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  • Zur Veränderung des Stellenwertesvon Beweisen im Mathematikunterricht - eine Analyse von ungarischen Abiturprüfungenzwischen 1981 und 2020

    Proofs are not just an essential, crucial part of mathematics as a science, they also have a long tradition in Hungarian mathematics classrooms. However, the school in general and, mathematics education in particular, have been changed in the last few decades enormously, including the final secondary school examinations in mathematics. The current paper's main goal is to answer the question, how has been changed the weight and the content of reasoning and especially proving tasks in the relevant examinations.

    Subject Classification: 97E54, 97D64, 97U44

  • An examination of descriptive statistical knowledge of 12th-grade secondary school students - comparing and analysing their answers to closed and open questions

    In this article, we examine the conceptual knowledge of 12th-grade students in the field of descriptive statistics (hereafter statistics), how their knowledge is aligned with the output requirements, and how they can apply their conceptual knowledge in terms of means, graphs, and dispersion indicators. What is the proportion and the result of their answers to (semi-)open questions for which they have the necessary conceptual knowledge, but which they encounter less frequently (or not at all) in the classroom and during questioning? In spring 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic in Hungary, a traditional-classroom, “paper-based” survey was conducted with 159 graduating students and their teachers from 3 secondary schools. According to the results of the survey, the majority of students have no difficulties in solving the type of tasks included in the final exam. Solving more complex, open-ended tasks with longer texts is more challenging, despite having all the tools to solve them, based on their conceptual knowledge and comprehension skills. A valuable supplement to the analysis and interpretation of the results is the student attitudes test, also included in the questionnaire.

    Subject Classification: 97K40, 97-11, 97D60