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  • Report of the international workshop Science between Tradition and Innovation: Historical Perspectives

    Conference Review on the workshop of Science between Tradition and Innovation: Historical Perspectives. On 28th and 29th of May 2019 ’The Patterns of the Circulation of Scientific Knowledge in Hungary, 1770–1830’ research group organized the conference on Science between Tradition and Innovation: Historical Perspectives in Szekfű Gyula Library (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest). The programme of the conference was based on the English and German papers of the Hungarian, Czech, Austrian and German guests and the members of the research group of history of science at Eötvös Loránd University Institute of History. The principle aim of the conference was to negotiate the East-Central European context of the problem of tradition and innovation which has become well-known in recent studies of history of science and cultural history. Periodically, the conference framed the frequently underrated, eighteenth-century period of early modern scientific culture. The thematic panels and papers investigated the historical and analitical implications of the long eighteenth century paying special attention to such questions as of the use of concepts, scientific practices, knowledge production, transfer processes, and scientific disciplines.

  • Béla Pukánszky researcher and artist

    In the first phase of the history of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen, several lecturers were in close connection with arts. This study intends to introduce primarily the musical significance of Professor Béla Pukánszky from Pozsony. In the course of the research, I attempted to read and process the surviving documents of the personal legacy along with the critiques, reviews and jubilee studies written by contemporary scholars and colleagues. In Béla Pukánszky’s case, I relied on the documents preserved in the Manuscript Archive at the University of Debrecen (minutes, concert invitations, handwritten and typed music history performances), and especially on his wife’s correspondence. As a result, I report on Béla Pukánszky’s art-related scholarly and educational pursuits as writer and lecturer, and demonstrate the proactive role he undertook in the artistic life of Debrecen, Budapest, and the whole of Hungary. Thus, my work contributes to the previous research results on the important activities of the faculty’s and the town’s nationally outstanding intellectual circles in the fields of cultural history, cultural education and art patronage.

  • Bruckner Győző (1877–1962)

    Győző Bruckner (1877–1962). Between the two world wars, the director and prominent teacher of the Augustan Evangelical Academy of Law—which was moved to Miskolc after Preşov was annexed to Czechoslovakia— was Győző Bruckner, who came from a German-Saxon Zipser family. His primary fields of professional interest were the cultural history of the Uplands region, the history and legal relations of the Spiş mining towns. hese interests of his remained enduring and he published a number of fundamental
    studies and monographs pertaining to these subjects. Bruckner is, however, known not only for his work in legal and cultural history, but he also played a signiicant role in the life of the evangelical church, and he had a crucial role in the development of the legal academy of Miskolc. In addition, he published a series of books and a periodical in support of the work of the college he headed. He lived to see the closing-down of his beloved legal academy, of which, after he retired in pension, he himself wrote a history

  • Peregrinus Sum, Studies in History of Hungarian-Dutch Cultural Relations in Honour of Ferenc Postma on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday: Szerkesztette Margriet Gosker, Monok István, Budapest-Amsterdam, 2015, 292 lap

    Peregrinus Sum, Studies in History of Hungarian-Dutch Cultural Relations in Honour of Ferenc Postma on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday - recenzió


    1959 was an important year for pedagogy education in Hungary because this was the year that saw the beginning of pedagogy higher education start in eleven institutions of the country. These institutions started out as anonymous, and none of them were named after prominen cultural and/or  historical Hungarian figures. The  ministry wanted to rectify this shortcoming as early as 1959/1960, therefore they organized a dedicated director’s session to discuss potential eponyms for each of the institutions. As a follow- up, the Pedagogy Training Division of the ministry requested the directors of the institutions in early 1960 to provide a brief justification for their name selection. The Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza chose József Eötvös who was the most prominent benefactor of Hungarian public education, and a dedicated supporter of the development of teacher training. In this paper we present the invitation from the ministry and the response to this call from the director of the Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza. Although the naming process was stalled in 1960, we believe that it is still worthwhile to acknowledge the intent that was not realized because it shows the will of the directors in Nyíregyháza to carry legacy and nurture traditions.

  • Debreceni zenetörténet – Az évfordulók tükrében

    MUSIC HISTORY OF DEBRECEN – IN REFLECTION OF ANNIVERSARIES. he study provides an extensive review of the 50 year history of professional music education in Debrecen. Special attention is put on the changes in the institutional structure of the training from the foundation of vocational school of music arts in 1966 to the present Music Faculty of the University of Debrecen. he writing relects not only on the spaces, forums of the daily teaching and artistic work, the living areas of the students, the international relations, but also on the important role the Faculty plays in the cultural life of the city.

  • Holland egyetemek hatása a 17-18. századi magyar orvoslás kultúrtörténetében

    INFLUENCE OF DUTCH UNIVERSITIES ON THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES. 97 students are known who were registered as a student of medicine at Dutch universities in the Early Modern Age. he basic subjects of medical training, botany and anatomy, were met by the universities and clinical education was also introduced. Hungarian students disputed and defended doctoral theses in the Netherlands under inluence of the newest philosophical and medical theories. After having inished their medical training abroad, they became doctors of towns and provinces in their home country. Some of them continued writing scientiic works or translated works of famous European doctors. he work of the most inluential Dutch medical doctor, Hermann Boerhaave was continued by his students in Vienna and Hungary, too. His name also appeared in literary works of the 18th century.

  • A Tiszántúl északi részéről származó diákok egyetemjárása külföldön 1292–1918

    THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF STUDENTS ABROAD FROM THE NORTHERN PART OF THE TRANS TISZA REGION 1292–1918. he social and cultural history of the regions cannot be examined without exact information about the school system, the catchment area of the schools and their eiciency in a given region. his analysis includes the examination of the university attandence abroad, especially in case of countries where the university system was established with a delay, therefore university education was a valid option only at international universities. he data relating to Hungarian regions, counties, or cities can be easily obtained from this analysis. he present essay summarizies the university attending practices in the Northern part of the trans Tisza region.

  • Vilmos Haendel, Professor of Law the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1942/43.

    Vilmos Haendel was a lecturer for 14 years at the law academy at the Reformed College of Debrecen, then for nearly 30 years he taught political sciences at the University of Arts and Sciences of Debrecen. Being a well-rounded person he stood out from among the teachers of the Law Faculty of the university before the World War II. He played an important role in the political, social and cultural life of Debrecen for decades. At the same time, his nationalism and anti-Semitism made him a typical figure of the public life of the city in the first Half of the 20th century. The study describes his way of life on the basis of such data which have not been summed up so far, and tries to show his teaching career and the events of the year when he was the Rector flashing his most important scientific works.


    Since Antiquity Rhetoric, Ars Dictaminis and different types of Prose-Composition have great importance within education on the one hand, but on the other hand, we can see the different ways to localize Rhetorica within the canon oft liberal arts. Latest with Alcuin Rhetorica became the main point in practice in ruling. This means that knowledge of rhetorical precepts got part of the „educatio Regis”, and this we can see at least up to Eneas Silvio de Piccolominibus’ Tractatus de liberis educandi, written for Ladislaus Postumus (d. 23-11-1457). With the eleventh and twelfth century Ars dictandi got his place in educating persons who are specialists in „dictare”, formulating privileges, charters, epistles, and all other different sorts of empowering. With the Universities Rhetorica had his place in Faculty of Arts „Artistenfakultät” in there between Poetria and practice.  Studying for many students meant to get tools to be successful in princely chancelleries, Episcopalian and town (urban) administrations. There exits many examples to give us a survey to the different ways of teaching and gathering examples for „how to write” the different sorts of texts-documents in political communication. Here we can see an examples from the third and fourth decade of the fifteenth century, which combines theory (Brieftheorie/Ars dictandi), and examples. Because those examples show us the different themes, because we can see laypeople and clergy throughout all positions in society, and because we find mentioned places we can see the coverage in teaching and ruling. Finally yet importantly, we know by many examples of charters and letters how those compendia artis dictandi also could rule the script.

  • Fejezetek a huszonötéves krakkói magyar szak történetéből

    ASPECTS PERTAINING TO THE TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR HISTORY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMIC PROGRAM AT CRACOW. This study, which also encompasses present-day events, commemorates the fact that in the academic year of 2014/2015 the Department of Hungarian Philology, Jagello University, Cracow, celebrated the twenty-ifth anniversary of its existence. he reader is ofered an insight into the struggles and events in the wake of the establishment of the Department in 1988, as well as into the cultural mission that has guided the Department in maintaining Polish-Hungarian relations. Not suppressing the theme of attendant diiculties, the text radiates a substantial sense of mission and hope, while the author highlights the professional Hungarian program as well as the research activity of the academic staf that has made these projects – and ideas pertaining to the future a realiy.


    Due to increased archival and records management tasks, there was an urgent need for higher education in archival education in the second half of the 20th century. After the first initiative, after the end of university archival training between 1950 and 1955, a two-year course organized by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs only partially filled the gap, and due to its lack of elaboration and accountability, it can only be considered a partial success. Its value can be seen in the fact that it tried to pass on targeted knowledge to participants who had already worked in an archive, so the training was not considered an “elite” course of history. Correction of the errors in the course was delayed due to the reopening of the jigher education of archivist.


  • Polish-Hungarian research studies on the occasion of the 30 th anniversary of the Department of Hungarian Studies of the Jagello University

    The history and the friendship of the Polish and the Hungarian people has been related since ages. Political, economic and cultural cooperations are very strong


    This paper deals with the Hungarian-related entries of János Filiczki's album amicorum, which were inscribed during his European peregrination between 1600 and 1616 by Adam Kunisch, Johann Frölich, Sebastian Ambrosius Jr., István Miskolci Csulyak, Joannes Bocatius, Albert Szenci Molnár, Johannes Blofus, Maximilianus Fabinus, István Debreceni Dormány, János Keserűi Dajka, Gergely Váradi Farkas, Gregor Tribel Jr. and Elias Berger. Examining more closely the entries, new information and details can be gained about the life and studies of some inscribers, especially the young representatives of the local intellectual class: Sebastian Ambrosius Jr., Maximilianus Fabinus and Gregor Tribel Jr..

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