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  • Development characteristics of small villages in Hungary after the turn of the millennium

    The aim of the study is to describe some characteristic features of Hungarian small villages. Based on a literature review, the topic of a comparative analysis of settlements with different populations has been the subject of research in Hungary for about half a century. Laws had been enacted since the 1970s to reduce the spatial differences. However, despite the national's intention, the differences between the individual regions and settlement groups continued to increase. This is also reflected in the fact that under the current development policy legislation – Government Decree 290/2014. (XI. 26.) – small villages have a higher than average chance of being included in disadvantaged districts. The aim of my study is to outline the situation of municipalities with a population of less than half a thousand people by analyzing statistical data and presenting the results of my own questionnaire survey. These municipalities make up more than a third of the Hungarian settlements population, while their population just only 2.2% of the national population. In the course of the analysis, I focus primarily on demographic processes and the development of communal infrastructure. These developments (sewage network, pipeline gas supply) could highly improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of small settlements. Despite all these investments, emigration is significant due to the lack of jobs, as a result of which the aging of local society continues. The importance of the regional embeddedness of the settlements is shown by the fact that while the situation of the small settlements of Veszprém, Vas and Zala county can be said to be relatively favorable, the small villages of Baranya, Somogy and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén can be considered disadvantaged in almost all indicators.

  • The possibility of making urban public transport more attractive

    Urban transport today sets a significant challenge to its residents. The increase in passenger car traffic, which has increased significantly in recent years due to the pandemic situation, also shows that the population is rather committed to private transport then using public transport. In order to create a livable urban life, urgent steps need to be taken to ensure that urban mobility remains sustainable as expected by the population. Fo this, several tools are available to city leaders. These could include the use of micromobility devices, the introduction of sharing-based systems and measures to restrict car traffic. In addition, the development of public transport and the diversion of the population in this direction are obvious. Most major cities today are working in this direction by developing these networks and services in order to improve the accessibility and attractiveness of these transport systems. Several major European cities have made public transport partially or completely free in order to maximize public use. This effort is not unknown in Hungary either, as a significant part of the population has been able to use this form of transport free of charge for several decades. However, if full free service is introduced, it will be necessary to examine its effects from an economic and social point of view.

  • Evaluation of demographic processes and their effects in Szabolcs Szatmár Bereg county in the last two decades

    Our research would like to draw attention to some specific aspects of demographic processes and their effects in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. Among the demographic processes, we highlighted the study of the population by age groups, internal migration and changes in the birth rate. From among the impact mechanisms of demographic processes, we dealt in detail with the assessment of the state of education. In Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, in addition to the analysis of the qualitative changes that have taken place in the last twenty years, we considered it important to examine the connections between education, employment and the labour market, as well as the connections between education and urbanization. We found that among the phenomena subject to traditional demography, the largest change in domestic migration has occurred in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county since 2001. In the last twenty years, the migration loss has almost quadrupled, which is the highest among the domestic counties. In addition, there was a significant change in the proportions of the population by age groups. Since 2001, in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, the proportion of the 0-14 age group in the population has decreased one and a half times faster than the proportion of the oldest age group. These unfavourable processes have a significant negative effect – which are not favourable anyway – on the educational processes of the studied area.

  • Introducing the social situation of Hajdú-Bihar County in numbers

    The aim of our study is to provide an overview of the social situation in Hajdú-Bihar County. Hajdú-Bihar County, the economic, educational, scientific and cultural center of the Northern Great Plain region. Its conditions are favorable for fulfilling its role, and it’s economic, educational, commercial, and cultural and health relations are significant beyond the national borders. In connection with Hajdú-Bihar County, it is important to mention the utilization of its logistics role and the role of the regional knowledge base. Debrecen city is the center of HajdúBihar County, this is the second largest city in Hungary in terms of population. For decades Debrecen has been an outstanding role of Hajdú-Bihar County, and the city has a socio-economic impact on the whole region as a regional center. Among the above-mentioned impacts, this study focuses on the social impacts of Hajdú-Bihar County and the calculations based on local and national statistics to support and analyze this impact. The social impacts were examined primarily from a demographic point of view (population, gender, age and composition by educational level, qualifications, employment, income conditions) compared to previous years and national data.

  • The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on different areas of life in Hungary (work, private life, health and mental state)

    The COVID-19 epidemic had an enormous impact on the entire world, including the Hungarian population. The situation was accompanied by numerous new restrictions, strict regulations, and their consequences had to be dealt with, which also affected the life of everyone. Therefore, it was considered that it would be worthwhile to assess the different reactions to this situation among the population, what effects the people had to face and whether there was a change in their lives. The opinions of respondents on different areas of life was surveyed, such as private life, changes in personal relationships, introduction of changes in workplace habits, and the effects on health and mental state. Also the survey intended to reveal newly developed good and bad habits. The survey method was a questionnaire-based survey, which was delivered to the respondents online (n=362). The results obtained from the sample were evaluated, subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, and then crosstabs were performed based on background variables (gender, age, educational attainment, occupation, and income) to present correlations. The results of the sample are not representative, but they properly represent and summarize the situation.

  • The Calculation of Social Benefits of Influenza Vaccination based on Statistical Data

    The goal we set in our study has had no precedent either in the Hungarian or in the international literature: our intention was to quantify the effectiveness of influenza vaccination based on facts, and to define the number of non-occurred diseases as a result of vaccination. We evaluated data from the influenza season of 2018/2019 in our study. We analyzed the available data on population, vaccination and the number of diseases, and drew objective conclusions therefrom. It was a problem that the basic data appeared in different data sets for different age groups, so we had to find a consensus between them, and establish comparable age groups. Ultimately, we defined three distinct age groups: the age group of minors (0-18 years), the economically active (19-59 years) and the age group of over 60 years. These three age groups became well distinguishable by population, vaccination, and morbidity. We described the influenza disease in general, the characteristics and variability of the influenza virus. We defined the typically affected age group, the number of patients to be treated, the trends for the past 5-10 years. The presented facts, numbers, the results of the calculations, and the conclusions drawn clearly show – excluding subjectivity – the preventive effect and effectiveness of vaccination, which was quantified for the first time in Hungarian literature.

  • The labor market context of physical activity

    The issue of the sustainability of health care is increasingly present in public finance debates. The concerns of nations are rising health costs, an aging population, and increasing consumption of health services. The health status of the population is not only an important factor for economic growth, but also has a direct and indirect impact on tax revenues and labor market participation. The main objective of my research was to explore the impact of health expenditure on the labor market. In my study, I’ve focused on the potential labor market effects of physical activity Physival activity plays a significant role in health promotion. Physical activity improves individual's physical abilities, including increase productivity, endurance and more effective teamwork. These factors are not only increase labor productivity, but also positively influence labor market participants and invidual employee return. I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. The used applied method was the literature analysis. which based on domestic and international sources. The research was based on results of primary and secondary researches has carried out, in the member states of the European Union. Based on the litriture sources, I’ve found that, health can have a significant impact on labor productivity and labor supply. Health promotion contributes significantly to the success of the labor market. Physical activity, be it sport or recreation, positively influences the health of the individual’s, which is one of the key factors in returning to the labor market.

  • The presence of the social isolation on the homesteads of Hajdú-Bihar county

    The situation of those living on the homesteads has always been quite deprived, as they have to deal with a lot of obstacles every day, which is further aggravated by the fact that their social relations are typically low, which in many cases decreases with age as a result, social isolation with special characteristics may arise. The primary goal of my study was to assess the social isolation of the homestead inhabitants in Hajdú-Bihar County, and secondly, I sought the answer to what sociodemographic factors affect this objective state. The research was based on a survey conducted in all districts of the county, from the aggregated data of which it is possible to generalize to the degree of isolation of the homesteads. The results of the study show that every fifth homestead inhabitant of the study population can be considered socially isolated at some level.

  • Honey consumption and purchasing habits in Hajdú-Bihar county

    The main objective of our research is to present the market situation and conditions of the Hungarian beekeeping sector from the perspective of consumers. We considered it appropriate to present the beekeeping market because the European Union is the second largest producer of honey in the world, and Hungary ranks third in the EU in terms of the honey production volume. The changes in global and EU trade, market trends and changes in consumer habits are significant influencing factors in terms of domestic conditions. The market situation is presented through a review of the relevant domestic and foreign literature, and we analysed statistical databases to examine the topic (data provision of beekeeping programs of the European Union member states, CSO, OMME, Statista database and reports). The consumption of honey by the Hungarian population has been slowly increasing year by year, but we are still below the European Union average. Honey is our basic food of animal origin; it has many beneficial properties, so the study of consumption and purchasing habits is an important issue. To analyse the consumer and purchasing habits, we chose the questionnaire survey method. In our research, we sought the answer to how and in which direction honey consumption and purchasing habits have changed in Hungary today, and whether there are any regional difference based on the answers of the respondents. The online questionnaire was structured according to the 4Ps of the marketing mix; accordingly, we had questions about the product itself (honey), its price, place of purchase, promotion opportunities and the way and frequency of honey consumption. The results obtained from the survey were evaluated, subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, and then analysed for correlations based on background variables including gender, age, education, type of settlement, and county. Responses were evaluated using the SPSS 22.0 data analysis and statistics program. The results of the sample are not representative, but they well represent and summarize the situation.

  • Unfair banking practices, or the theoretical and practical importance of operational risk management nowadays.

    Nowadays, the management of operational risks in banking  ̶  in particular conduct risks  ̶  is becoming an increasingly important part of risk management. The financial crisis of 2008 and partly related to it, the Hungarian foreign currency loan crisis, have highlighted on the importance of this. Both crises were triggered, besides other reasons, by unfair banking practices and by the failure to respect the principle of fair banking. In my research I am looking for answers to the question to what extent can be considered unfair banking practices if banks impose several financial products on their customers, such as insurance and overdraft facilities, which they do not need. I will also examine to what extent the customers are aware of the fact, that they get a linked product and what it means for them in terms of risk-taking. My research consists of several parts. Firstly, I define operational and conduct risks. After that focusing on Hungary, I will examine the sales and commercial banking practices that played a role in the development of the foreign currency loan crisis, with a particular focus on the conduct risks. I will define what can be considered unfair banking practices. At the end of my theoretical overview I take into consideration why the linked products sold by today's Hungarian financial institutions are problematic and how information asymmetry drives a wedge between the bank and the customer. I also conduct primary research in the course of my research. Using an online questionnaire, I investigate the choice between current account structures of the Hungarian adult population. The results are analysed by using statistical methods.

  • The impact of the fourth industrial revolution on education and the labor market

    A significant part of literatures on the present and future of industry and labor market states that in our days the fourth industrial revolution is taking place. In our study, we undertake to explore the impact of digital transformation on education and the labor market, and to examine the changes that have taken place in recent decades in the highest school qualifications of Hungarian people. Our goal is to highlight the connection between the acquired skills and industry 4.0. We have come to the conclusion that, as a result of digital development at extreme speed, the social and economic environment has undergone significant changes. The education of the Hungarian population has been steadily increasing in recent decades, with a drastic reduction in the proportion of uneducated people, while at the same time increasing the proportion of graduates of secondary and tertiary education. This is a very positive trend, because in an accelerated world, future workers need to learn new skills in order to succeed in the labor market. As a result of rapid technological progress, a number of problems that have not been solved in the education system will have to be solved. And in order to benefit the greatest advantage from the fourth industrial revolution that is taking place, industry, education and the labor market need a more coordinated functioning than ever before.

  • The awareness and recognition of the tourism brand "Heart of the Hungarian Great Plain" and its attractions

    The objective of developing a geographical area is, first and foremost, the effective operation, the provision of an appropriate place to live and the well-being of its inhabitants, through the creation of appropriate economic, cultural, technological and ecological conditions. According to Ritchie-Crouch (2003), a tourism destination is competitive, if it has the capability for increasing tourism revenues, attracting tourists continuously, providing visitors with memorable experiences that meet their expectations, and furthermore, for profit generation. At the same time, however, the well-being of the local population must be maintained or increased by the preservation of resources for the future generations (i.e. keeping principles of sustainable development). The dynamic growth in tourism demand is also leading to increased competition between destinations. Intense competition also poses a challenge for the tourism marketing organization in the target area in terms of image building, product development and communication. However, the successful development of tourism can only be achieved through a well-functioning, well-cooperating system. Cooperation is needed both at regional and tourism product level. Although the slogan of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County as a tourism brand, the "Heart of the Great Plain" meets all the requirements for mottos, the recognition by travellers must be validated with market survey. A large sample (n = 1037) survey was conducted among domestic tourists visiting the destination in summer 2019. 71.6% of the respondents identify the county well by the brand “Heart of the Great Plain”, and the proportion of bad answers was trifling. In addition to the recognition of the tourism brand, the research also covered the assessment of the county's various tourism attractions. Twenty-nine tourism attractions were evaluated by the respondents as to whether they were visited or known. Based on the survey results, the well-known supply elements are Lake Tisza, Abádszalók, Jászberény Zoo and Botanical Garden, Cserkeszőlő, the spa resort, Tiszavirág Festival and RepTár, Interactive Aviation Museum in Szolnok. Although the awareness of county tourism attractions is considered favourable, twelve attractions had not been visited by 10% of non-county respondents until the date of surveying, and at least one quarter of respondents in each attraction were negative for a possible future visit. The conclusions of the research point out that by exploiting and developing the existing attractions in the destination, tourism innovation is needed to provide complex experience packages to reach a wide range of tourist segments. This can lead to a significant increase in the number of visitors.

  • Study of Eating Habits among the university students in Debrecen (exploratory research)

    The health and health awareness are getting more and more important nowadays. By the way, there are many health trends, what could be exercise or eating habits. This is one of the more important areas, because numerous studies have confirmed that the obesity, the overweight or even musculoskeletal and chronic diseases are becoming more common in the population. There are several components of health awareness. In my research among the components I analysed the healthy, moderate eating and the consumption of nutritional supplements and vitamins. The aim of my research is to analyse the eating habits of students at the University of Debrecen. I did primary and secondary data collection during my research. The primary research will be implemented in several steps in survey. In my paper I present the results of exploratory research. Based on the first results, it can be concluded that the most students do sports and take vitamin supplements to preserve their health. Food groups were used to assess their eating habits. More than 50% of the respondents consume meat, cereals and dairy products per day. However, most students only consume vegetables or fruits several times a week, which does not meet the latest recommendations.

  • The vision of newer generations on the farms of Hajdú-Bihar county

    For the former rural society the basic pillar of economic security was the homestead, and farming there, which was then further inherited within the family. A century ago more than a million people lived on homesteads in Hungary, but today it has fallen to well under a quarter of a million. The decline in population was due on the one hand, to the emergence of modern machinery and new cultivation and breeding technologies in agriculture, which transformed farming and the people involved, and on the other, to society's living standards and expectations out of infrastructures that meet modern needs, so the emigration of the younger generations living there began, who moved into nearby villages and towns. The aim of my research was to explore the future tendencies of the possibilities of moving from homesteads among the homestead inhabitants of Hajdú-Bihar county, taking into account the current conditions, which was based on a survey conducted in all its districts. The results of the study show that most of the newer generations growing up on homesteads no longer envision their future there, however if the homestead were more extensively constructed in terms of comfort and corresponded to a higher degree of comfort, this might guarantee that the young people would still remain in place.

  • Spatial characteristics of European Union supported projects with the objective to enhance the dissemination of renewable energy resources in in the 2007-2013 budgetary period

    In the recent period, the use of renewable energy sources has received increasing emphasis both in the European Union and in Hungary. Building on the successes of the recent decades, the European Union and Hungarian documents have set increasingly ambitious objectives. European Union subsidies play a very important role in the financing of investments, and in the spirit of this, the aim of the study is to present the spatial characteristics of projects supporting the use of renewable energy sources in one specific region of Hungary, in the Northern Great Plain region. As a result of the research, on the one hand, the influencing role of three factors can be detected. The effect of socioeconomic development was observed at both county and district levels, and in the case of settlements the number of population and the administrative role (existence of a district center) can be mentioned. On the other hand, the study also revealed that there are significant differences between the spatial characteristics of the two operational programs supporting the use of renewable energy sources (Regional and Settlement Development Operational Program, Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program).

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