Vol. 13 No. 40 (2021)

Published December 31, 2021

Dear Reader!

Let me recommend the 2021 issue of the Hungarian Journal of Gerontology!

Strengthening the interdisciplinary spirit of the journal, you can read several interesting publications by our authors. Of course, among the main topics, the impact of the pandemic on the elderly is also discussed in two publications. The dimensions of the well-being of older people are explored in five other publications by our national and international authors. In addition, the issue can also explore perceptions and services, theories and policies related to ageing.

dr. László Patyán

Editor in Chief



  • Survey on unvaccinated elderly people during the Covid-19 pandemic. The patterns of sandwich generation and the age transition to old age

    The article focuses on the most important aspects of the first processing of the Hungarian results. The study involved 507 individuals: 117 men, 380 women, 2 individuals identified as ‘other’, and 8 respondents did not want to answer this question. The data processing shows that a large number of non-vaccinated people do not believe that they are at risk of developing COVID-19 virus. 42% of the non-vaccinated are very sure that the vaccine will not work, and 30.6% are afraid that they will become infected because of the vaccine. They do not feel safe after vaccinations and are afraid of the undiscovered consequences, and have more confidence in their natural immunity. 61.8% would not require the vaccine for themselves, nor in the future. 67.3% want to wait to see how vaccines work in other people. During processing, those with a specific anti-vaccinationist attitude could be identified and their profile was drawn. During the analysis, important aspects were identified for the development of effective communication strategies with the unvaccinated elderly. Highlighting the patterns of sandwich generation and the age transition to old age was also important aspect of analysis.

  • Comparison of sociodemographic characteristics in nursing home residents and community-dwelling elders

    Purpose: This study aimed to compare the sociodemographic characteristics in nursing home residents and community-dwelling elders.

    Methods: This descriptive study consisted of 342 older people between October and November 2019 (nursing home = 79, community-dwelling = 263). The data were collected by “Questionnaire Form for Individuals Living in Nursing Homes” and “Questionnaires for Individuals Living in Community-Dwelling." Comparisons between groups were made with the chi-square test. Descriptive characteristics were presented as numbers, percentage, mean, standard deviation, min. and max. scores.

    Results: The average age of the elderly living in a nursing home was 77.35±7.40 (min: 66, max: 97). Before coming to the nursing home, 38.0% lived with their spouses. The average age of community-dwelling older people was 70.90±5.57 (min: 65, max: 88). Of community-dwelling older people, 81.7% lived with their families. There was a significant difference between both groups regarding age, income status, having a child, having a physical disability, using dentures, ability to maintain activities of daily living, self-confidence, sleep problems, social activity, smoking rates, and history of visiting a nursing home (p < 0.05).

    Conclusion: Compared to the community-dwelling older people, the elderly living in a nursing home were more senior, lonely, had a lower income, had higher physical disabilities, had lower social activity and self-confidence, had more sleep problems, and smoked.

  • An exploratory metaphor analysis on the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging

    Purpose: The aim of this study was to reveal the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging through metaphors.

    Methods: The basic qualitative research design was used to evaluate the metaphors of nursing students regarding the concept of aging from their perspectives. The study sample consisted of 104 senior nursing students at Aksaray University in the 2021-2022 academic year. A purposive sampling method was used. "Metaphoric Perceptions Data Collection Form", which was prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, was used as a data collection tool. The form consists of two parts. In the first part, the demographic characteristics of the students were investigated. In the second part, the sentence “Aging is like … because … ” was given to reveal students' metaphors regarding the concept of aging. The metaphors developed by the students regarding the concept of old age were analyzed and interpreted with Metaphor Analysis. Metaphor analysis has been associated with content analysis.

    Results: The mean age of the students participating in the study was 21.65±0.99 (min: 20, max: 25). Of students, 68.6% were female, 33.3% lived in city, and 84.3% had nuclear family. About half (50.0%) of their grandparents lived in their house. Of the students, 39.2% thought about living with your parents when you start a family in the future; 52.9% lived with older adults aged 65 and over until now; 92.2% cared for an older patient during clinical practice; and 74.5% wanted to work in a health institution serving the elderly after graduation. Students produced a total of 102 valid metaphors for the concept of aging. Four main themes were obtained from the data. The main themes were aging as an ending story, a need for care, attention, and support, a new beginning, and a source of life.

    Conclusion: Nursing students' metaphors about aging are generally negative, but also contain expressions of respect.

  • The role of urban green spaces in the well-being of people with dementia and their carers

    The aim of our empirical research was to explore how walking in green spaces in urban neighbourhoods contributes to the well-being of people with dementia and their informal carers. The study involved 3 caregiver – care recipient dyads, with carers keeping diary entries of regular walks together for a month (April-May 2021). In addition to the diary writing, carers completed a quantitative questionnaire as part of their research, in which they assessed their own and their relative's mental and mood state and their interaction before, during and after the walk. Based on the assessments of the questionnaires received from the 39 walks, results showed significant improvements in mental state and mood for both carers and cared-for persons, as well as in the way their dyads interacted with each other as a result of the walk. This trend was also supported and explained by the textual content of the diary entries. Thus, our small sample study was able to demonstrate that in the case of the caregiver – care recipient dyads we studied, a walk in an urban green environment had a positive effect on the mood and mental state of both partners, as well as on their cooperation. The significance of our results is that they support the role of urban green spaces in health promotion among chronic patients and their informal caregivers in a national sample: walking in nature can thus be considered a low-cost, generally positive and relatively easy and accessible intervention with a high impact.

  • Perceived social support in old age

    Background and aims: In our research, we examined how the degree of perceived social support depends on factors (gender, age, marital status, health, giving up independent living) and how it is related to experiencing aging.

    Methods: In our study, we used questionnaires examining social support, attitudes to ageing, life satisfaction, and depression in old age.

    Results and discussion: Perceived social support shows a decreasing trend with age, and is lower in the case of singles, those in poor health, and those living in nursing homes. It can be said that all three types of support decreases with age at those living independent, but those living in nursing homes the social support is the lowest in the case of the youngest (65-74 years) and the highest at the of 75-89 years, and the instrumental support over 90 years old. Higher perceived social support results in higher levels of life satisfaction, lower level of depression and more positive experiences of ageing. It is important to note, however, that the support actually provided and the perceived support are not the same.

  • A Sóstó-Gyógyfürdők Zrt. kínálata az idősödő generációknak

    Analyzing the age pyramid of Hungary, we can see that we live in an aging society, due to which the older generations are becoming more and more important in the medical tourism sector. The largest group of medical tourism is the elderly over the age of 60, who most often visit spas with musculoskeletal disorders. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county is especially rich in spas, the Sóstó Spa, which is our spa of international significance, also stands out. The aim of the Sóstó Spa is to play a role in maintaining and improving the health of health tourists, in developing a bathing culture, and in spending a pleasant and useful leisure time.

  • Molekuláris gerontológia napjainkban

    Recognizing and nderstanding the complex processes of aging at the molecular level is essential today. The mechanisms at the molecular level of aging interpret classical gerontological knowledge, on the other hand, they can form the basis of prevention possibilities. Following the summation of some basic concepts of molecular gerontology, a summary based on this literary data aims to present some of the latest results in the field of neurosciential aging.

  • A telemedicina szolgáltatás térhódítása a pandémia idején

    During the pandemic, the role of information and telecommunications in health care became particularly important. An alternative way of communicating between the doctor and his/her patient has been through online forms of communication and the tools commonly used in everyday cases where a face-to-face meeting is not absolutely necessary, or in an emergency, a face-to-face meeting may be preceded by a remote consultation. In this situation, diagnosis is a huge responsibility and an ethical burden for the physician. Although this can be facilitated by the findings of the laboratory, the previously completed imaging diagnostics, and the online systems that create direct communication, there are also conditions for the development of a new diagnosis that can be confirmed by perception. During the coronavirus pandemic, efforts were made to minimize the number of personal doctor-patient encounters in the primary and outpatient care systems to curb the epidemic, in order to curb the epidemic. In cases where a personal relationship between the doctor and the patient has already been established, the patient’s relationship between the doctor and the patient has already been established, the patient’s medical history is known and they are forced to use telemedicine, they are practicing their profession in the best sense. The usefulness of telemedicine during the pandemic has been demonstrated, and its further development is a major challenge for both informatics and medicine.

  • Primary aspects of the elderly and information communication technologies

    In this article, we will briefly review information and communication technology (ICT), the most typical characteristics of the elderly age group, and finally, we will look at how and in which areas the elderly can connect to ICT solutions. It is not easy to navigate in a world of rapidly evolving technology even for those who do not have to think about how to learn using ICT. In a rapidly evolving world of technology, it is not easy for those who does not need to think about how to learn how to use ICT to adapt. Those who have not been in touch with ICT for a third or half of their lives start from a serious disadvantage, and this disadvantage can increase in old age. Today it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between the online and offline worlds, and this is unlikely to become easier in the future. Welfare states are characterized by an aging society, and the resulting problems have long been present in all areas, from health to economy. In our study we will examine and bring together relevant literature closely related to this topic, covering quality of life, overcoming loneliness, social inclusion and the health of the individual. Our aim is to explore the potential of ICT for quality ageing of older people, the factors that motivate them to use the tools, the difficulties that hinder their use and learning, and the future prospects. Our study covered the English and Hungarian language literature, publications published in Europe or research conducted in European countries, among people aged 65 and over, between 2011 and 2021.

  • Állattartó idősek egészségi állapota

    The human is a complex being: a combination of biological, psychological and social factors.   Our lives are significantly influenced by worldwide social influences and communication networks. Animal husbandry is not only a way of life, but a daily social rite, with symbolic values and social interactions. Health requires harmony with nature, ourselves, our fellow human beings and the supernatural. The aim of my research is to examine the health status of elderly people and their interactions with animals.

Public science

  • Bölcs öregedés az életút alkonyán

    The study highlights what impression the quality of our life history has on our elderly ourselves. With this complex presentation of the aging process, a more nuanced diagnosis could be made about the versatility of ageing, thus more effective prevention and care programs could be carried out. The recognition and application of the positive philosophy of life outlined in the study contribute to maintaining good mental health of the elderly.

    Practical relevance. The results of the research can be primarily utilzed in care institutions, nursing homes and retirement clubs. It can effectively help the physical, spiritual and mental care of elderly people and help them accept their problematic life situation. The study might be utilized in practice on elementary and intermediate andragogy trainings and on vocational courses (social worker, specialist nurse, therapist).