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  • Value Creation along a Production-Service Value Chain

    Today’s products and services are so complicated and intertwined that their individual value creation is hard to determine. It is especially true when the products and services are necessary complements of each other and when they are affecting customer satisfaction for a long time. In the case of durable products needing professional installment service, the study of value creation poses many difficulties. Our research shows and emphasizes the process characteristic of value creation, and how the different steps (production, service, long-term use) should be looked at, and what further analyses can be done.

  • The Manageable Development is a Lean Basis for a Small Organization

    The lean approach is based on the buyer, while eliminating losses, in addition to value creation and efficiency gains, it determines the direction of developments in the process. To successfully build and maintain lean, engagement and development is indispensable, but it is not as simple as changing past behaviors and attitudes. The company also realized that changes were needed, as the increased number of employees in the company, and the increase in production and the profits associated with it, made it clear that organizational development is needed. The organization development was started by SWOT analysis, and along with Ishikawa's assay, I discovered whether LEAN was necessary for the company. With Gemba, I took a look at the problems and then categorized them to designate development points.

  • Environmental Challenges – Strategic Responses

    The paper serves the purpose of understanding better how businesses and enterprises may handle the changes happening in their environment using the tools of management. Radical changes are happening in the environment of businesses, primarily as a result of the massive and forceful appearance of new opportunities and constraints brought by the technological development. Some of the businesses participates actively in the creation of changes. For other businesses the main issue is the way they may handle the changes. How may businesses and enterprises adapt to the new environmental characteristic is the main issue under scrutiny in this paper.

  • Analysis of the Situation and Structure of Passenger Transport in Hungary

    Traffic and transportation are important segments, as they contribute to the economy's functioning, to mobility, trade and job creation. Transport per capita spending in recent years exceeded 10% of the total spending of the population. In the first part of my article, I review the characteristics and importance of passenger transport. In the subsequent chapters, I will show how significant are the trends and differences that can be discovered when analysing population spending on transport, car purchases and maintenance and passenger transport by age group and educational attainment.

  • A Literature Review: Artificial Intelligence Impact on the Recruitment Process

    This paper aim is to review the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Human Resources Management (HRM) recruitment processes. A systematic review was adopted in which academic papers, magazine articles as well as high rated websites with related fields were checked. The findings of this study should contribute to the general understanding of the impact of AI on the HRM recruitment process. It was impossible to track and cover all topics related to the subject. However, the research methodology used seems to be reasonable and acceptable as it covers a good number of articles which are related to the core subject area. The results and findings were almost clear that using AI is advantages in the area of recruitment as technology can serve best in this area. Moreover, time, efforts, and boring daily tasks are transformed to be computerized which makes a good space for humans to focus on more important subjects related to boosting performance and development. Acquiring automation and cognitive insights as well as cognitive engagement in the recruitment process would make it possible for systems to work similarly to the human brain in terms of data analysis and the ability to build an effective systematic engagement to process the data in an unbiased, efficient and fast way.

  • The Possible Job Creation and Job Destructive Effects of Technological Development

    Throughout history, technological change has often provided the basis for employee anxiety. Between 1811 and 1816, a group of workers in England who called themselves "Luddists" destroyed machines, because they thought it would endanger their workplace. 19th-century thinkers and economists such as Karl Marx and David Ricardo predicted that mechanizing the economy would ultimately worsen workers' conditions, depriving them of a decent wage. Over the last century, John M. Keynes (1930s) and Wassily Leontief (1950s) have expressed their fears that more and more workers will be replaced by machine solutions that will lead to unemployment. In recent years, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) have argued that existing technologies reduce the demand for labor and put some of the human workforce at a permanent disadvantage. However, there are a number of compensation mechanisms that can offset the initial displacement effects of automation and process innovation in general (Vivarelli, 2015). First of all, while workers are being replaced in industries that introduce new machine technology, additional workers in new industries are needed. Second, automation (and process innovation in general) reduces average costs. Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) found that this results, on the one hand, in the effect of price productivity (“priceproductivity”) (as production costs decrease, the industry can expand and increase labor demand); and, on the other hand, it leads to economies of scale in production (the reduction in costs due to automation leads to an increase in total output and increases the demand for labor in all industries). Similarly, Vivarelli (2015) argues that lower average costs can result in lower prices (if the industry's market structure is perfectly competitive), stimulate product demand, or result in extra profits (if the industry's structure is not perfectly competitive). If these extra profits are reinvested in the company, this investment can create new jobs. The presentation intends to present these counterbalancing cases and to provide real examples based on the literature.

  • Operation of the Mediacentrum Debrecen

    The media market has been significantly rearranged over the last two decades. The local media of bigger cities worked for a long time in the background of local television. In addition to county print newspapers, television was the main source of information. Changes in media consumption habits, technical development have brought new market demands and new forms of appearance. Most of the local televisions, such as the Debrecen Television, were forced into operational and organizational change. With the expansion of the media portfolio, it has reached the dominant media of the region, covering the entire market segment, where content creation and providing the background of content delivery are at the highest level.

  • Vehicle Dynamic Simulation Possibilities Using AVL Cruise M

    In most cases, when creating vehicle dynamics simulations, we need software that can speed up model creation and simulation. There are many programs on the market for this purpose, but they have different knowledge and user interfaces. We present in this article briefly introduces the use of one of the market's leading vehicle simulation software, the AVL Cruise M.

  • CSR Strategy Creation

    The starting point for the need for social responsibility is to combat the deterioration and destruction of social and environmental values. The social and economic factors induce both society and the economy, including companies, to prioritize their social role. Corporate responsibility needs to be incorporated into the company's strategy so that it can be more planned in the long term, since CSR can thus maximize its impact, ultimately leading to maximizing profits. To be able to develop a strategy, we must first look at the broader environment to which we can apply PEST analysis, by analyzing the social, legal, polo-social and social environment. To take a closer look at the company's narrower environment, we can use the SWOT analysis to identify the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and dangers. Based on these, the Hoshin Kanri method can be used to transform the company's own CSR strategy both short and long-term in order to become part of the corporate culture.

  • Analysis of a Special, 3D Metal-Printed HPDC Tool Material

    High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) is still the most productive metal-casting method of our time, however the more demanding are the industrial expectations, the more challenging it becomes to ensure the creation of the difficult cavity geometries and the thermal balance of the die-cast tool. New perspective is required, thus we can utilize high heat-conductivity tool steels and additive manufacturing technology.

  • Process Innovation Tools and Strategies in Production Management

    The method of process innovation helps to recognize the opportunities in production processes that represent clear competitive advantage. Using it, up to 30% change is available in increasing productivity and in the reducing of costs, stocks, and lead times. There is no need for complicated methods in the process development. The power of logical, simple tools relies on the fact that everyone can learn, understand, apply them and give quick feedback about their operation. Significant changes have been made in today's possibilities of designing and operating production systems. The emergence of cyber physical systems, the opportunities offered by big data, and the "Internet of Things" (Internet of Things) have shown strong research potential for more efficient logistics and manufacturing systems. The potential of network co-operation, information gathered from tracing materials in production and communication between machines provide a wide-range of optimization opportunities for manufacturing processes. The toolkit presented in the research cannot only be used in direct production; almost all parts of the value creation process can be broken down into routine actions, so the causes of the problems can be analyzed and the development of the process’ parts can be easier implemented.

  • What is worth knowing about the establishment from a work safety point of view

    Under establishment, we mean the process that results in the creation of a new unit (eg factory, plant, office, etc.), a workplace or an existing one what will be renewed, expanded or restructured, or installed; installed on a machine, plant, appliance, whether or not for productive or non-productive purposes. It is generally true that the design, construction, use and subsequent operation of workplaces, facilities, technology, materials, energy, personal protective equipment; production, distribution, import, transportation, movement, use and use of workplaces; in the absence of these, the requirements of the scientific-technical standard can be expected. An employer, operator, and service provider must adapt to market conditions. Accordingly, it should monitor the expectations of customers, business partners, market changes, trends to adapt to expectations, and therefore constantly develop their products, services, produce reliable quality, ensure that quality meets the market expectations providing personal and material conditions to ensure that employees can effectively and safely meet market expectations. The recognized business perception of the employer is to accomplish the above, the objectives to be achieved must be formulated, priority should be given to the potential risks (with particular regard to occupational safety risks) to be measured, measures to be taken to ensure effectiveness, short-, medium- and long-term planning, investment.

  • The Importance of Energy Management in Hungary

    One of the important elements of our everyday life is energy, but the amount of it is constantly decreasing, so it is advisable to include renewable energies in our energy management in addition to traditional energy sources. In the field of energy management, the use of renewable energies deserves attention because their share is increasing, although their percent is small. At present, Hungary and the European Union's energy policy contain guidelines that aim to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources. These directives contribute to achieving environmental and climate protection goals, job creation, territorial and urban development, and the reduction of dependence on energy imports. In my article, I would like to present various calculations in the field of energy management as a result of the previously described information and I would like to explore the energy management contexts that have come to the fore when examining residential energy consumption

  • Micromechanical Model of Dry Friction Hybrid Polymer Composite Clutch Facings

    Modelling the complex coupled thermomechanical and tribological contact of a dry friction clutch system between cast iron flywheel and scatter-wound hybrid composite clutch facing requires a thought through investigation of the friction material properties and behaviour. Challenges of the creation of a mechanical stiffness matrix for such a complex material are described in this paper along with simplification ideas and solutions.

  • Challenges of the Quality- and Change Management in the Context of Upcoming Social-Industrial Changes (5.0) – Conclusion of a Survey

    The upcoming industrial-social revolution, which may be called the 5.0, is emphasizing the coordination of the value-creating work of technology (machine) and man. This approach wishes to move towards sustainability, which deserves a significant role in nowadays through the world empathizing the negative effects of the wolrd. During my research I was looking for the answer that how the extended industry 4.0 and its tone be in Hungary via supply chain of the automotive industry. During my research I was looking for the answer that how the extended industry 4.0 be in Hungary and its tune through supply chain of the automotive industry. I also have examined that which changes are justified regarding management systems in interest of efficiency and emphasizing the human capital by leaders interviewed. As a part of qualitative research in-depth expert interviews were interpreted with help of content analysis based on the methodology of grounded theory. The results demonstrate the need to review and change existing processes in order to ensure that the potential of human capital is not lost and that technological development, even more so, is at the service of human resources in order to achieve its efficiency and effectiveness. Among the possible tools we can find the re-structurizing changes of post tracking processes of the audits in management systems providing quality. Furthermore, the practical implementation of multifactorial statistical process control in the evaluation of processed data, which may be one of the essences of industrial (IoT) data.

  • The Empirical Examination of Firm Value Drivers Regarding the Global Financial Crisis

    The article focuses the corporate value creation and the most important value drivers. The first goal of the paper is to classify the most relevant value drivers, and their function of the firms’ value. Further objective of this study is to introduce the effects of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. This article demonstrates the following. The first part presents the value chain and illustrates the primary and the support activities of the corporates. The second section briefly presents the 2007-2008 financial global economic crisis, introducing its causes, events and financial aspects. The third empirical part of the article analyses the database featuring data from 18 European countries, 10 sectors and 1553 firms in the period between 2004 and 2011. At the end, the fourth part contains conclusions. Based on the related literature reviewed and in the conducted empirical research it can be assessed that 2008 can be seen unambiguously as the year of the financial crisis. In this year, all predictors had a negative effect on the criterion variable, the firm value.

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