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  • Constructing the disk method formula for the volume obtained by revolving a curve around an axis with the help of CAS
    Calculus concepts should have been taught in a carefully designed learning environment, because these concepts constitute a very important base for almost all applied sciences. The integral, one of the fundamental concepts of Calculus, has a wide application area. This paper focuses on constructing the disk method formula for the volume obtained by revolving a curve around an axis with the help of a CAS.
    In this study, a semi-structured interview was carried out. In this interview, we tried to construct the disk method formula.
    The levels of constructing the disk method formula in this study are:
    • Introducing the concept: evaluating the volume of an Egyptian pyramid.
    • Evaluating the volume of a cone obtained by revolution (using Maple worksheet).
    • Designing their own ring and evaluating its price (using Maplet).
    In this study, the interview has been presented as a dialog between teacher and students. When we look at feedback from students, we see that such a teaching method effects students in a positive way and causes them to gain conceptual understanding directed towards the concepts of approximation and volume.
  • Heuristic arguments and rigorous proofs in secondary school education
    In this paper we are going to discuss some possible applications of the mechanical method, especially the lever principle, in order to formulate heuristic conjectures related to the volume of three-dimensional solids. In the secondary school educational processes the heuristic arguments are no less important than the rigorous mathematical proofs. Between the ancient Greek mathematicians Archimedes was the first who made heuristic conjectures with the methods of Mechanics and proved them with the rigorous rules of Mathematics, in a period, when the methods of integration were not known. For a present day mathematician (or a secondary school mathematics teacher) the tools of the definite integral calculus are available in order to calculate the volume of three dimensional bodies, such as paraboloids, ellipsoids, segments of a sphere or segments of an ellipsoid. But in the secondary school educational process, it is also interesting to make heuristic conjectures by the use of the Archimedean method. It can be understood easily, but it is beyond the normal secondary school curriculum, so we recommend it only to the most talented students or to the secondary schools with advanced mathematical teaching programme.