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  • Teaching word processing - the theory behind
    It is widely thought and believed that word processors – especially MS Word – are software, which everyone can use. However, if we take a closer look at the documents we find that the picture is not at all that clear. In most of these documents even the basic rules of word processing are broken. The question is how it is possible that most of the users are satisfied with their performance, and do not realize that they only use a less noisy typewriter, and not able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by these software. In the search of clearing this misunderstanding I found that there are no publicly available sources, which would clearly set the rules to determine when the documents are properly formatted. Here I set three maxims which, together, are able to control the tools applied in word processing in order to create properly formatted texts. In summary, they state that the layout of a properly formatted text should be invariant to modification, that is, any modification of the body of text should not initiate its re-formatting. To prove that these maxims work and to show that we desperately need them I give examples of works of professionals from the administration, of those who passed ecdl exams, of teachers of various subjects, and finally of teachers of Informatics.
  • Key concepts in informatics: documents
    "The system of key concepts contains the most important key concepts related to the development tasks of knowledge areas and their vertical hierarchy as well as the links of basic key concepts of different knowledge areas. When you try to identify the key concepts of a field of knowledge, you should ask the following questions: Which are the concepts that are the nodes of the concept net and can be related to many other concepts? Which are the concepts that necessarily keep re-appearing in different contexts when interpreting what you have learnt before? Which are the concepts that arrange specific facts in structures, which contribute to interpreting and apprehending new information and experience? Which are the concepts that – if you are unfamiliar with and unaware of – inhibits you in systematizing various items of knowledge or sensibly utilizing them?" [8] One of the most important of these concepts is the document.
  • New style in teaching word processing
    Teaching word processing is confined to looking through some menus and showing some functions of a word processor program, although technology presents just a small part of forming layouts. This fact causes that people who are writing documents spend a lot of time by trying to form, e.g., title pages or inner pages.
    The present paper deals with a design of an online course on word processing that fits better the needs of many users. The online course is designed for teaching (LA)TEX by leading the students to the technical issues of the typesetting system through layout and grammar rules: demonstrates the most important basic recommendations of typography and grammar rules through samples, and shows how to program the currently displayed layout in the (LA)TEX programming languages. This methodology suits better the common working habit, and can be a useful help in word processing documents.
  • An improvement of the classification algorithm results
    One of the most important aspects of the precision of a classification is the suitable selection of a classification algorithm and a training set for a given task. Basic principles of machine learning can be used for this selection [3]. In this paper, we have focused on improving the precision of classification algorithms results. Two kinds of approaches are known: Boosting and Bagging. This paper describes the use of the first method – boosting [6] which aims at algorithms generating decision trees. A modification of the AdaBoost algorithm was implemented. Another similar method called Bagging [1] is mentioned. Results of performance tests focused on the use of the boosting method on binary decision trees are presented. The minimum number of decision trees, which enables improvement of the classification performed by a base machine learning algorithm, was found. The tests were carried out using the Reuters 21578 collection of documents and documents from an internet portal of TV Markíza.
  • Research on IT language use at a company
    The aim of the research of the IT language, used in the written documents of a company, is to contribute to the creation of a (mono- or bilingual) dictionary or encyclopaedia available for the public on the Internet, serving, among others, as a reference tool for the unified, controlled and unambiguous use of IT terms for students at various educational levels. To this ongoing work, the participation and cooperation of a panel of experts of different competences, linguists as well as IT experts, is indispensable.
    The methods of corpus linguistics were used to carry out the research. The IT terms were separated from the texts and then a concordance software was used to see the environment of the IT words and phrases in which they occur. So their morphological analysis became possible.
    The results of the research showed that a great number of Hungarian morphological language use problems stem from the way the IT terms are used in the documents. This paper lists, groups, analyses these phenomena.
    The conclusions of the author are: (1) If such an Internet dictionary is used generally and consulted when e.g. somebody wants to write a composition or essay, translate an article, write a newspaper article, a scientific publication or a textbook to be taught at schools of different types and levels, etc. most of the communication noises could be filtered out. (2) At the same time it could promote the use of adequate (both in linguistic and technical meaning) Hungarian terms eliminating the "Hunglish" usage. (3) It could also contribute to the prevailing use of the relevant Hungarian terminology. Such a dictionary would be indispensable, not only in educational and industrial environments but in the electronic and traditional media as well. Last but not least, it could raise the level of different teaching materials (textbooks, e-materials, etc.) used in public and higher education.
  • Our digital education habits in the light of their environmental impact: the role of green computing in education

    With the increasing use of IT tools, the environmental impacts they generate have also increased. Education is increasingly relying on digital tools to become a major emitter of CO2 itself. Therefore, the task of education is to teach future generations how to use IT tools efficiently while being environmentally aware. In addition to some forms of green computing, we show the level and ratio of those teachers who have corresponding IT knowledge in the Hungarian education. In this study, we present the justification of the problem through a case study, which estimates the Internet traffic of a website streaming popular educational resources. In addition, we will examine the extent to which national and international educational organization and guidance documents address the development of digital environmentally aware thinking. Based on the content of this study, we suggest some considerations for content developers to decide if they really need to create the digital content.

    Subject Classification: 97P99, 94-06, 94-02

  • CAS-aided visualization in LATEX documents for mathematical education
    We have been developing KETpic as a macro package of a CAS for drawing fine LATEX-pictures, and we use it efficiently in mathematical education. Printed materials for mathematics classes are prepared under several constraints, such as "without animation", "mass printings", "monochrome", and "without halftone shadings". Because of these constraints, visualization in mathematical education tends to be unsatisfactory. Taking full advantages of LATEX and CAS, KETpic enables us to provide teaching materials with figures which are effective for mathematical education. The effects are summarized as follows:
    (1) The plottings of KETpic are accurate due to CAS, and enable students to deduce mathematical laws.
    (2) KETpic can provide adequate pictures for students' various interest. For example, when some students who understand a matter try to modify it, KETpic can give them appropriate and experimental figures.
    (3) Even though CAS can draw 3D-figures beautifully and automatically, it is expensive for mass printings and the figures are sometimes not easy to understand. Oppositely, 3D-graphics by KETpic are monochrome, but are richly expressive.
    In this paper, we give various examples of LATEX-pictures which we drew by using KETpic. For instance, the picture which is used in order to explain the convergence theorem of Fourier series makes it easier for students to understand the idea that function series converge to another function. Also the picture of skeleton is endowed with clear perspective. KETpic gives us great potential for the teaching of combinatorial mathematics. Through these examples, we claim that KETpic should have great possibilities of rich mathematical expressions under the constraints above mentioned.