
Examination of Consumer Perception of Web Stores by Netnography in the Period of COVID-19


Copyright (c) 2022 Valentina Balogh-Kardos, Tímea Gál

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Balogh-Kardos, V., & Gál, T. (2022). Examination of Consumer Perception of Web Stores by Netnography in the Period of COVID-19 . International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 7(1).
Received 2021-04-29
Accepted 2022-01-08
Published 2022-04-08

Online shopping has become more and more part of our everyday lives, as proved by the fact that in the midst of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, online retailing has grown by more than 30% in Hungary. International research has shown that nearly 90% of consumers take into account the online reviews as much as the recommendations of family or friends before their purchases, digital channels, including Facebook have the greatest impact on their decisions. In our research, in connection with a specific campaign, Black Friday, we examined how actively the highest-traffic stores – having online shops as well - use Facebook to reach and influence the customers. We chose netnography as the method of our research, and we analysed the posts published on the Facebook pages of the five chosen online shops, furthermore, the customer reactions and comments given in connection with the posts. Our results show that three of the five chosen online shops applied Facebook campaigns within the action. By analyzing the comments, they were classifiedinto 5 categories based on satisfaction and trust: satisfied, dissatisfied, interested, trolls, and mute groups.

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