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  • Die Stichprobe als ein Beispiel dafür, wie im Unterricht die klassische und die bayesianische Auffassung gleichzeitig dargestellt werden kann
    Teaching statistics and probability in the school is a new challenge of the Hungarian didactics. It means new tasks also for the teacher- and in service-teacher training. This paper contains an example to show how can be introduced the basic notion of the inference statistics, the point- and interval-estimation by an elementary problem of the public pole. There are two concurrent theories of the inference statistics the so called classical and the Bayesian Statistics. I would like to argue the importance of the simultaneously introduction of both methods making a comparison of the methods. The mathematical tool of our elementary model is combinatorial we use some important equations to reach our goal. The most important equation is proved by two different methods in the appendix of this paper.
  • Ist eine schnelle tiefgehende (und nachhaltige) Änderung in der Vorstellung von Mathematiklehrern möglich? - Reflexion der Erfahrungen eines Fortbildungskurses im Bereich der mathematischen Modellierung
    Based on the material which was worked out within the project LEMA (2006-2009) pilot-teacher training courses were organized in the six partner countries, so in Hungary as well in the subject: Practice of Modelling tasks in the classroom. According to the tests which were filled out by the participants the conclusion was formulated that they achieved some changes in their pedagogical knowledge and in their estimation concerning their self-efficacy, but they didn't have shown any changes in their beliefs of mathematics and mathematics education. However according to their experience as project partners and leaders of the Hungarian course the authors have the idea that despite of the international results there are changes in this subject in the case of the Hungarian participants. This way can formulated the question:
    Which changes can be observed in the case of the participants concerning belief towards mathematics and mathematics education after the course and how long-lasting these changes are?
    The question is examined on the example of two teachers who were participants of the course.
  • A proposed application of Monte Carlo method in teaching probability
    Pupils' misconception of probability often results from lack of experience. Combining the concept of probability and statistics, the proposed application is intended for the teachers of mathematics at an elementary school. By reformulating the task in the form of an adventure, pupils examine a mathematical problem, which is too difficult for them to solve by combinatorial method. By recommending the simulation of the problem, we have sought to provide pupils with valuable experience of experimenting, recording and evaluating data.
  • Normalization based on dependency diagram
    Normalization is an important database planning method, although the understanding and application of this method brings up the utmost problem during data modelling. That is why we were looking for alternative normalization methods, from which the normalization with dependency diagram proved to be the most efficient. This was also confirmed by the statistical estimation of the carried out survey.
  • Learning and Knowledge: The results, lessons and consequences of a development experiment on establishing the concept of length and perimeter
    In the paper the four main stages of an experiment are described focusing on the question as to how much measuring the length and perimeter of various objects such as fences, buildings by old Hungarian units of measurements and standards contribute to the establishment of the concept of perimeter.
    It has also been examined in what ways and to what extent the various forms of teaching such as frontal, group and pair and individual work contribute to the general knowledge, thinking, creativity and co-operation in this area.
    It will also be shown to what extent folk tales, various activities and games have proved to be efficient in the teaching of the particular topic.
    Every stage of the experiment was started and closed with a test in order to find out whether the development was successful and children managed to gain lasting knowledge in this particular area.