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  • New Research methods of Sales-Marketing Interfaces
    The energy invested in research in this topic is justified by the fact that the lack of optimal integration between SM (sales-marketing) can negatively affect overall corporate efficiency. The aim of this article is to present possible research methods that can reveal the impact of selected indicators, such as information exchange, coordination, vision and communication, conflicts, on the operation of the SM interface, according to Hungarian and foreign employees of international companies, and how they affect sales and marketing collaboration between pharmaceutical companies (PMC) and non-pharmaceutical companies (NPMC). It also attempts to demonstrate how the Partial Least Square (PLS) path modeling technique can provide valuable information on the consequences of management activity, and how the methods provided by Voyant Tools provide further research through quantitative analysis of qualitative data on the marketing sales interface (SMI), they can open up opportunities. The PLS-PM modeling technique was used to explore the relationships between the selected factors and possible hidden variables. These results clearly demonstrate that there are factors that influence SM collaboration that operate differently in PMCs and NPMCs, and that nationality differences can have a significant impact on how employees evaluate factors that affect SM collaboration. Of the methods we selected by Voyant Tools, the t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding) tool proved to be the most sophisticated analysis, allowing the deepest analyzes by exploring relationships between groups of terms.
  • Analysis of Social Media Activities - Through the Examination of Handball Clubs Competing at Different Levels

    In Hungary, handball enjoys special attention and support, this is true not only for our country, but also for Europe, and the sport is gaining more and more space worldwide. One of the biggest innovations of the last two decades is certainly social media, which has reformed the basic strategies related to information transfer and traditional marketing activities. The processes of content production on these platforms have radically changed, which every sports club should pay attention to, as they can gain significant advantages in terms of economics, marketing and community building if they are able to communicate well. Three sports clubs competing at different levels were compared during a qualitative study in terms of their social media marketing strategy activities, namely PICK Szeged, Balatonfüredi KSE – BFKA Balatonfüred and DEAC handball team. The basic concept of this research model was built on how the online marketing communication activities of club teams fighting for different professional goals at different levels differ from each other, as well as what are the development opportunities and aspects that can be used as effectively as possible on social media platforms. The handball club teams agreed on several research questions, but a significant difference could also be discovered in one area, in which the professionals responsible for social media disagreed or represented a different point of view. Looking at my results, it can be concluded that behind a successful online marketing strategy there is always serious preparation and planning work, as well as the diversification of content production on different platforms, because the consumer communities of the platforms are also different from each other.

  • A Domestic Investigation of Online Banking

    Nowadays, the spread of digitalization is constantly increasing. The current rising generation is already a “digital native”. As part of digitalisation, mention should be made of the Internet, which has been given a prominent role in our daily lives. We search for information on the Internet, we communicate, we buy. Due to these factors and the pandemic in 2020, internet administration has become a priority. Banks need to constantly adapt to meet their needs, promoting convenient, home banking. In the course of our research, we focused on this continuous adaptation and the resulting improvements. The research focused on the Internet and mobile banks of large Hungarian banks. Sampling took place over 2 periods. Among the primary research tools, we chose document analysis, and netnography. In the research, we compared the functions available on the platforms, the consumer perception of mobile banks and other variables. Based on the results obtained during the research, it can be stated that domestic banks are constantly developing their application along different trends and trying to adapt to changing needs. Serious changes had to be made in the mobile banks of most large banks, even with the permanent elimination of their former mobile banks. Changes can have a strong impact on consumers, who are often more likely to have a negative view of them. Digitalisation is also particularly important in this sector. The study contains the details of the course work prepared for the Scientific Students’ Associations Conference.

  • Applying New Innovative Market Research Methods in the Innovation Process of New Products

    The innovation environment has changed a lot in the recent years, companies and their enterprises concentrating on product- and process innovation have undergone a lot of changes. According to GUPTA et al. (1986) product innovation is a multidisciplinary process. Although, all functional interfaces are important in the product development process, the research and development – marketing interface is one of the most difficult one. In the last two decades the incredibly fast penetration of the internet has more and more effects on the consumer attitudes. It encourages market researchers to apply such methods by which they could get as close as to the consumers to know their attitudes without taking them out of their natural habitat. In this study our aim is to concentrate on the first phase of the product innovation, which is the exploration of insights and attitudes. In this phase we can use the classical, conventional market research techniques if we want to get primary data, such as focus group interviews, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, but there are new methods as well. One of such novel methods is netnography. The biggest advantage of this research method is that the researcher can observe the consumer groups’ state of mind and decision-making mechanisms through publicly available communication sources in their natural environment. In this study it will be analysed how the directions of netnographic researches have changed by the dynamic changes of the internet. Besides, online participants’ attitudes towards healthconscious nutrition are analysed in practice. As a result of this study, special groups could be identified, which can provide a new perspective for the companies operating in this field beside the classical segmentation techniques. These groups can be the ones which draw up latent market requirements, and thus, helping the companies’ innovation processes.

  • The significance of analysing potential conflicts in the sales-marketing integration

    Our research aims to identify the critical interfaces between sales and marketing that need to be improved in order to ensure productive cooperation. The relationship between the two departments is full of conflicts and interdependencies. The improvement of communication is of strategical importance, as it is key to staying competitive in the market. The effectiveness and quality of the sales-marketing cooperation is a key factor that is negatively affected by personal and organisational factors as well as a lack of information and conflicts. In addition to the key factors of managing the sales-marketing interfaces, we have also identified the actions that can promote their improvement, including strategic and organisational roles and responsibilities. Our empirical research results show that regular information exchange, more common and interdisciplinary meetings, and a clearly communicated and implemented corporate vision have a positive effect on the coordination and integration of the sales and marketing departments. Consequently, management is reponsible for establishing a corporate vision, i.e. a comprehensive management culture that is clearly communicated across the board in order to increase the employees’ sense of belonging. Of all elements of management culture, the most important factors are coordination and the establishment of a common strategic sysyem. All in all, corporate profit, which is of key importance to the employer, is largely dependent on the successful integration of the sales and marketing departments, which can be achieved through the implementation of the above factors.

  • Examination of Consumer Perception of Web Stores by Netnography in the Period of COVID-19

    Online shopping has become more and more part of our everyday lives, as proved by the fact that in the midst of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, online retailing has grown by more than 30% in Hungary. International research has shown that nearly 90% of consumers take into account the online reviews as much as the recommendations of family or friends before their purchases, digital channels, including Facebook have the greatest impact on their decisions. In our research, in connection with a specific campaign, Black Friday, we examined how actively the highest-traffic stores – having online shops as well - use Facebook to reach and influence the customers. We chose netnography as the method of our research, and we analysed the posts published on the Facebook pages of the five chosen online shops, furthermore, the customer reactions and comments given in connection with the posts. Our results show that three of the five chosen online shops applied Facebook campaigns within the action. By analyzing the comments, they were classifiedinto 5 categories based on satisfaction and trust: satisfied, dissatisfied, interested, trolls, and mute groups.

  • Dimensions of Ethnocentric Emotions in Hungary

    The concept ot ethnocentrism appeared first in the literature in the early 1900s. Since then, several international and national studies have focused on defining this concept and have aimed at the investigation of its role in terms of national and international product opinion. The consumer’s decision is influenced not only by the different marketing effects (product, price, place, promotion), but also by the cultural, social, personal and psychological characteristics of the costumers. The examination of ethnocentrism – as a socio-psychological concept – is increasingly important in marketing research. This paper focuses on exploring the dimensions of ethnocentric emotions. My aim is to support the assumption that these dimensions have a significant influence on the thinking of the consumer society. As a result of my primary research, I introduce these dimensions and terminate consumer segments. Based on my research it can be stated that the ethnocentric emotions (such as patriotism, national superiority, national consciousness, national discrimination) are determinants of consumer thinking and demonstrate the fact that awareness of ethnocentric emotions can be the basis for marketing strategies to protect national products.

  • A Best-worst Scaling Usage in Marketing Research

    Best-worst scaling (BWS) is a method of data collection and / or a theory of how respondents give the first and worst rankings in a list. In my article, I look at what best-worst scaling (BWS) is, what areas it is used to, and what the method itself is. I then turn to the BWS method, within which I examine its element: the BWS object case (case 1), the BWS profile case (case 2), and the BWS multi-profile case (case 3). I will detail the use of BWS in marketing research, and then compare the Likert-scaling method and BWS. I summarize my conclusions at the end of my article.

  • Volunteering in Sport

    The subject of our research was the examination of the sports ambition and its motivational background. Our aim was to examine the volunteer experience of young adults in volunteering. Our goal was also to analyze the areas in which sports are chosen most voluntarily and what motivates them in sport. The basis for our questionnaire research was the concept of volunteering "4 W" (who, what, where, why). The questionnaire was designed to answer these questions in relation to sports ambition. The data of the questionnaire completed by 371 young adults (mean age = 23.93, sd = 9.93) were analyzed using SPSS statistical software, where we calculated basic statistics (mean, standard deviation, median, mode) and Chi2 test. More than 75% of the respondents have already worked as volunteers. One of the most popular areas of volunteering was sport. The most frequented volunteering area was among schoolchildren and students as well as university sports among young people, after which the area of competition and recreational sports proved to be the most popular. The main motivation of young volunteer workers was the following, : „I had a good mood”, „I loved sport”, „teamwork”, „work experience”, „learning and skill development” and „career perspective”. Organizations, marketing and communication areas in the field of sporting events and sportsclubs volunteering were the most popular in the area where the respondents had experience. A significant difference was found in the field of organizing and marketing volunteering in sports events, 61% of Hungarians worked, while respondents from other countries were only 34.2% (p <0.05). In the field of communication, higher values of respondents from other countries (45.7%), compared with Hungarians (33.7%) (p <0.05).

  • Examining the Competitiveness of Fish Products on the Market

    Fish and fishery products are one of the key ingredients in human nutrition and are therefore outstanding in terms of both production and trade. Different processed fish products are available in many countries around the world due to globalization and a fast supply chain. In our study, we examined the market for fish and fishery products using secondary data collection. The data were collected several years ago from the databases of FAO, EUROSTAT, COMTRADE and KSH The comparative advantages or disadvantages of international trade were determined with the help of the RCA index for the role of Hungary and the EU in the world in the case of different categories of fish products. The aim of our research is to compare the fish products of different processing in Hungary and in the EU compared to the international situation, paying special attention to the main exporting and importing countries. Based on the secondary research the study has a detailed the specificities of trade, the trends observed in recent years and the competitiveness of fish products in Hungary and the Member States of the European Union and effect relationships behind the RCA-index results.

  • Management Practices from Christian Point of View

    Globalisation is a complex and worldwide process overarching historical times and continents. However the phenomenon brought efficiency and new opportunities to companies, providing practically free access to raw materials, labour and knowledge, it also caused negative effects like the degradation of the biosphere, greater social and economic inequality especially in the developing countries. There are some companies operating worldwide which have acquired great economic power and influence. and governments have only limited possibilities (if any) to regulate their operation. The expenses of profit maximisation are high, which are often ‘paid’ by the socialnatural environment (as externalities) and/or by humans. The aim of our study is to overview how current business relations could be formed to be more „human friendly”. The research is done from a Christian philosophy point of view, focusing on the employees as the major stakeholder group of the comanies. As part of the study some practical examples and Hungarian organisations related to this topic are introduced in order to highlight the relevance of the topic.

  • The Middle East perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Middle East is gaining more importance than in the past. Although it still remains more about philanthropy and charity, it moves towards a more strategic approach which includes formalizing ways of giving, as a set of non-random actions, and focuses more on addressing social ills and environment, economic challenges, that are hindering development. However, the business in the region has not yet taken the step to fully integrate the CSR into their core business operations. The most common challenges that facing the CSR implementation are the lack of government requirements and incentives, spreading awareness, building CSR partnership model, going beyond the marketing and PR campaigns, and full integration of CSR into the business strategy. In this paper, we aim to introduce the current state of the CSR in the Middle East and its perspectives, besides reviewing its evaluation stages, motivations, and current challenges. Moreover, we aim to examine CSR common practices through examples from the financial sector. The research method applied in this research is based on secondary data sources and we have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic.

  • Markmyprofessor: the More the Better?

    Student evaluation of faculty members is a current topic both internationally and in Hungary, partly due to the massification and partly due to the marketization of higher education. One of the evaluation methods is the internet-based voluntary rating which was started by in the U.S.A. and whose Hungarian counterpart is Research studies on the U.S. website – among many other critics – established that reliability of this evaluation method highly depends on the frequency of ratings: if an individual tutor is evaluated by more students, then the standard deviation of the ratings is smaller. The previous conclusion about the U.S. website is tested in our study based on Hungarian data. Our main result is that many of the experiences about echo the previous findings about Beside this in the Hungarian sample the higher response rate is associated with lower average ratings.

  • What Image is Conveyed by the Webpages of Hungarian Higher Education Institutions?

    This exploratory study analyses the online higher education marketing practice in Hungary. It examines the homepages of all of the state accredited higher education institutions in Hungary. The selected dimensions of the examination are to measure different aspects of openness expressed by the image published on the homepages to their audience. State vs. non-state financed (and as a sub-category of the latter: church financed) institutions are compared along these dimensions, as well as universities vs. colleges (according to their status both before 2000 and present). The main finding of the research is that there is a statistically significant evidence that the homepages expressed different images for the analysed institution groups. Differentiating signals between state financed institutions vs. non-state financed institutions, as well as between universities vs. colleges were identified: the number of pictures published on the main page, the presence of sliders, the accessibility of the website to people with visual impairment and to non-Hungarian speakers, and the access to social media. State institutions and universities were found to publish a more open image via their homepages than the non-state financed institutions and the colleges.

  • Current Challenges of Personal Branding

    The purpose of this study is to highlight the importance of collaborating with influencers as one of the most recent marketing tools. This article is intended to help brands and influenceres in critical situations, such as problems encountered in measuring performance or finding the right strategic partners, as mentioned in the literature. In the future – among the many potential research areas – we plan to study the self-branding of athletes and find key factors that distinguish influencers from other people.

  • Bread Making and Consumption Habits in the Gluten-free Diet

    Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder characterized by sensitivity to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in many grain products (wheat, rye, barley and oat). When a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, his/her immune system perceives the gluten to be a harmful substance and reacts negatively. The only treatment for people with celiac disease is lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Bread is a basic and frequently consumed food made from basically gluten-containing grains. Bread plays essential role in the Hungarian dining habits, thus bread consumption in the gluten-free diet is a challenging question. The aim of our empirical research was to investigate the gluten-free bread making and consumption habits of people following a gluten-free diet.

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