Vol. 24 No. 1 (2019)

Published March 12, 2019


  • Monitoring of the Apium repens population near Császártöltés (2006–2015)

    Detailed botanical surveys were carried out to monitor the population size of Apium repens in the Vörös-mocsár nature protection area (located in S Hungary, Császártöltés). We found a clear correlation between the water status and the land use type and management of the habitats and the size of the Apium repens population. Apium repens is a Nanocyperion-species, which simultaneously requires wet and open surfaces. Its population shrinks, becomes latent or disappears if its habitat dries out or any other radical transformation happens, like too much leaf litter, closure of the vegetation, or succession on the open peat surfaces. Proper management (water retention, extensive grazing, mowing, open peat surface) has a very positive effect on the populations in a short time, even within a growing season. The research was implemented within the framework of the National Biodiversity Monitoring System, in cooperation with the Kiskunság National Park Directorate.

  • A new alien species in Hungary: Limnobium laevigatum (Hydrocharitaceae)

    The South American Spongeplant (Limnobium laevigatum (Humb. & Bonpl. ex. Willd.) Heine) is a floating aquatic plant native to freshwater habitats of tropical and subtropical Central and South America. It is frequently used for ornamental purposes in ponds and aquariums, and became invasive in the recent decades around the world. It has a high reproductive potential and a high dispersal capacity as well. It can form massive floating mats causing light limitation and creating anoxic conditions in the underlying water column, which strongly reduces native animal and plant biomass and diversity. It can also hamper navigation and water flow in rivers and canals. It has been introduced to the United States, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Zambia and Zimbabwe. There is only one previous record in Europe (Belgium). This article is about the first record of Limnobium laevigatum in Hungary. I found two localities situated near Tata-Naszály and Dunaalmás (North-western part of Hungary). Both localities are fed by hot-water springs. It forms a small but dense population in Dunaalmás located near to the hot spring. The population in Tata-Naszály can be found in a 1.3 km long section of a stream, where it formed a sparse population in 2018.

  • Data to the flora of Heves–Borsod Plain I. Distribution of forest, forest steppe and steppe elements

    This paper reports new floristic data of 159 taxa (158 species and one hybrid) from the Heves–Borsod Plain (5 micro-regions between the Mátra and Bükk Mountains and the Tisza River valley). The data were collected between 1999 and 2018 and supplemented with collected specimen (altogether 93 herbarium sheets). This study is the first part of a thematic series that analyzes the distribution patterns of forest, forest steppe and dry grassland ‘steppe’ species, beyond reporting floristic data. The data were derived from 51 flora-mapping quadrats (CEU), based on 5.395 field collected data records. Some indicator species of the three species groups have been assessed in detail (with the addition of distribution maps of 25 species). I have also tested two East-West direction ‘lines’ (the 100-meter isoline and the Csörsz Ditch) for the possible existence of North-South chorological gradients in the area. True forest species (mostly Querco-Fagetea elements) show a dispersed pattern, their representatives can be linked to forest blocks appearing in the landscape. Streams from the adjacented hilly areas (even if they are strongly modified) are very important in the dispersal of the forest species. Their significance and role are decreasing towards the South. For some steppe and forest steppe species (e.g. Brachypodium pinnatumCampanula bononiensisClematis rectaElymus hispidusLychnis viscaria, Ranunculus illyricusSanguisorba minorStipa spp., Teucrium chamaedrysTrifolium alpestreVinca herbacea) the examined lines indicate a regional area boundary, while for other species (e.g. Phlomis tuberosa, Thalictrum minus) gradient-like distribution differences were not observed. In the distribution of many species an additional southern gradient running along the northern boundary of the former Heves Floodplain was detected. Southwards to this line, the representatives of the selected species are already very sporadic, occurring only in synantropic habitats (e.g. Vincetoxicum hirundinaria).

  • Remnants of closed oak woods on loess in the Mezőföld (Pulmonario mollis-Quercetum roboris Kevey 2008)

    The phytosociological characterization of closed oak forests occurring in the loess-covered part of Central Hungary (Mezőföld) is presented. Such forest fragments are found very sporadically in that predominantly treeless region, mostly in semi-dry habitats of north-facing hillsides. This plant community represents an intermediate stage between open steppe woodland (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum pubescentis-roboris) and closed mesic oak-hornbeam forests (Corydali cavae-Carpinetum). Analyses of 20 phyto­sociological samples using multivariate grouping methods (cluster analysis, principal coordinates analysis) showed a clear difference between these samples and samples of similar communities occurring in the area. In the species composition the characteristic elements of dry and mesic oak forests (Quercetea pubescentis-petraeae, Quercetalia cerridis, Aceri tatarici-Quercion and Fagetalia, respectively) played a major role. On the other hand, dry grassland species (Festuco-Brometea, Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucion rupicolae, etc.) were much less significant than in steppe woodlands. In terms of chorology, European and sub-Mediterranean floristic elements were dominant in the samples, while the proportion of continental elements was substantially smaller than that in steppe woodlands. As a result, our samples were identified with the plant association Pulmonario mollis-Quercetum roboris Kevey 2008, which is classified into the suballiance Polygonato latifolio-Quercenion roboris Kevey 2008 in the phytosociological system.

  • Contributions to the flora of kurgans in the Middle Tisza region

    Kurgans are ancient burial mounds built by nomadic steppic cultures. Embedded in the heavily transformed landscapes of the Carpathian Basin they often serve as last refuges for rare and endangered plant species. In our paper we publish floristic data collected on 82 kurgans located in the area of the Hortobágy National Park Directorate. Our dataset covers 64 CEU quarter quadrates, and the territory of 45 settlements. We provide data on 39 taxa that are either protected (e.g. Anchusa barrelieriCentaurea solstitialisRanunculus illyricus and Phlomis tuberosa) or regionally rare (e.g. Aegilops cylindricaAstragalus austriacusGlaucium corniculatum and Trifolium diffusum). Our records demonstrate that kurgans have a vital role in maintaining the populations of rare and endangered grassland species even in transformed landscapes.

Short communications

  • Literature reviews

    DEÁK B. (2018): Természet és történelem. A kurgánok szerepe a sztyeppi vegetáció megőrzésében. – Ökológiai Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézet Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., Debrecen, 152 pp.

    MOLNÁR V. A. (szerk., 2018): Élet a halál után. A temetők élővilága. – Debreceni Egyetem, Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar, Növénytani Tanszék, Debrecen, 216 pp.