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  • Hungary Country report on digitalization and international comparison within the frameworks of the CA21107 COST Action Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization (DIGI-net)

    The Association For Women’s Career Development In Hungary (AWCDH) participates in the CA21107 COST Action “Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization (DIGI-net)”. AWCDH members participate in research activities in all 5 Working Groups.

  • The impact of COVID-19 on the online shopping habits of the elderly - a study in two regions

    COVID-19 significantly affected the lives of people, including the elderly, who tried to reduce their personal relationships, especially during quarantine periods. Their daily lives have changed, including their consumer behaviour. The basis of my research was the longitudinal research of the Gerontology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Debrecen. In the summer of 2021, I made an interview research covering two regions, in which I searched for answers for example the COVID-19 epidemic affected the lives of members of elderly organizations, how their habits changed, for example regarding the use of digital devices and consumption in general. Based on the results, it can be said that while in 2020 the members of the organizations kept in touch with each other mainly by telephone during the pandemic, in 2021 there were almost the same number of those who used traditional telephones and those who preferred online contact. Online communication and Internet use have probably become more widespread because older people have become more open to the online world. In the examined period, the willingness of the elderly to use digital devices increased and their opportunities broadened, for example through the (often forced) development of their competences. This is also true for online purchases. As in all age groups of domestic consumers, online consumption has also increased among the elderly. In their case, this is mainly influenced by their opportunities related to digitalization. The main advantage of digitalization for the elderly is that it is much easier for them to keep in touch with each other, including with family members who live far away, while one of the disadvantages is that not all elderly people can afford to have the appropriate competencies, technical conditions and internet access.

  • Országjelentés a digitalizációról a CA21107 COST Akció „Work Inequalities in Later Life redefined by Digitalization (DIGI-net)” keretében

    A CA21107 COST akció a „DIGI-net” a digitalizáció fejlesztésének és terjedésének az előrehaladás folyamataiban a munka terén tapasztalható eredményeket, az egyenlőtlenségeket, a hiányosságokat és azok kezelését gyűjti össze Európa országaiban. A projektben/kutatásban a civil társadalmi szervezetek, kutatók, szakemberek, szakértők vesznek részt.

  • How learning theories can be applied to support older adults’ acquisition of digital skills?

    Digitalization of public services affects daily life of older adults since adequate digital skills are required in using the digital devices and services. Many organizations have reacted to the growing need of older adults to receive support in using digital services by offering guidance in digital skills. The knowledge of how older adults learn help in successfully organizing digital skills guidance.

    In this presentation we will introduce the variety of concepts and theories concerning digital skills learning of older adults. We will also share results of peer guidance sessions of older adults from the viewpoints of three different learning theories.

     Data is collected from eight focus group interviews (N = 42, 62-79 years old). Data was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis.

    According to the results, peer tutors applied all three learning theoretical approaches in digital skills guidance. Furthermore, peer tutors paid attention to characteristics of ageing that affect learning. At best, peer tutoring sessions were constructed as shared learning practices of both tutors and tutees. Results provide new information about how to support older adults in peer tutoring sessions. Research results can be used in educating peer tutors and teachers of older adults as well as in developing support systems in implementation of digital public services. This research is a part of ACCESS project in which digital skills learning of older adults is investigated in four European countries.

    The ACCESS project is funded by EU Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) “More Years, Better Lives” The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change.