Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)

Published October 21, 2016



  • Unfinished Spaces

    My paper studies unfinished spaces . My research is mainly focused on defining the concept of space and the adaptive characteristics of it. It also tackles the issue of "being unfinshed" based on various aspects and perspectives.

  • Sections of Hungarian Contemporary Architecture and Fine Arts

    In my study I have examined the sections of Hungarian contemporary architecture and fine arts. In the historical overview it has become clear that two turning points have influenced contemporary arts: the total art work (Gesamtkunstwerk) of the Ghotic and Baroque styles. I listed the sections in three categories: metamorphosis, relationship and section. The sections are the highest level of these categories. I explained my research in detail by analyzing these sections, at János Megyik's art and his Gate statue at Life Science building and library at the University of Debrecen.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo

    Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most prominent architects of the first half of the twentieth century. Wright's architecture was given a name organic, also known as organic architecture, which means the effort to harmonize the buildings and the surrounding natural environment. During his life he designed a lot of buildings, but perhaps one of the most important buildings which received the biggest negative and positive response is the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

  • Tuff in Eger and the Surrounding Area

    In my paper I present the formation and application of a rock which is abundant in the area

Civil Engineering

  • Experimental Study of Connections with Hardwood Studs

    Attitude change is needed in design of timber structures. Truss girder made of timber elements wi th small cross sections can be used on large spans. Constructing structures with the use of these prefabricated trusses reduces the need of in-site work, and makes the use of ti mber structures economic. Rods of truss can be connected with the use of hardwood stud. On this way all steel components can be eliminated from the truss, so it can be used in aggressive environment as well. Dowel type connection, with hard wood stud is the subject of the present research. Hardwood studs were investigated individually and also as the part of separated connections of the truss girder.

Building Service Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

  • Utilization of grinding dross remained from production process in order to minimize waste and save costs

    It is i mportant to reuse wastes from production process particulary. In the course of metal roughing grinding dross comes off. Its oil content is high enough to treat i t wi th piston briquette machinery and by this methode  part of this oil can be retrievable and returned to production. By means of making a ma terial balance I determined how much effective the machinery has to be to work the dross and its payback was also calculated.

  • Environmental Considerations in Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Through the Example of Boeing Andairbus Companies

    Aircraft manufacturing industry has developed dynamically in the last decades. Reinforced polymers have become the most dominant raw materials, while the recycling rate of the generated industrial waste has also increased. The fuel efficiency of the engines has increased, and the emitted CO2 per capita has significantly fallen. However, the environmental impact of the aircraft manufacturing industry seems to reach a permanent level. In this study, we have analyzed the environmental impact and the environmental considerations of the aircraft manufacturing industry through the examples of Boeing and Airbus companies. Our goal was to determine the relation between industrial growth and the environmental impact, particularly to the potential innovations.

  • Assessment of Mycotoxin Contamination of Foods

    According to RASFF reports, in the present, pathogenic microorganisms, pesticide residues and mycotoxins are the most frequent food contaminants. In 2014, 12% of the total notifications were caused by mycotoxin contamination. In this study we have analyzed the RASFF notifications that are related to the mycotoxin contaminations. It can be stated that aflatoxin is responsible for 90% of the total mycotoxin notifications, and the total notification number has decrease by 40% since 2004. However the number of oc hratoxin-A notifications are slowly increasing. Aflatoxin was mainly detected in nuts and nut products and oil seeds, especially groundnuts, while ochratoxin-A was detected in fruits (more than 85% in figs) and spices. The number of deoxynivalenol and fumonisin notifications were significantly less, however some appear every year for cereals and bakery products, especially corn and wheat. Zearalenone and patulin were detected only in 16 and 18 cases but 22% of the patulin notifications are related to baby food, so the tracking of patulin is really important.

  • Examination of Innovative Wastewater Treatment Method for Chemical Treatment of Municipal Wastewater

    The VízTEC Ltd. and Debrecen Waterworks Co.’s management mutually expressed their intention, that to designate a period of research examining the Debrecen Waste Water Treatment Plant’s (WWTP) intensification. During this period, the newly developed product, VIRON Plus 40 coagulating agent will be tested provided by the VízTEC Ltd. The aim of using the VIRON Plus 40 coagulating agent is the examination of intensification opportunities of Debrecen WWTP. The functions of the new generation of coagulants go beyond inorganic phosphorus precipitation and are growing. A modern WWTP is not only clean the water but also produces energy and usable sludge product. The appropriate energy balance, cost efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions reduction get increasing emphasis in WWTP’ operations.

Mechatronical Engineering

Management Sciences

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