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  • Some aspects of teaching the technology of designing and planning information systems in health care
    In this article, we use the well-known ideas of technology in designing of new information systems in health care. We explain the principle that "making a health care application" "is more than writing a program", "it requires a strong co-operation and continuous contact" between the system analysts and users. The concept of the information system must contain the work of the whole system, which means that the planning and designing process should focus on the services, which really support the customer's functions. It has to be compatible with the earlier information systems based on several decade's experience. In this paper we use the most important elements of system theory. First of all we explain why it is important to take into account the behaviour of those, who operate the information system, and also their habits and way of thinking when planning then information system. We emphasise that it is importance to overview the whole information system and its functionality because it is a major aspect of the system planning.
    This paper can be used in university courses especially in teaching SDM, SSADM, Martin, etc. technologies for information system analysts, program designers and programmers.
  • Consequences of a virtual encounter with George Pólya

    The consequences of a virtual encounter with George Pólya as a teacher are recorded. An instance of his influence on my mathematical thinking is recounted through work on one of the problems in one of his books.

    Subject Classification: 01A99, 11A05, 97-03, 97D50

  • Teaching Fourier series, partial differential equations and their applications with help of computer algebra system
    In this paper, some examples of Fourier series and partial difference equations will be shown to demonstrate opportunities for CAS use in various circumstances. The well-known white-box – black-box teaching-learning techniques and the modularization will be used to allow the use of the same worksheet in different ways.
  • Problem-solving in mathematics with the help of computers
    One of the most important tasks of the didactics of mathematics is the describing of the process of problem-solving activity and problem-solving thinking. The psychological theories concerning the problem-solving thinking leave the special demand of school subjects out of consideration, and search for connections of universal validity. In this article we attempt to connect an abstract theory of psychology concerning problem-solving thinking and a more practical conception of the problem-solving activity of mathematics, which is based on Polya's idea. In this way we can get a structure of problem-solving, which has scientific bases and at the same time it is useful in computer aided learning. Our result was developed and tested in Hungary so this is suitable especially for the Hungarian conditions of mathematics teaching.
  • MRP tasks, critical thinking and intrinsic motivation to proving
    The lack of students' need for proof is often discussed. This is an important topic, on which quite a few others have written ([26], [27], [28], [17], [8]). Nevertheless, there is limited research knowledge about how teacher can participate in process of raising of students' intrinsic motivation to proving. In this article, we discuss relationships between intrinsic motivation to proving, critical thinking and special activity – engaging with so-called MRP tasks. We present here results of a research carried out by author in two elementary schools (21 classes, grade 5-9) in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. We identified the interesting relationship between students' dealing with MRP tasks and increasing of their intrinsic motivation to proving.