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  • Herschel's heritage and today's technology integration: a postulated parallel
    During the early 20th century, advocacy of a range of mathematical technologies played a central part in movements for the reform of mathematical education which emphasised ‘practical mathematics' and the ‘mathematical laboratory'. However, as these movements faltered, few of the associated technologies were able to gain and maintain a place in school mathematics. One conspicuous exception was a technology, originally championed by the mathematician Herschel, which successfully permeated the school mathematics curriculum because of its:
    • Disciplinary congruence with influential contemporary trends in mathematics.
    • External currency in wider mathematical practice beyond the school.
    • Adoptive facility of incorporation in classroom practice and curricular activity.
    • Educational advantage of perceived benefits outweighing costs and concerns.
    An analogous perspective is applied to the situation of new technologies in school mathematics in the early 21st century. At a general level, the cases of calculators and computers are contrasted. At a more specific level, the educational prospects of CAS and DGS are assessed.
  • Comment les enseignants en formation initiale utilisent les technologies informatiques dans leurs classes
    The research presented here deals with the way French pre-service teachers assimilate the working of technology tools and the effects on professional practice of integrating these tools into classes. We focused on the professional writings of pre-service teachers regarding the use of technology in their teaching. The results show that, besides official instructions, the motivations put forward by pre-service teachers who integrated technology in their classes are mainly their students' interest in computers and how powerful this tool is. They also show that in such an environment teachers tend to keep in the background and to leave the students to interact chiefly with the computer. We also noticed that the specificities of managing a classroom in computer environment are not taken into account unless they generate problems.
    Résumé. La recherche présentée ici porte sur l'appropriation des outils informatiques par les enseignants français en formation initiale et les effets de leur intégration dans les classes sur les pratiques professionnelles. Nous avons pris comme objet d'étude des écrits professionnels, élaborés par ces professeurs stagiaires, portant sur l'utilisation des TIC dans leur enseignement. Les résultats obtenus font apparaître qu'outre les injonctions institutionnelles, les motivations invoquées par les stagiaires pour recourir à l'informatique concernent surtout l'attrait de leurs élèves pour l'ordinateur et la puissance de cet outil. Dans le cadre des usages en classe, nos résultats montrent que l'enseignant a tendance à s'effacer devant l'ordinateur, considéré comme l'interlocuteur privilégié de l'élève. Nous avons aussi pu constater que les spécificités de la gestion de la classe en environnement informatique ne sont prises en compte que lorsqu'elles se révèlent sources de problèmes.
  • Using the computer to visualise graph-oriented problems
    The computer, if used more effectively, could bring advances that would improve mathematical education dramatically, not least with its ability to calculate quickly and display moving graphics. There is a gap between research results of the enthusiastic innovators in the field of information technology and the current weak integration of the use of computers into mathematics teaching.
    This paper examines what exactly the real potentials of using some mathematics computer software are to support mathematics teaching and learning in graph-oriented problems, more specifically we try to estimate the value added impact of computer use in the mathematics learning process.
    While electronic computation has been used by mathematicians for five decades, it has been in the hands of teachers and learners for at most three decades but the real breakthrough of decentralised and personalised micro-computer-based computing has been widely available for less than two decades. And it is the latter facility that has brought the greatest promise for computers in mathematics education. That computational aids overall do a better job of holding students' mathematical interest and challenging them to use their intellectual power to mathematical achievement than do traditional static media is unquestionable. The real question needing investigation concerns the circumstances where each is appropriate.
    A case study enabled a specification of advantages and obstacles of using computers in graph-oriented questions. Individual students' interviews revealed two less able students' reactions, difficulties and misinterpretations while using computers in mathematics learning.
    Among research outcomes is that the mathematical achievement of the two students observed improved and this makes teaching with computers an overriding priority for each defined teaching method.
    This paper may not have been realised without the valuable help of the Hungarian Eötvös State Grant.