produced the greatest annual increment in oven-dry weight (6.5 t ha·1 yr- 1). In the trial with black locust cultivars planted in spacing of 1.5xl.0m, at the age of 7 the highest annual increment in oven-dry mass was produced by the cultivar ' Ulloi' (9.7 t ha-1 yr- 1) followed by the common black locust (8.4 t ha-1 yr- 1) and the cultivar 'J tiszkiseri (1.6 t ha·1 yr- 1). The trials have verified that in temperate climate the increment in oven­ dry dendromass of black locust energy plantation s has ranged from 6 to 12 t ha·1 yr·1. On the basis of the trials' evaluation the quantity of dendromass mostly depends on site quality, species and cultivars, as well as on the initial spacing (plants per hectare).

  • Evaluation of producer organisations in the fruit and vegetable sector: Experiences from Hungary and Belgium

    This paper focuses on the Producer Organisations (POs) in the fruit and vegetable sector in Hungary and in Belgium. Findings are drawn from a survey among members and leaders of POs. The aim of the research is to evaluate the operation of the Hungarian POs and to compare the results with the Flemish ones based on the perception of the respondents. We mark out from the research results that Hungarian PO members and PO leaders' perception significantly different in the following constructs: satisfaction with the CMO, environmental friendly production and willingness to cooperate. The most important difference between Hungarian and Flemish respondents was about the willingness to cooperate, and about the innovations in trading activities.

  • Comparative evaluation of different valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) lines

    Research project to establish a Hungarian valerian cultivar with acceptable production, biological and chemical properties of five promising Valeriana officinalis L. lines were studied. The populations were not homogeneous especially with regard to leaf shape and colour. Line 'IV/1' showed the strongest vigour, was characterised by the highest root-yield (381.79 g/plant), volatile-oil (0.60 m1/100 g) and valtrat content (1.15%). However, the highest valeric-acid content (0.20%) was measured in another line, 'I/5'. According to our results, the above-mentioned lines (1/5', 'IV/1') could be the basic material of breeding work in the future.

  • Floral attractivity of pear cultivar 'Cinderi'

    The regularities of primary attractivity have been studied at the pear cultivar `Cinderi' for two years. Nectar quickly evaporates from the totally open nectary surface of pear flowers exposed to environmental effects, and the rhythmicity of nectar secretion can be determined with difficulty. Flowers do not function according to a unified endogenous rhythm, the whole tree becomes continuously attractive for insects, since it attracts insects on more occasions during the day with some of its flowers. During the warm afternoon hours there is usually no measurable nectar production. Pollen shedding is most intensive in the afternoon hours. Pear flowers produce little and diluted nectar, which often does not come up to apicultural expectations. The age of the flower does not significantly affect the quantity and refraction of nectar. The flowers of pear cv. ‘Cinderi' are delayed homogamous.