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  • Overview of the accessibility of webpages, related research, advantages, guidelines and recommendation
    The essay aims to provide a survey of web accessibility, introduce the relevant research results along with describing the advantages of obstacle free webpages. Furthermore, I will attempt to promote the awareness of the significance of accessibility and equal access to information in case of educational webpages especially in the higher education sphere. My primary audience are educational policy makers and leaders of higher education institutions along with in-service teachers who regularly use webpages during their daily work with students struggling with various impairments. The article's focus is expanded onto the relevant professional and legal background, the most important accessibility principles in addition to discussing the tools assuring accessibility and the presentation of best practices for web developers elaborating the electronic learning environments for higher education institutions.
  • Cognitive conflict as a tool of overcoming obstacles in understanding infinity
    This paper, based on current research, is devoted to obstacles that appear in the process of understanding the concept of infinity. In its introductory part the fundamental types of epistemology obstacles are formulated. The cognitive conflict and its role in overcoming these obstacles are analysed in the following section of this research. Finally, the authors focus on research methodology and the results of the three-year research project. The problems are illustrated by means of real experimental interviews.
  • Analyse d’obstacles lies a la notion de fonction reciproque
    L'article présente une réflexion sur les difficultés éventuelles des étudiants au cours de l'étude des fonctions réciproques. Nous nous intéressons à l'enseignement de cette notion dans le cadre de la transition entre le lycée et la première année d'université en France. L'article résume la façon de présenter de nos jours le concept de fonction réciproque dans le curriculum français. Nous présentons des propositions d'enseignement issues de quelques travaux de recherche anglophones. Cela nous permet de mettre en lumière l'existence d'obstacles dans l'apprentissage et de difficultés dans l'enseignement de cette notion.