Vol. 2 No. 1-2. (2015)

Published April 7, 2015



  • Advanced Management and Monitoring Functions at the TMA 550AL Manufacturing Centre, used for ATR

    This paper amiss to make an overview of the management and monitoring functions implemented at the TMA 550 AL flexible manufacturing system, functions that are used to implement the automatic tool readjustment function.

  • Android Based Autonomous Mobile Robot

    The spreading of mobile robots is getting more significant nowadays. This is due to their ability to perform tasks that are dangerous, uncomfortable or impossible to people. The mobile robot must be endowed with a wide variety of sensors (cameras, microphones, proximity sensors, etc.) and processing units that makes them able to navigate in their environment. This generally carried out with unique, small series produced and thus expensive equipment. This paper describes the concept of a mobile robot with a control unit integrating the processing and the main sensor functionalities into one mass produced device, an Android smartphone. The robot is able to perform tasks such as tracking colored objects or human faces and orient itself. In the meantime, it avoids obstacles and keeps the distance between the target and itself. It is able to verbally communicate wit.

  • Augmented Reality in Error Troubleshooting Inside Flexible Manufacturing Cells

    A new type of software framework for error troubleshooting in flexible manufacturing systems using a frame marker device. Our framework system meant to resolve the failures originated from the human-machine interface and to generate self-training from previous experience.

  • Consensual Pupillometry for Robotic Emotional Recognition

    The main contribution of this research is to develop of a new measuring device for measuring direct- and consensual light reflex of human pupil. In this case the pupillary light reflex means changing of diameter of pupil due to constant light stimulus as a function of time. Researches certify that the pupil diameter and its change reflects the person’s mental or physical state. There are several “eye tracking” devices available on the market, however, none of these are able to perform a proper consensual measurement. The basic principle of the consensual pupil measurement is that while only one of the eyes is stimulated, reactions of both eyes are being recorded and analyzed. The aim of this project was to develop a software, applicable to an existing prototype device in order to carry out “consensual pupillary reflex” measurements.

  • Home Compatible Omnidirectional Hovercraft Robot

    As robots slowly integrate into home environments, synthesis of navigation, maneuverability and human acceptance is inevitable. This paper introduces a holonomic hovercraft design and the associated omnidirectional controlling algorithm. Hovercraft capabilities were investigated and discussed though design recommendations in relation to a robot compatible environment. The main aim of the design was to achieve better maneuverability, enhanced capabilities of overcoming obstacles, and the elimination of the drift phenomena that is a characteristic of conventional underactuated hovercraft designs, where rear rotor drive exerts thrust in one direction. Due to own inertia and the low friction of the air cushion, the hovercraft slips out in the original direction. Beyond solving this drift problem, another key feature of our design is the capability to be controlled in a global reference frame regardless of its orientation and desired trajectory with the help of a holonomic thruster drive. Orientation control is also implemented by turning the base of the thrusters. The design was implemented on a remote controlled hovercraft robot and proved to have a superior maneuverability over conventional hovercraft designs, thus our research greatly contributes to future human-robot cooperation in the living environment.

  • Industrial Robotics for ERP Controlled Smart Factories

    At product manufacturing the time-to-market factor, the profitability and the delivered value define the success of an enterprise. The increasing number of modules in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programs is a facing problem, when there is a margin between the manufacturing cells and the ERP. Nowadays, the connection between the industrial machines and the ERP is an important requirement especially at automated warehouses and smart factories. Other concerns at manufacturing are the maintenance schedules of the machines, and flexible and easy reconfiguration of the production lines or the production cells. Information technology provides solutions and software environments to implement complex production supervisor ERPs at smart factories. At a production line or an automated warehouse several technical parameters and information can influence the planning of the resources at the enterprise, like maintenance, machine error, stockpile, product ID, defective product ratios, etc. When there is machine maintenance, the company needs to order the service parts, as well as schedule the service time and the stop of the production line. In case of a machine error, the system can estimate the length of the service time from error messages, and reorganize orders, transportation, or even maintenance schedules of other machines. Our plug and play type robot and industrial automation controller project gives a solution for these hardware demanding needs.

  • Linear Identification of a Servo-pneumatic System

    The identification of a nonlinear system is quite challenging for engineers. This paper presents the automatic identification of a servo-pneumatic cylinder based on a framework implemented in MATLAB. The introduced application shortens the process length of identification and gives areference model, important for controlling.

  • Measurement of the Effect of Chromaticity and Intensity on Colour Representation Parameters of a CRT Display

    The aim of the measurement detailed in this paper was to measure the just-noticable stimuli of the participating subjects. The stimuli were defined by chromaticity and intensity as the main parameters of the mathematical model. The results show correlance between intensity and the just-noticable stimuli, as described in the Weber-Frechner Law but a contradiction was shown after the analysis in the function of chromaticity. This contradiction can be explained by the difference between the sensitivity of the three cones of the eye.

  • Noise and Performances Analysis of Commerical Aircrafts using Artificial Neural Networks

    Commerical aircrafts are very important part for airway travelling. In spite of high technology on aircrafts, there is still fatality accidents in the world. Because of this reason, it is very important criteria to analyse noises of main elements of the air-craft systems. In tis study, an aircraft’s main disturbances are analysed with proposed neural networks. Firstly, the noises of the jet, turbine and fan were measured from the aircraft. Secondly, the measured parameter values were predicted the proposed neural networks. The results of the proposed neuarl approaches were shown that this type of neural predictors will be employed to predict aircrafts unpredicted disturbances in real time applications.

  • Rule-base Reduction in Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-based Q-learning

    The method called Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-based Q-learning (FRIQ-learning for short) uses a fuzzy rule interpolation method to be the reasoning engine applied within Q-learning. This method was introduced previously by the authors along with a rule-base construction extension for FRIQlearning, which can construct the requested FRI fuzzy model from scratch in a reduced size, implementing an incremental creation strategy. The rule-base created this way will most probably contain only those rules which were significant during the construction process, but have no important role in the final rule-base. Also there can be rules which became redundant (can be calculated by using fuzzy rule interpolation) thanks to another rule in the finished rule base. The goal of the paper is to introduce possible methods, which aim to find and remove the redundant and unnecessary rules from the rule-base automatically by using variations of newly developed decremental rule base reduction strategies. The paper also includes an application example presenting the applicability of the methods via a well known reinforcement learning example: the cart-pole simulation.

  • Spineline Detection with Image Evaluation

    In case of screening and tracking conditions of patients [20] with spinal deformities it is very important to develop an examination method that does not load patinets’ body with harmful radiation. This method is based on the moiré effect. Pictures were taken from patients’ back and information could be obtained about the back’s condition. A computer algorithm is under development that can produce the sagittal line of the spine from moiré images. This program is being tested with Scheuermann disease patients.

  • Technological Considerations in Measuring Weatherderived Epileptic Seizures of Dogs

    As in every technical discipline, the objective, reproducible instrumental measurements are indispensable. It is no different at investigating the effect of weather on living organism. The parallel measurement of the atmospheric environment and the physiological parameters is novel and individual, as well as the investigation of epileptic seizures depending on weather situations. Several questions came up in connection with our equipment designed for studying dogs epileptic phenomenon, such as fixing, water resistant,- and robust implementation, the problem of data storage, measurement schedule or the power supply for instance. Keeping these in mind during the development process we got an apparatus, which since is an integral part of our further researches.

  • The Effect of Air-fuel Equivalence Ratio Change on the Vibration Components of an Internal-combustion Engine

    Nowadays the automotive industry and the motor development are one of the most dynamically developing industries. One solution to the diagnostic systems providing reliability is the acoustic and vibration measurement system, which can indicate and predict a variety of malfunctions after signal processing. The purpose of this experiment is to analyze the effect of the air-fuel equivalence ratio on the vibration components of an internal-combustion engine (ICE) which is a part of the in question measurement system. In the focus of the experiments are the analysis of the time signal, its spectra, and the power content of the signal. With the increment of the air-fuel ratio the amplitudes of the measured signal and its spectral amplitudes showed a downward trend as the RMS values. In addition, certain frequency components disappeared during the actuation of the ICE with an electromotor, so the characterization of the combustion could be come to the front.

  • An Algorithm of Avoiding Obstacles with Intelligent Objects

    In this research a path planning which is the first step of motion planning in robotic applications, away from an obstacle in an environment where exist many obstacles is developed. Different from the algorithms in literature, a path away from an obstacle is planned without determining the configuration free space in a place that contains many different shaped obstacles with the help of intelligent objects that are created object oriented programming(OOP). With the help of this developed algorithm not only the probable paths but also finding the shortest path and correcting it with the help of intelligent objects are evaluated at the same time. This algorithm is so profound that it can form the basic principles of many original Works with the additional in future works.

  • Effect of Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles on Smart Grid

    Global electricity demands are increasing at rapid pace. Energy supply, their usage and technologies involved need to be more economical, environment friendly and socially sustainable. Efforts are being done all over the globe to reduce this green house effect; and renewable energy technologies to combat climate changes, which require extensive changes to the current electricity generation and distribution systems. To meet this goal, it is required to optimize the grid operations and available resources to meet the ever increasing energy demands in an efficient, effective and environment sustainable way. So strong and huge interests on smart grid have increased extensively in recent years around the world. This scenario could be a promising reason for future research in this area. This next form of electricity grid will be able to manage various parts of power production from power plants to the customers. Renewable energy sources appear strongly in smart grid so in this paper the effect of this sources will be studied also electric vehicles have a great effect on smart grid infrastructure ,communication and control this paper will discuss this effect if it come from the electric vehicle mode or vehicle to grid mode.

  • Practical Implementation of Second Generation Wavelet Transformation on 2D Images by Transformation Matrixes

    To perform second generation wavelet transformation in digital signal processing is a common operation. Most obvious way to carry out this task is by program cycle management. Computational software usually executes direct matrix algebraic operations much faster, compared to cycles. Avoiding organizing cycles, can increase the processing speed by magnitudes. This paper introduces transformation matrixes to execute the key steps of wavelet transformation: filtering and downsampling. By the employment of the described transformational matrixes, wavelet transformation and filtering of two dimensional images or discrete datasets could be easier and faster.

  • Sizing and Economic Analysis of Standalone PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Residential Utilization

    This study discusses the economic utilization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based on cost of energy (COE) to supply residential electrical and thermal loads. The fuel cell system is sized using simplified mathematical expressions considering the stack degradation and the system salvage value at the end of its life time. The study is based on a 5 kWh/day residential loads with a peak load power of 1300W. Two scenarios for economic survey are studied. The first scenario is to find the commercial price for each FC component considering that the supply fuel is hydrogen. The other scenario is for a complete FC system commercial price considering that the supply fuel is natural gas. The economic analyses are based on the actual sale prices in the market. The COE of the fuel cell system is compared with previous work by the authors for the same residential ratings but supplied from a stand-alone photo voltaic system (SAPV). The analysis results show that the COE relies heavily on the capital cost of the system.

  • Store Elements LabView-based Energy-flow Models Developmnet and Implementation in HVAC systems

    It is well known that store elements such as liquid tanks, water reservoirs, or gas containers, are basic elements in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems development and implementation. In a wide range of applications they serve as efficient energy storage elements by capturing heat energy amount in hot water form. This paper presents a LabView graphical software-based energy-flow model development for store elements in HVAC systems. In the first research steps the mathematical background describing the energy-flow processes in the considered store element (water tank) it is presented and discussed. Then an original software model has been designed and implemented to simulate the ongoing energy-flow processes. The result of the above mentioned research efforts is a powerful and versatile software toolkit (virtual instrument) well suitable to modeling and simulate complex energy-flow processes in HVAC systems embedding various types of store elements. Beside the elaborated mathematical model concrete software simulation examples and measurement data are also provided in the paper. Not at least, the proposed original model offers a feasible solution for future developments and research in HVAC systems software modeling and simulation purposes.

  • Fault-tolerant Mechatronic Systems Development: a Biologically-inspired Approach

    Modern mechatronics embeds sophisticated control systems to meet increased performance and safety requirements. Timely fault detection is a critical requirement especially in safety-critical mechatronic applications, where a minor fault can evolve to catastrophic situations. In such cases it looks a high demand for more reliable, safety and fault-tolerant mechatronic systems development. The alternative to overcome all these bottlenecks was inspired from the biological world. By adapting the remarkable surviving and self-healing abilities of living entities it is possible to develop novel hardware systems suitable to fulfill in all the most demanding high reliability operation criteria’s and requirements. The paper presents a biologicallyinspired computing system based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) network developed for high reliability mechatronic applications. By choosing a design strategy relying on a multi-cellular concept which outlines the versatility of biologically inspired technologies, task allocation or reliability problems can be solved with high efficiency. Real-time simulations prove that by implementing methods that imitate biological processes, high performance fault-tolerant and selfhealing hardware architectures can be experimented and tested. The benefits of this approach are also confirmed by experiments performed on a laboratory-prototype hardware platform. The results underline that techniques which imitate bio-inspired strategies can offer viable solutions in high reliability mechatronic systems development.

  • Tool Development for Human Audible Spectrum Compensation

    Communication relies on good understanding. Humans relate to each other through visual, audible and tactile communication. It is imperative that the audible communication message reaches the receiver in good conditions, in order to keep a healthy, smooth and understandable speech. There are some disturbances in human speech and communication when hearing damage is present. Nowadays, hearing loss is a frequent injury, caused by noise pollution, daily stress or noisy workplaces. Yet, it can be treated by several ways. This project consists in developing a tool that captures the emitter's voice audible spectrum, filters the noise and other frequencies, and compensates the message, enabling the listener/receiver understanding. The purpose of this research is not aimed to substitute nor compete with hearing aids in the market, which are well-developed, certified and prescribed by Otorhinolaryngology clinicians. The focus of this study is to identify the issues of human hearing loss and to develop an algorithm for hearing compensation by using filtering techniques in a simulated environment applied to a hearing model.

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