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  • Participation of an NGO in international scientific cooperations
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    The AWCDH has set itself the goal of recognizing, understanding, fostering and honoring the need for women’s career development in the family and beyond. We help women find career opportunities by providing information, advice and training so that with their newfound knowledge, talent, and female values specific to them, they can make meaningful contributions to the business, academic and non-profit spheres.

  • Domestic Violence and its Impact upon Reproductive Health during Corona Virus Pandemic among Women Attending Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad City - Iraq
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    Violence is widespread, affects women of all cultures globally, breeds in silence, it is an important cause of physical, psychological reproductive health problems.
    A cross sectional design was utilized to assess the types domestic violence and it's impacts of upon reproductive health during corona virus pandemic among women attending primary health care centers in Baghdad City - Iraq
    A non-probability sample of (150) women who expose to violence was selected during the period from 26th Jun to 18th Mar. 2021. Data was collected by filling out the questionnaire, and the validity and reliability were determined through the pilot study, and descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used in analyzing the data.
    The results of the study revealed that most of the study sample were subjected to hitting (86%) and slapping (83%) during their daily lives, controlling their behavior (90%) and abuse or the use of force during sexual relations (75%), while preventing them from using some social networking sites(84%). According to the R/S, the result was psychosocial violence was high level, and physical and electronic violence was medium level, while sexual violence was low level, The study finding indicated that all study samples suffer from at least one impact of domestic violence on them during childbearing age, but most of the study sample considered psychosocial violence to be the most influential on their lives than others. The study recommends that women will be screened for any type of domestic violence during childbearing age. Incorporating domestic violence topics into education curricula, using social media, the availability of health services, and supporting the strengthening of cooperation between social agencies, justice and the police through law enforcement and research to promote and protect women's rights.

  • Social security and safety of older adults in Poland
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    Poland’ population will be ageing at a fast rate in the coming decades. It is projected that in 2070 the Polish ratio between people aged 65 and over and those aged 15-64 years will be 62.6, the highest among EU-27 countries. Population ageing appeared in the public debate in Poland as a separate subject in the 1990s, following a negative natural population increase and the looming impact of the massive withdrawal of baby boomers from the labour market on the pension system. One of the reasons for older persons’ growing interest in retirement was pension system reforms planned by successive governments.

    The announcement of the year 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations (decision no. 940/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2011) contributed in Poland to the emergence of a senior policy from a social policy and initiated major legislative, institutional, and organisational changes at the national, regional and local levels of government. It also inspired the redefinition of measures used hitherto in line with the evolution in the perception of older people from social care recipients to active members of their communities entitled to education and economic, social, civic and political activity. In 2013, the Senior Policy Council was established as a consultative and advisory body to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and then similar councils supporting regional and local authorities were organised.

    In order to encourage greater activity among seniors, a special governmental programme was created in December 2013, which grants funds on a competitive basis to projects concerning social activities, education, and intergenerational cooperation submitted by informal and formal groups of seniors.

    The national government’s key documents on senior policy, one for the period from 2014 to 2020 and the other spanning the years until 2030, are Resolution 238 of 24 Dec. 2013 by the Board of Ministers on the Adoption of Long-term Senior Policy in Poland for the Years 2015-2020 and Resolution 161 of 28 Oct. 2018 by the Board of Ministers on the adoption of Social Policy Towards the Older Persons 2030. Security-Participation-Solidarity. In 2015, the Polish Parliament passed the elderly people act, which requires institutions in charge of the well-being of older persons to monitor and report on their situation. The reports submitted by the institutions are used by the Ministry of Labour to compile and present an annual evaluation of the status of the older population in Poland.

    The regional governments’ senior policy is reflected in their social policy strategies. The strategies’ operational goals started to address needs specific to older people since 2002, focusing in particular on improving their quality of life, developing round-the-clock care services, at-home care services, and rehabilitation services, and on reducing social exclusion and marginalization of seniors.

    Social security and the safety of older adults are progressively improving in Poland, but the greatest progress has been made in the area of active ageing. Social care services for the elderly still require improvement, because the predominant family care model is inefficient in many ways due to:

    • limited financing of care services by public institutions,
    • the growing proportion of single elderly persons,
    • the increasing number of people aged 85+ (the so-called double population ageing),
    • social insurance disregarding long-term care to an elderly family member as an insurable risk,
    • a lack of legislation allowing employed people to seek a long-term leave to give care to an older family member,
    • the informal expectation that women who retire at the age of 60 years will take care of the oldest family members.

    While neither the scale nor the quality of home care services given to older persons is regularly surveyed in Poland, it can be presumed that the scale of care services is insufficient and that they excessively burden families with a member in need of care. Between 2010 and 2018, the number of persons aged 65+ increased in Poland by over 1.5 million, the number of the users of attendance services and specialised attendance services by 29,000 (from 99,000 to 128,000), and the number of residences in homes and facilities providing assistance to aged persons by 7,000 (from 20,000 to 27,100.)

  • Narratives of Senior Social Entrepreneurship in the Silver Economy
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    The basic assumption of the paper is the recognition that the complexity of the challenges related to population ageing forces the development of cooperative links in the area of the silver economy between public policy entities representing various sectors. In other words, there is a need for more intensive and better-coordinated cooperation between organisations in the commercial sector, public sector, non-governmental sector, informal sector and social economy sector (e.g., cooperatives).

  • Nordic Arctic cooperation in ageing: Policy analysis of age-inclusive outdoor spaces
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    In the last decade, several various policy strategies have been adopted in response to population ageing in the Arctic. Governmental actions have yet to be evaluated in terms of their efficacy. By making an overview of specified policy actions, we define successes and failures on the way to building thriving age-inclusive communities in the Nordic region of the Arctic.

  • A városi zöldterületek szerepe a demenciával élők és gondozók jóllétének megőrzésében
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    Empirikus kutatásunk célja annak feltérképezése volt, hogy a városi lakókörnyezet zöldterületein tett séta hogyan járul hozzá a demenciával élő betegek és az őket gondozó családtagjaik jóllétének megőrzéséhez. A vizsgálatban 3 gondozó-gondozott diád vett részt, a gondozók a rendszeres közös sétákról egy hónapon keresztül (2021 április-májusban) készítettek naplóbejegyzéseket. A naplóírás mellett egy kvantitatív kérdőív kitöltése is a gondozók kutatótársi feladatának részét képezte, amelyben a gondozók értékelték saját és demenciával élő hozzátartozójuk mentális és hangulati állapotát, valamint a kettejük együttműködését a séta előtt, alatt és után. A 39 sétáról beérkezett kérdőívek értékelései alapján a gondozottak és a gondozók esetében is az eredmények szignifikáns javulást mutattak a mentális állapot és hangulat tekintetében, illetve a kettejük együttműködésének alakulásában is a séta hatására. Ezt a tendenciát a naplóbejegyzések szöveges tartalmai is alátámasztották, magyarázták. Kis mintás kutatásunkban sikerült tehát igazolni, hogy az általunk vizsgált gondozó-gondozott diádok esetén a városi zöld környezetben tett séta mindkét fél hangulati és mentális állapotára, valamint kettejük együttműködésére is kedvező hatású volt. Eredményünk jelentősége abban áll, hogy hazai mintán is alátámasztja a városi zöldterületek egészségmegőrzésben betöltött szerepét krónikus betegek és gondozó családtagjaik körében: a séta a természetben ily módon egy alacsony költségű, általánosan pozitív hatású és relatíve könnyen és sokak számára elérhető, mégis nagy hatású intervenciónak tekinthető.