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  • Contributions to the lichen flora of the Mecsek Mts (South Hungary)

    A checklist of 115 lichen taxa was compiled from the Mecsek Mts, based on floristical records of 221 old or recently collected herbarium specimens (incl. 37 duplicates) deposited in the JPU herbarium (Pécs, Hungary). The occurrence of 22 taxa are new for the Mecsek Mts: Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosaBaeomyces rufusCandelariella reflexaCatapyrenium rufescensCladonia macilentaDimerella pinetiHypogymnia tubulosaOchrolechia arboreaPleurosticta acetabulumPseudevernia furfuraceaPsilolechia lucidaPycnothelia papillariaRinodina sophodesTomasellia arthonioidesToninia candidaTrapelia involutaVaricellaria hemisphaericaVerrucaria marmoreaV. nigrescensV. parmigeraXanthoparmelia conspersa, X. verruculifera. One legally protected lichen species (Peltigera leucophlebia) is also represented by two specimens.

  • The Herbarium of Debrecen University (DE) II.: The „Zoltán Siroki Herbarium”

    The paper introduces the “Zoltán Siroki Herbarium” (on the basis of the MS Excel spreadsheet database of the collection) which is a separate section within the Herbarium of Debrecen University (DE). The Zoltán Siroki Herbarium consists of ca. 20 000 specimens from almost all European countries, but mainly from the historical territory of Hungary. Although ca. 400 botanists contributed to this collection, most of the specimens were collected by Zoltán Siroki in Hajdú-Bihar, Pest and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén counties. The most rapid growth of the Herbarium took place in the middle of the last century (from the 1940s to 1960s), but Siroki remained an active collector until the 1980s. Some specimens from the Herbarium of former Royal Seed Testing Station (Budapest) was also incorporated in this collection; they represent gatherings from the last decades of  the 19th century and first decades of the 20th century. Data on the most significant part of the collection, representing native plants collected in the present-day Hungary, are summarized in Electronic Appendix 1. (incl. taxon name, settlement, collecting year, collector, file name of documentary photograph).

  • The Wildflower of the Year 2016 in Hungary: snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris)

    In this paper a short review of the nomenclature and etymology, taxonomy, morphology, histology, life cycle, phenology, reproduction, habitat preference, biotic interactions, biologically active compounds, micropropagation, applications possibilities and conservation status of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris L.) can be found. Refining of the European distribution area and contributions to the distribution in Hungary are also presented. Primer seed-set, thousand-seed weight, soil charac¬teristic and demographic data are published.

  • On the former occurrence of Calla palustris in Hungary

    The origin of a more than 150 years old herbarium specimen of Calla palustris L. stored in JPU is reconsidered in this study. According to the information on its label, the specimen was collected in 1856 at Lake Velence, close to Székesfehérvár city (central Hungary). Some Hungarian botanists are skeptical about the authenticity of this record. Based on the current occurrences of some remarkable swamp species (e.g. Carex pseudocyperus, Liparis loeselii, Sphagnum spp.) and habitat types (e.g. willow carrs and swamp forests) at the lake, as well as the habitat preference of bog arum, there is no reason to question the former occurrence of the species here or even in other Hungarian localities. The content and accuracy of the examined voucher meet the expectations of floristic data. However, in the absence of recent data the species can be considered extinct from Hungary.

  • Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz. ex Rupr.) Schmalh. in Hungary

    The plant that was reported as Vaccinium oxycoccos L. from the Nyírjes-tó (Sirok village, NE Hungary) in 1994 was subsequently (1999) identified as Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz. ex Rupr.) Schmalh. by the first author of this article. To substantiate this identification morphometric data were collected and analysed from Vaccinium specimens occurring in the Sphagnum dominated mires of Nyírjes-tó (Sirok vilage) and Nyíres-tó as well as Báb-tava (Bereg-plain) in September 2016. Field photographs taken previously at the localities of Bereg-plain were also used for identification. The leaves of the Sirok plants are smaller, ovate-triangular, i.e. widest near base. The ovate-elliptic bracteoles are inserted on the basal third of the glabrous pedicels. The flowers are solitary, and have dark pink corollas and hairy filaments on the whole abaxial surface. The fruit is pyriform. In contrast to the Sirok plants, those of the Bereg-mires have clearly larger and ovate-elliptic leaves. The filiform bracteoles are inserted on the middle third of the minutely hairy pedicels. The whitish flowers are grouped in clusters of (2)–3–4–(5), i.e. they form an inflorescence. The filaments are hairy only on the margins of the abaxial surface. The fruit is globular. The statistical analysis confirmed that the Sirok plants belong to Vmicrocarpumwhereas the Bereg-plain plants represent V. oxycoccos.

  • Data on the distribution of some protected plant species and on their presence in secondary habitats

    In this paper, I publish my floristic data on some protected and strictly protected plant species collected in Hungary between 2016 and 2021. The data published in this paper cover 31 micro regions of Hungary, but most of them come from the Great Hungarian Plain, especially from Pest and Bács-Kiskun counties. I describe the occurrences of 41 protected and three strictly protected vascular plant species (two ferns and 42 flowering plants), some of which represent new data for the particular micro region or even larger geographical areas (e.g. Botrychium matricariifolium, Thlaspi alliaceum and Nasturtium officinale). For some species, the published data either come from floristically understudied areas (e.g. Ranunculus illyricus, Vinca herbacea and Cardamine amara) or are considered rare in the certain region and/or in the whole country (e.g. Apium repens, Cnidium dubium and Vicia narbonensis). For other species, the newly reported occurrences are presented as complement to the already known distribution data (e.g. Cephalanthera damasonium, C. rubra, Linaria biebersteinii, Sonchus palustris and Agrostemma githago). In support of the nature conservation actions, I provide data from the flora of some floristically understudied micro regions (e.g. Dorozsma-Majsai Sand Ridge, Bácskai Loess Plain) and try to highlight the role of canals in Hungary in species and biodiversity conservation, by the example of the Danube-Tisza canal. In this manuscript, I publish data on twelve protected plant species from the Danube-Tisza canal and its canal bank (eg. Peucedanum palustre, Carex paniculata, Clematis integrifolia).

  • Contributions to the flora of the Danube River in Komárom-Esztergom and Fejér counties (Hungary)

    The present paper focuses on the aquatic and Nanocyperion vegetation of the Danube flood­plain. Most of the data show the results of the surveys in 2019 at low water levels. The Nanocyperion and aquatic vegetation of the Komárom-Esztergom County section is relatively well researched com­pared to the Fejér County section which was previously poorly known. In the last decade, two rare spe­cies – Hippuris vulgaris and Hydrocharis morsus-ranae – have disappeared between Gönyű and Neszmély (Komárom-Esztergom County). In contrast, several new invasive plants have appeared: Salvinia molesta, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Limnobium laevigatum, and Crassula helmsii (first record from Hungary). Vallisneria spiralis and Elodea canadensis were detected again after several decades. Elodea nuttallii and Azolla sp. have become more widespread and abundant than previously. New and uncommon Nanocyperion species were the native and protected Lindernia procumbens and the inva­sive Lindernia dubia. New invasive plants in the studied Danube sections were: Cyperus esculentus, Euphorbia maculata, and Eleusine indica. The native Veronica catenata and Schoenoplectus triqueter have become more wide­spread than before. Polygonum graminifolium was an interesting find of open pebble surfaces in several parts of the examined area, which has no recent records in Hungary from before 2015 (published here).

  • A new, remarkable population of Epipactis placentina found near Parádsasvár village (Mátra Mts, NE Hungary)

    The present paper surveyes the Hungarian records of Epipactis placentina Bongiorni & Grünanger, which is the rarest Epipactis species in Hungary. Currently, E. placentina is known only at Parádsasvár village in the country. This population (ca. 40 generative individuals) was found in 2019, in an old beech forest, in northern exposition.

  • The herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Eötvös Loránd University (BPU)

    The paper introduces the herbarium of Eötvös Loránd University (BPU), currently stored at the Botanical Garden of the University, according to its state in the year 2013. The BPU herbarium consists of ca. 16 000 specimens the relevant data of which have been organised into an OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet database. The specimens were collected in 16 European countries, mainly in the current territory of Hungary (80%), Romania (12%) and Slovakia (5%). Other countries are represented with very few specimens. The vast majority (ca. 70%) of the Hungarian specimens were collected in Pest, Veszprém, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties. Although the gatherings cover a century and a half period of time, the most rapid growth of the collection took place from the 1930s to the 1960s. The most prolific collectors were Rezső Soó and his followers: Lajos Felföldy, Tibor Simon and Szaniszló Priszter. Felföldy and Simon enriched the collection through more than 60 years. Data on the native plants collected in the present-day Hungary are summarized in Electronic Appendix 1. (incl. taxon name, settlement, collecting year, collector, file name of documentary photograph).

  • Survey on the bryophyte flora of the kurgans along the river Hernád (Hungary)

    This paper presents the results of the first bryofloristic survey in kurgans from North East Hungary. Altogether 41 taxa (1 liverwort and 40 mosses) were recorded from nine burial mounds. The most frequent mosses were Brachythecium rutabulum, Tortula acaulon var. acaulon and Barbula unguiculata from the localities. I found several infrequent bryophyte species on the surveyed Hungarian kurgans, such as Acaulon muticum, Acaulon triquetrum, Pterygoneurum subsessile, Riccia ciliata, Tortula caucasica, Trichostomum brachydontium and Trichostomum crispulum. There was no correlation between the number of bryophytes and the area of the kurgans. The proportion of the annual shuttle life strategy, i.e. species with a very short life span, is relatively high compared to other recent studies from Hungary (e.g. Buda arboretum and Balaton village), thereby these habitats may be potential refuges for ephemeral bryophytes.

  • The flora of Bolondvár (Central Hungary, Colocense)

    A 0.26 km2 sized Natura 2000 area called Bolondvár, located in Central Hungary, near the village Mezőfalva was studied. It is used regularly as a meadow or sometimes as a pasture. Floristic data were collected between 2010 and 2013. The total number of taxa recorded was 362. The species diversity was high compared to other places of Hungary. There were 11 protected (e.g. Ajuga laxmannii, Astragalus asper, Cirsium boujartii, Inula germanica) and numerous locally rare species (e.g. Hieracium densiflorum, Lavatera thuringiaca, Orobanche lutea, Veronica austriaca).

  • Floristic data from Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (SW Hungary)

    This paper presents occurrence data of 169 taxa from the Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (HUDD20026) which is on the southern part of Tolna Hills, SW Hungary. Data were collected during three years (2015, 2016, 2017), on different sites annually. The presented data contribute to the distribution dataset of Atlas florae Hungariae. Regionally rare or sporadic species (e.g. Asplenium scolopendrium, Asplenium trichomanes, Polystichum setiferum, Doronicum hungaricum, Paris quadrifolia, Scilla vindobonensis) are enumerated. Presence of Epipactis leptochila subsp. neglecta and Platanthera chlorantha were not registered from this site before. Subspecies of Carex divulsa are also studied on this site – distribution of these infraspecific taxa have not been mapped recently in Hungary.

  • The flora of the Sárvíz plain (Mezőföld, Hungary)

    In this paper, I present chorological data on the plants growing on the alluvial plain of the Sárvíz river in eastern Transdanubia, Hungary. Species characteristic of reed and sedge marshes, salt lakes and alkali flats, as well as remnants of hardwood forests and mesoxeric grasslands are listed in the enumeration. Since 2004, I have confirmed the occurrence of 50 species previously not recorded in the study area. Here, I report the species names, followed by data on the locality: the name of the township, the geographical name of the locality, and the code(s) of both grid systems, the Central European Flora Mapping System (CEU) and the UTM. Sites where I observed or collected the species after 2004 are in bold. Names of species new to the study area are underlined.

  • Floristic records from Northern Hungary II. North Cserehát and Upper Bódva valley

    This paper presents new floristic data of 123 taxa from the regions of North Cserehát and Upper Bódva valley (Northern Hungary). Records were collected between 1995 and 2020. New occurrences of legally protected (e.g., Dactylorhiza incarnata, Eriophorum angustifolium, Lycopodium clavatum) and not protected but locally rare or data-deficient species (e.g., Artemisia annua, Carex remota, Cirsium pannonicum, Cyperus fuscus, Genista pilosa, Melampyrum cristatum Ranunculus flammula, Scorzonera purpurea, Silene noctiflora) are presented.

  • Bryophyte flora of the Arboretum of Szarvas (Hungary, Békés county)

    In this study we present the current moss and liverwort flora of the Arboretum of Szarvas. The observations were made in 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Altogether 95 bryophyte taxa (7 liverworts and 88 mosses) were identified. Most of them are considered to be common in Hungary, however some species are rare in the Great Hungarian Plain: Lophocolea coadunata, Climacium dendroides, Hylocomiadelphus triquetrus, Pleurozium schreberi, Polytrichum formosum, Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus, Ulota crispula, Zygodon rupestris. These results also confirm the conservational and scientific value of the arboretum.

  • The role of soil seed bank in restoration and dynamics of Hungarian plant communities

    Soil seed bank has an important role in maintaining plant populations and communities, in regeneration processes, and also provides information about the history of the studied site, the past land use practices, the biotic and abiotic changes and about the current degradation degree. In Hungary there are many researchers related to the seed bank, but from the last few years we do not have a comprehensive work about the results of these works. My goal is to report on the results of former seed bank researches in Hungary and also to highlight the missing topics and further research opportunities. The review is based on 49 articles, the oldest one dates back to 1922, the newest one was published in 2015. Most of the studies use greenhouse or laboratory germination tests to determine the viability of seeds. The earliest studies, which examined the weed seed bank of farmland soils found, that the seed bank was much higher than the total seed bank found on natural and semi-natural habitats studied later. Researchers found the lowest seed bank density in forests. Disturbed sites and former agricultural sites had higher seed bank densities than sites without agricultural use. Most part of seed bank was located in the upper soil layer in all studied communities. In most studies usually a small similarity was detected between the composition of soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation, which suggests that the seed bank has a subordinate role in regeneration processes. Seed bank type classification is lacking from the three-quarter of Hungarian flora species, despite that it is essential for protecting species and communities and for developing proper protection against invasive and alien species.

  • The Wildflower of the Year campaign in Hungary

    The paper summarizes the previous history and recent purposes of the ‘Wildflower of the Year’ initiation, established in 2011. The main aim of this initiation is the promotion and familiarization of Hungarian flora, applying a public awareness campaign about the beauty, importance and ecological value of our spectacular wild plants. The ’Wildflower of the Year’ is selected by voting on internet ( Starting from this volume the journal Kitaibelia publishes a monograph about the wildflower of the previous year.

  • Rediscovery of Orchis mascula subsp. signifera (Vest) Soó in the Keszthely Mts (Transdanubia, Hungary)

    Orchis mascula subsp. signifera is a rare, legally protected and endangered species of the Hungarian flora. Currently it is recorded from 25 flora mapping grid cell in Hungary. The westernmost Hungarian occurrence of the species was documented by a voucher collected by Dénes Gotthárd in 1976. After four decades the occurrence of O. mascula in the Keszthely Mts was confirmed in 2015. The local habitat preference and major threats to the taxon are briefly discussed.

  • Data to the flora and geobotany of Kisalföld (Lesser Plain) region, NW Hungary

    Lesser Plain (Kisalföld) – divided among three countries (Austria, Hungary and Slovakia) – is the westernmost part of the lowland areas of the Pannonian Basin. Present paper provides a résumé of the authors’ floristic work from the Hungarian part of the area, describing localities, habitats and regional phytogeography of 57 taxa altogether. The localities were listed according to the classification of small geographic regions. The most important results of the study are as follows:

    • We recorded 5 species new to the region (Brachypodium rupestre, Bromus ramosusHypericum dubiumLathyrus sphaericus, Tordylium maximum); all of them can be considered as submontane-montane elements.
    • We reported several species new to a microregion within the Lesser Plain: montane species in the W-SW part of the Plain (Cirsium rivulareDryopteris dilatataEquisetum telmateia), loess-connected species mainly on the Moson Plateau (Agropyron cristatumAllium atroviolaceumEuphorbia salicifoliaViola ambigua); and occurrences of species on sandy soils near the Lake Fertő (Draba nemorosaStipa pennata).
    • We explained the known localities of several salt tolerant species (e.g. Carex divisaCrypsis alopecuroidesJuncus maritimusLimonium gmeliniiSuaeda pannonica) from the Lake Fertő and its surroundings.
    • We assessed the role of the forest management and nature conservational actions in the distribution of some important tree species (Acer tataricumBetula pubescensFraxinus ornusQuercus petraea, Salix pentandra).
    • We discussed the regional nature conservational status of several protected and/or threatened species (e.g. Allium carinatumAllium suaveolensCarex strigosaHottonia palustris, Potamogeton coloratus, Stellaria palustris) in the Lesser Plain.

    The activities of the authors in the surroundings of Győr were supported by monitoring results gained during the Hungarian Little Plain project (LIFE08 NAT/H/000289).

  • Contributions to the flora of railway-side pioneer habitats on Tiszántúl region

    Verges have considerable importance to preserve diversity in arable landscape. The modernized railway embankments are a great surface to the spread of native pioneer or adventive (invasive) plant species. The new data are about the flora of railway embankments mainly from Tiszántúl region. I present some species found on railway verges (e.g. Equisetum ×moorei, Equisetum ramosissimum, Lycopsis arvensis, Euphorbia maculata, Lepidium densiflorum Tragus racemosus, Vulpia myuros). An especially important new data is the refinding of Galium humifusum in Hungary. Locally non-native and adventive species can use the blanketing materials (sand or gravel) of railway embankments as dispersal corridor and colonize them. The railwayside habitats could contribute to the conservation of rare native pioneer species.

  • Contributions to the flora of Western-Transdanubia (W Hungary)

    In this paper, we presented the results of our floristic survey in West-Hungarian region. The data were collected between 2005 and 2015 and supportted with herbaria or photo-documentation. This paper reports new floristic data of 98 taxa from West-Hungary with altogether 172 field-collected data records. In the survey we focused on little-known taxa with a phyto-geographic importance. For some taxa we checked the herbarium specimens of Savaria Museum and Natural History Museum of Budapest. During our fieldwork we recorded 8 species new to W-Hungary, including 3 species considered to be native to the region [Oenanthe banatica Heuff., Koeleria pyramidata (Lam.) P. Beauv., Polycnemum majus A. Braun.]. Almost all of the recorded species are regarded as indigenous plants, many of them has nature conservation importance, thus, their monitoring are highly advised. We found new localities of many species which of high importance for plant geography describing their current distribution. Most of the recorded species occur in natural or semi-natural habitats, but some taxa were found in synanthropic habitats and extensive arable lands.

  • Mondró-halom kurgan (Hencida, East Hungary), a refugium of loess grassland vegetation

    Fragments of the natural grassland vegetation are often preserved only in those areas which are inadequate for arable farming. In many cases kurgans hold the last remnants of dry grasslands in lowland areas, like the Great Hungarian Plain. They also have an essential role in preserving cultural and landscape values. Moreover, they harbour several rare plant and animal species. Our aim was to explore the vegetation of the Mondró-halom kurgan (Hencida, East Hungary). Altogether we found 74 vascular plant species in the loess grassland of the kurgan. Several rare species of the Bihari-sík region, such as Inula germanicaRanunculus illyricus and Rosa gallica were also detected. The steep slopes of the kurgan with various micro-sites and exposures supported a species-rich vegetation. Instead of its small area it harboured several forest steppic species and several steppic flora elements (Continental, Pontic-Mediterranean, Pontic, Pontic-Pannonic and Turanian).

  • New data to spreading of Plantago coronopus in Hungary

    In this study, new data of the naturalized roadside alien Plantago coronopus L. found in 2020 are listed. Numerous stands have been detected at sites far from previously known localities. These data show that P. coronopus is still in an intense phase of its spread. The species currently known from 90 flora mapping units in Hungary. Its new observations come from the narrow vegetation strip along roadsides, with the exception of the new data from Szombathely, which comes from the parking lot of a shopping center.

  • Some floristic data from surroundings of Kötcse II. (West Outer Somogy, South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    Floristic data of 73 species from NE part of West Outer Somogy are provided in the paper. Most of them were collected in 2016. The paper contains distribution data of species, which have not been detected in Outer Somogy so far (e.g. Peucedanum arenarium), and new occurrences of rare or sporadic taxa (e.g. Menyanthes trifoliataVeronica scardica), as well as subspontaneous occurrences of cultivated species (e.g. Narcissus poëticusHelleborus purpurascens) are provided.

  • Vulpia bromoides and Luzula multiflora in the Dráva Plain (S Hungary)

    Vital populations of Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray and Luzula multiflora Kirsch. were found between Vajszló and Páprád villages (S Hungary) in 25 May 2022. The populations grew in a mesic forest clearing in the territory of “Bükkhát forest”. These species are new for the flora of the Drava Plain. The habitat is demonstrated by a phytosociological relevé.