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A megelőző pártfogás szerepe a bűnmegelőzésben
Views:244The authority measures that are performed in the frame of the administrative procedure provide a part of the Hungarian child protection system. The authority measures of the Hungarian child protection care system can be grouped according to its reason and system of instrument as a kind of protecting-safeguarding action furthermore as measures that result in the removal of the child from his family.
Preventive patronage has been of legal force since the 1st of January 2015. in Hungarian areas of law this new legal institution has roots in criminal law and it got placed into the system of child protection based on the authorization of the 1430/2011 (XII. 13.) governmental decision despite the fact that the reasons of its creation were first and foremost the reduction of child- and juvenal criminality and the effective reintegration of the perpetrators.
The administrative authority procedure is carried out with the involvement of the child protection information system. The Custodian Office initiates a placement into protection proceeding because of crime or misdemeanour, which may be punished even with occlusion or in the case of an already existing placement into protection proceeding, furthermore it informs the investigating authority about the crime or the misdemeanour. Following the feedback towards the Custodian Office they visit the Patronage Probation Service to get an environmental study and a risk assessment of threat of the child regarding crime prevention. -
A szociális életpályamodellel kapcsolatos dilemmák
Views:401The social sector has been in crisis in many respects because of adverse changes in recent decades. There is a shortage of qualified social workers, high staff turnover, precarious working conditions and a steady decrease in the resources available to the sector. The development of human resources has therefore become an urgent necessity. The social careers model, like career models in other sectors, could contribute to the development of human resources in the social sector and the efficient functioning of social institutions and services. However, dilemmas about the career model have emerged in recent years, dividing the profession significantly. In our study, we set out to explore these dilemmas and, using the focus group interview method, we sought to find out what social professionals think about the career model, which has been taking shape for almost a decade. Would they support the introduction of a career model, and if so, under what conditions, and what tools would they include in the model to improve the efficiency of the sector and the quality of life of social workers. Our research shows that employees in the social sector have highlighted a stable and predictable salary and incentive system guaranteeing existential security as a key element of a modern career model. The guarantee of working conditions has emerged as a new, usually unusual and indicative of fundamental shortcomings element in the career models. However, the majority of respondents expressed reservations about the introduction of a performance appraisal system and the use of performance management in the sector. Only a minority of the focus group argued in favour of career management, an appraisal system that recognises quality work and professional innovation, and a service system that supports human resource development.
Az egyházi térnyerés dilemmái a szociális ágazatban
Views:1018The ecclesiastical takeover of the public services sector has been particularly strong over the last ten years. This change in the structure of the public sector raises several problems and dilemmas which are rarely discussed (openly) in professional circles. The expansion of churches has not come about organically but is the result of government measures. It is primarily ideological rather than professional factors that are at play, and in many areas, this is leading the care system in a questionable professional direction. This paper discusses the historical background to the emergence of the social care system, the differences in the way the domestic care system is funded depending on the type of provider, the pro-church restructuring of the service sector and the professional and ethical dilemmas of church-based service delivery.
Párbeszéd a romok között – reformgondolatok a személyes gondoskodást nyújtó szociális szolgáltatásokról
Views:539The topic of the article is status in the present of the Hungarian personal care social services, the problem map of the care system and the range of possible and necessary measures. The author identifies nine problem areas in the social field, within he identifies further phenomena. Based on these, he identifies twenty measures, that are necessary to prevent the crises of the social welfare system and to development of the area.
Együttműködési kapcsolatok és hálózati struktúrák a győri várostérség szociális intézményrendszerében
Views:116The main objective of the survey is the empirical analysis of the inter-organizational relationships of the social care institutions with social network methods in Győr and the surrounding micro-regions. We measured and described the network structure and pattern of the organizational field, the basic directions and types, forms, frequency, intensity and the quality of inter-organizational cooperation. We are looking for answers to what factors hinder cooperation in this particular organizational milieu? What organizations are the key players of the network? How strong the position and effect of Győr as a regional centre in the cooperation network of the social sector? The network indicators have confirmed that the web of connections in the field of social care system is organized around a core institutional domain with only 5-6 dominant actors. The key players of the system with high network centrality and prestige are the big sized, functionally complex, territorially combined institutions. It has also been shown that, in addition to these central core members, the majority of the analysed organizations have a relation with each other only in a limited number, the network density is low, the centrality index is high, and the geographical distance is decreasing the probability of inter-organizational relations. In the whole network the probability and the number of intra-regional, national or international ties are also limited.
A tranzitív változások integratív megközelítése a gerontológia kulcskoncepciói mentén
Views:1043This study connecting to the research for inquiry of the hazard about the demographical changes in the society, put the question, that the arriving the big demographical wave of the generation who was born between 1946 and 1964 particularly during the „Ratkó period” of the fifties to the old age, which kind of difficulties comes up in the care system for the older people because of the demographical hazards. According to the starting point of our hypothesis the adverse health conditions and psychosocial problems underlines the importance of the prevention, while the programmes of the primer prevention in the Hungarian care system proves insufficient, and the secondary prevention is unsettled. In the focus of our research programme are the theoretical, methodological questions, and questions about the possibilities of the development of the social service system for the secondary prevention on the field of the elder care. Considering the complexity of this subject, in this study we try to take out of the topic of theoretical background of the transitive changes of aging in scope of „desk-based research” for develop a new conceptual framework of the transitive changes in integrative approach based on key-concepts on modern gerontology.
A szociális vezetők értékei: Értékek, jellemzők, tulajdonságok – a szociális szolgáltatásokban dolgozó intézményvezetők választásai alapján
Views:436Within the framework of educational activities in the Social Services Leadership Knowledge Center of the Semmelweis University, this research is based on our work dealing with the organizational and managerial issues of social services. This study describes how current leaders think about an optimally functioning social system including desired operational frameworks, characteristics, and properties. Based on the value choices and critical remarks made by the heads of social institutions participating in the leadership training, we describe the operating characteristics of the Hungarian social system. We present theoretical frameworks, which support the interpretation of the current situation and future-oriented vision of leaders in the field of social services. With no research and previous data in this field, our study is the first to present shared conceptual and value frameworks for those working as managers in the Hungarian social services. To interpret our results, findings of previous surveys in other service areas might be helpful, which, due to the specifics of the social services sector, represent only a limited opportunity to capture innovation in the field. We also present the characteristics of the “good social leader” using data from free-text questions.
Gondolatok a szociális törvény módosításáról
Views:300In November 2022, the Hungarian Parliament adopted the amendment to the Social Law. The amendment deals with the levels of responsibility of the social care system in a new approach, strengthening the role of the individual and relegating the state to the background. In this study, I present the antecedents of the amendment, the most important events related to its adoption, and the basic principles of the new approach in comparison with the basic principles of social work. I will cover the most important critical points that arise during practical application.
A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata II.
Views:240Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.
A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata I. - Néhány elméleti és módszertani összefüggés
Views:550Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.
A gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásból kikerült felnőttek jövőkép vizsgálata
Views:592The child is the key to the future, so child protection is a fundamental social issue. To grow up in specialty care and then start out from there, start an independent life for young adults. They are primitive in the absence of minimal governmental grants and support nets. Heroes of our time and real sacrifices, who have been trapped in the trap of specialized authorities, separated most of their lives from their systems of origin and natural resources. Whatever the case of child protection in Hungary, no matter how close to family -friendly character, it cannot provide ready -made answers. There are lack of solution strategies and schemes that would help young adults' lifestyles. Young people who are out of their own fault or for reasons beyond their own fault are difficult to control their lives. They will be able to establish a well -functioning family with much more challenges. We know little about state care about school careers, establishing a family, work and how the system prepared them for their own life. This study attempts to give this problem an empirical picture of capitalized life expectations after being removed from child protection. We do this strictly by systematizing their experience in the light of a study between November 2021 and January 2022.
Beszámoló az International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) prágai küldöttgyűléséről és konferenciájáról
Views:225Report on the annual delegate meeting and professional conference of the European region of the IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers) held in Prague in May 2023. The Hungarian Association of Social Workers (HASW) participated in the event with 4 people in person and online. The article summarizes the professional topics and proposals around which the conference was organized.
Családi és szociális kapcsolatok a nyugati határszélen: Módszertani kitekintés a belső „kliensmigráció” kapcsolathálózati vizsgálataiba
Views:157The investigation of social resources that facilitate problem-solving plays a major role in the understanding of internal client migration. This study deals primarily with the investigation of family- and social network in the broader sense by examining the risk factors of the given field. The quality of relationships determine quality of life in general. The intensity, depth and content of these relationships are all important resources in the personal life of the client. Besides these personal relationships, professional supporting relationships that help improve or maintain quality of life play a dominant role in the life of migrating clients. A further aim of the study is to review the literature and methodology of case diagnostics in the field of practice of individual and family-level case work. Thereby, we can interpret the system of lack of resources related to internal client migration and thus we can relocate the focus points of complex supporting work.
A szociális intézmények szolgáltatási/ellátási nehézségei, belső megoldási mechanizmusai és szükségletei – egy szakmatámogatási- és fejlesztési problématérkép alapvonalai
Views:575The focus of the study is on the current difficulties and challenges that social care institutions face in their daily operations, how they can respond to them within their internal resources, mechanisms and capacities, and what concrete, tangible needs and demands emerge in terms of possible directions, forms and interventions for external professional support and development. The findings provide the basis for developing a map of general and specific problems. The empirical study for these analytical purposes is based on a database of online questionnaires completed by a group of experts in social care institutions in two counties (Győr-Moson-Sopron and Veszprém) in November and December 2022. 201 analysable personal questionnaires are included in the sample, representing 166 social care service sites in the study area. Three main problems stand out in terms of their importance among the factors analysed. The main problem of the social care system is the complex challenge of low wages. Administrative burdens rank second in the rating of operational difficulties, and the third key factor is the psycho-mental condition of the workforce.
A nyíregyházi középiskolás diákok iskolai közösségi szolgálattal kapcsolatos tapasztalatainak vizsgálata
Views:117In my study I examine the secondary school students’ experiences about service-learning in Nyíregyháza. I used quantitative method and I asked 185 students. This service-learning is compulsory for those secondary school children who want to gets the certificate of final examination. The first students in this system graduated from secondary school in 2016 so I asked them about their service-learning experiences. In addition I also examine what are the differences between the experiences among the type of the secondary school and academic success. In my analyses I use crosstabs and variance analyses by means of SPSS program. According to my results there is a significant correlation between the student’s experiences and secondary school type. The secondary school type have significant effect to secondary school student’s experiences of service-learning (area of choice, the motivation of area selection, where fulfil the service-learning, there are preparatory and processor lessons). The average of grade (except area of choice) is not effect to the experience.
Az idősek kiszolgáltatottsága és kockázatai a digitális szolgáltatások útvesztőiben
Views:117In this study we offer a survey on the defencelessness and hazard of the elderly recipients of digital services emphasizing the security hazards of the transactions in the bank system and customer services. We offer propositions for the cooperation of the elder users, the service providers, the security experts, and the gerontological specialists on the field of risk reduction of the digital attacks against the users and the service systems.
A társas támogatórendszer jellemzői a Nyíregyházi Család- és Gyermekjóléti Központ által nyújtott szolgáltatások igénybe vevői körében
Views:111The study was carried out in Nyíregyháza Family and Child Welfare Centre with clients. I thought that those families who are in connection with the organization, supporting less connected, as those families who do not use the service. In the study, the characteristics of the social support system is described in terms of social work, and I discuss the confidential relationship between the child's parents is the importance of the inclusion of the questionnaire was applied to five name-generator situations. The method reveals that in some cases, who are the persons who rely on the people, or is there any person on whom they can rely on. I examined two generations, parents and children during my research. First of all I took into account the age of the children, aged 11 to 18 years covered in the study population. I think that would be the tools of social work to expand the use of the name generator method.
Veszteségek feldolgozásában nyújtott támogatás, gyászolók kísérése a szociális munka praxisában a szociális munkás szakemberek viszonyulásának tükrében
Views:92The changes of the recent years have strongly used the flexible adaptability of social workers, and the difficulties experienced on a personal and professional level have put their emotional capacity to the test. For a long time social workers were faced with numerous situations where they had to stand up in a way and in roles in which they did not have enough knowledge and information to solve the task(s) at hand. It is also often observed that social workers working in the institutional system behave with reluctance in relation to the losses and grief of their clients, and do not participate in situations requiring crisis intervention. There has been and continues to be an increased need to support the mourning process, so it is necessary for social workers to have adequate knowledge, to be understanding and be ready to participate in the accompaniment of grief in order to provide and organize appropriate help in this regard. The study examines the place of accompanying grief and crisis intervention in the practice of social workers.
A „földalatti vasút” története, mint a radikális szociális munka történelmi példája
Views:120The story of the "underground railway" is a striking example of radical social work. Slaves fleeing from the southern states of New-England to the north were mainly helped by deeply religious people who, due to their faith, could not put up with the legally sanctioned system of inequality. Both the fugitive and the helper risked a lot with their actions.
Szociális munka – Spiritualitás – Egyházak: A szerkesztő előszava a különszámhoz
Views:212The purpose of the editorial foreword is to present the special issue, to summarize the lessons I have found in the studies on the relationship between social work, spirituality, and churches, both in general and here and now in Hungary. The relevance of and interest in the topic is that nowadays the role of churches in social care is expanding both in Hungary and in other European countries, while their missionary role is steadily decreasing. This situation is creating tensions between those who believe that the state should have primary responsibility for the social rights of citizens and those who would rather see the responsibility for the welfare of individuals falls to the individuals themselves, then to their families, the local community, the parishes, and only as a last resort to the state. In a tense political climate, it is important to highlight the values and ethical principles that fundamentally unite believing and non-believing social workers, i.e., the spirituality that is at the core of all genuine social work, and to detach the issue from the political substrate that makes the conflict between social work rooted in religious faith and social work rooted in science seem irreconcilable.
Az együttműködés a szociális munka egyik kulcsa és eszköze
Views:1065Starting out from the relevant international and Hungarian literature and current Hungarian social work practice this study examines the different aspects of cooperation. The reasoning for cooperation one of the main part of professional helping activity follows in context of the ideas and international definition of social work. The key elements viewed in a system represent the areas of interaction with so-called inter-model and cooperation is demonstrated as a key-competence for social worker. The qualitative aspects of cooperation are discussed: such as its dynamics, learn ability, map for development, community and interprofessional characters and finally the difficulties that may hinder cooperation.
A szerkezetváltó gimnáziumok hozzáadott tanulmányi értékének vizsgálata a családitőke-elmélet fogalmi keretei közt
Views:435Multi-year gymnasia is one of the most controversial institutions of the Hungarian education system. There are two main intellectual streams in educational sociology regarding the problem: one argues that a society’s prosperity depends on the competence of its intellectual elites, and multi-year gymnasia ensures the fast and efficient development of young talents; the other claims that the program selects on the base of family background, therefore deepens inequalities. In this paper I examined the connection of family capital and test scores in the 2015 PISA survey database. I concluded that the relative score advantage of multi-year gymnasia cannot be separated form family capital, and the components of family capital all together and separately determine the chances of getting into the program.
A vezetői megbízással rendelkező szociális szolgáltatást nyújtó személyek vezetőképzésének koncepciója a Semmelweis Egyetemen
Views:383In 2018 as a compulsory element an executive training program was introduced to the social education and training system. Semmelweis University was appointed by the Ministry of Human Capacities to realize and carry out the executive training program consisting of four units, called and later referred as modules.This paper aims to introduce the ideas and visions along which the content of the program has been developed to the wider professional audience. To cover all the information and crucial aspects the main stakeholders of the training were asked to present the concepts, content elements and experiences of the four modules, in separate sub-chapters. -
Mentális zavarral, hajléktalanságban élő személyek segítése - a BMSZKI gyakorlatának rövid bemutatása
Views:210Persons living with mental disorders and homelessness belong to a particularly vulnerable client group. The stigma associated with mental illness reinforces the stigmatization of homelessness. If someone receives a psychiatric diagnosis, society treats it as a label and categorizes the person. Fear of being labeled undermines the motivation of people with mental disorders to seek help. A good example of this is the case of people living in homelessness and with mental disorders, who do not want to take on another stigma in addition to the stigma of homelessness and therefore do not use help or services in connection with their mental problems. Another difficulty is the problem of accessibility to services. The F3 report on the 2020 homeless data collection "After the criminal law - before the pandemic" Péter Győri's summary work Becoming homeless - services - perspectives shows that 29% of the respondents were receiving psychiatric treatment. The misconception that "homeless people are mentally ill, psychiatric patients" can be found in the work of Péter Győri (Győri, 2020). At the same time, we know that not all people with mental disorders appear in the care system, so there may be more than 29% of people who are affected by the problem. The Budapest Methodological Social Center and Institutions (BMSZKI) has developed a complex rehabilitation service for people living in homelessness and with mental disorders in cooperation with the Awakenings Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to present this practice.