Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017)

Published March 20, 2017


Materials Sciences

  • Visual Analysis and Geometric Modeling of Metal Foams

    The development of an efficient procedure for 3D modelling and finite element simulation of metal foams
    is one of the greatest challenges to engineer researchers nowadays. Creating 3D CAD model is alone a demanding
    engineering task due to its extremely complex geometry, and the proper finite element analysis process is still in the
    center of the research. The aim of this project is to analyze the related literature and to adapt the results may be


  • Enclosed Garden

    The archetype of the enclosed garden is the medieval hortus conclusus, which make the perfect type from the former types. The enclosed gardens of nowadays have developed from the hortus conclusus, which behave like a prism. Peter Zumthor's Serpentine Gallery Pavilion is the best example for the contemporary hortus conclusus. The purpose of our study to make a typological collection about contemporary enclosed gardens. The base of the typology is the borderline of the garden, the wall of the garden. We based the study of borderline to Dom Hans van der Laan's architectural theory and his monastery building in Vaals. We analyze the typology by six contemporary enclosed gardens from the simple wall to the building volume through the volumes of the wall. The openings of the walls can be the next way of our analysis.

  • Topography the Rehabilitation of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County's Settlements

    The purpose of the dissertation to explore the problems of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county’s villages and to give solving advices for these problems. The conservation of the small-scaled settlements is important because these are our culture’s past. The villagers are claiming for the citylife, so it will be excedient to form the villages in this way. I took Aldo van Eyck’s life-work as a basis and I looked for the playground’s village sized scale. The morphologic grouping what was made for this searching has a good effect of the settlements’s original texture. If the playgrounds be fit in the settlements’s structure there will be a changing and draw the attention to the significance of these settlements.

  • Conemporary Danish Architecture- Humanity and Rationality

    In my study I have examined the characteristics of contemporary Danish architecture and the way how they formed. In Denmark, there is strongly rooted social atmosphere. The architectural efforts strongly reflects the social problems every time, considering the environmental aspects. The regionalist methods appear in the architecture, because of this the different architectural styles appear specific way. Self-reflective and analytical way the Danish architects try to answer the contemporary issues, even more emphasize the human factor.

  • Healer Architecture - the Survival of Industrial Buildings

    Protection of industrial buildings can be observed in Western Europe from around the 1970s, technically it was born on the concept of industrial heritage. Industrial archeology was created in Anglo-Saxon areas, which is getting a deal with valued lying areas of the city, related to „rust zones”. [1] The industrial buildings have particular historical value, nevertheless, this day will be very tight space within the scope of protection of monuments. However, often the monument protection does not guarantee the survival because of the lack of investor demand, money and the pursuit of rehabilitation. It’s become a big deal with rehabilitation that the most of us considered the abandoned industrial buildings as ruins.

Civil Engineering

  • Transportation System of Major Cities in the Middle East

    The quality of transportation has a great effect on the quality of our everyday life and the future of our planet. In contrary to Europe, transportation culture of the big cities in the Middle East region has grown fully different way. These Middle Eastern cities tend to have a different historical, traditional and structural background compared to other cities all around the world. One of these big cities is in the focus of our paper: Rijad, with 6 million inhabitants is the archetypal car dominated city of the Arabic world. We also elaborated a comparison to 4 other cities: Dubai as a city similar to Rijad, Amsterdam as a city with a modern green attitude, Budapest as a metropolitan city in Hungary and last but not least Debrecen which is a Hungarian city with moderate population. As a lesson learnt, we try to give some possibilities and outlooks for Rijad, in order to improve the structure of transportation.


  • Economic Analysis of Thermal Insulation Systems

    One of today's most important problem of inadequate energy management. In Hungary, most of the buildings considered to be outdated in the building materials used and taking into account the construction technology. A significant part of the heat energy used for heating purposes before leaving the environment through the building envelope elements used in time. In our study we investigate whether an average house how much energy you can save the facade walls with insulation.

Building Service Engineering

  • Control Valve Testing During Operation

    The most commonly used control technology in building engineering is mixing. The purpose of the measurement is to find out what effects have the different control valve position combinations on the system. How the mixing efficiency changes in these cases.

  • Wind Tunnel Making in Practise

    In this paper, we examined the low speed wind-tunnels. Our goal is to construct an open flow system windtunnel that can be utilized in our measurements. To make such a wind-tunnel we needed to build a prototype and calibrated with the help of measurements. Than we determined the flow at the area of measurement. Finally results of the measurements satisfied our expectations. Although there is still much more in development that we would like to do based on the newly gained experience.

  • Examination of an Office Building's Energy-Producing Opportunities Using the Temperature Frequency Curve

    In our study we would like to choose the energy generating system for a business center in Mátészalka. The
    system will cover the heating energy demand of shops and offices of the building. The heat demand of the building
    was calculated by a computer program. The energy demand was calculated with help of the Temperature
    Frequency Graph. In our study we choose bolilers and heat-pumps. We compared their operating costs.

Environmental Engineering

  • Ecological Research of the Kő-hegy in Budaörs by Innovative Developmental Possibilities

    The function of the environmental education is essential for the sake of the natural environment. The amazing view from Kő-hegy is noticeable, and it must be preserved for the next generations. Today to achieve the environmental conscious forming aspects it’s necessary to develop modern applications and environmental education. The aim of research is the innovative development to sustainability

  • Monitoring of Debrecen WWTP Biogas Fermentation Processes by Chemical Methods

    The anaerobic digestion is a widely used economical method for sewage sludge stabilization and also purification of waste water with a high organic content. All effective anaerobic digesters transform the organic matter into biogas containing methane, which usable component covers a significant share of the heat and electricity consumption of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The increasing amount of biogas is a priority task of WWTPs, which we can achieve a deeper knowledge of anaerobic digestion processes. The main task of this study is the optimization of anaerobic sludge treatment of Debrecen WWTP. Digester towers processes and their impact on the biogas yield were also priority studied.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Optical Industry Produced Grey Water, Proposal For Treatment Technology

    Our research we investigated Carl Zeiss Vision Hungary Kft. grey water from laundry. Our research aims to provide the optical industry produced grey water quality and quantity parameters to obtain a comprehensive picture. The quality parameters for additional aim was to test, whether it is worth tut collect grey water produced in the optical industry to the place of origin. Subsequently, the development of a treatment technology that economically it would be valuable for the company. It has been observed that it is not necessary tut collect grey water from washing machines and cleaning machinery, since it is similar to the organic load them. It was based on a financial assessment of the grey water treatment technologies in two technologies: coagulation-flocculation and aerobic bio membran technology. Investment and maintenance costs in respect of the implementation of the aerobic clearly bio membran technology proved to be more economical.

Mechatronical Engineering

  • Parallel Data Acquisition and Processing with Paspberry Pi Clusters

    Computer network was built from Raspberry Pis, what can solve research task in the filed of building mechatronics. According to the results, it can state the cluster built from Raspberry Pis, can process indoor sensor data effectively

  • Simulation of a Quadcopter with LabVIEW

    The aim of the paper was to create a LabVIEW-based Real-Time embedded system supported development environment, which was used for the Real-Time kinematics and dynamics simulation of a quad copter as well as the adherent state-feedback controller. The state-feedback controller was designed with Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based method.

  • Measurement of Friction Losses of Electro-Pneumatical Valves with Industrial Devices

    The pneumatic devices are frequently used in several fields of the industry but the losses and pressure
    drops of the pneumatic system are not really investigated. These losses can cause great property damages during long uptime because the compressed air is a quite expensive energy source. I designed a measuring system which is able to measure the friction losses of electro-pneumatic 5/2-way valves (monostable and bistable too). It is possible to choose between manual and automatic operation modes as well. In the automatic mode the system makes measurements in three different user-defined pressure levels. In the manual mode the measuring pressure can be set between 2-6 bars. An automatic evaluate program is also an important part of the created system. It gives the possibility of the fast evaluation of the saved data and it could be the base of a fast report generating application.

Management Sciences

  • Product Assembly Process Improvement of Agricultural Cultivator Trailers

    The aim of our paper is to increase production efficiency of a small and medium sized enterprise by
    applying cost-effective process development tools. The existence of the firms depends on their business processes,
    because optimally-organised process is a key in the run of business (business run) in a productive way. In order to
    keep and grow the competitive edge with the competitions, firms must supervise their processes with constant
    frequency, and if it is needed, procedures must be developed. In this case, company can resort to both human and
    physical resources. Our experiment focused on the development of an assembly process at a small sized enterprise.
    Applying process modelling techniques, and diagnostic procedures, and also data gathering methods we try to get to
    define corrective actions, with which the whole lead time can be reduced by 50%. For investigate and rank waste we
    use failure mode and effects analysis and 5 whys methods.

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