Vol. 12 No. 39 (2020)

Published December 31, 2020


Tisztelt Olvasóink!

Örömmel ajánljuk figyelmükbe a Magyar Gerontológia folyóirat legújabb, 39. számát, melynek tudományos cikkeiben a következő témákat érintik szerzőink.

Kovács Éva Katalin tanulmányában felhívja a figyelmet arra a tényre, miszerint – ahogy a gazdaság egyéb területein, úgy a családi gazdaságokra vonatkozóan is – az egyik legnagyobb kockázatot az utódlás megfelelő lebonyolítása jelentheti. Ideális helyzetként írja le azt az állapotot, amelynek során egy családi gazdaság évtizedeken, generációkon át egy család kezében marad, hiszen a vezetők tapasztalata, tudása, kapcsolati tőkéje gördülékenyebben adódhat át a fiatalabb családtagoknak.

Ferwagner Anna és Pék Győző két cikkel is jelentkezett. Az elsőben azt vizsgálták, hogy hogyan élik meg életük utolsó szakaszát azok az idősek, akik ezekben az években maradandó alkotás létrehozását célzó alkotó tevékenységgel foglalkoznak. A másodikban pedig arra voltak kíváncsiak, hogy milyen flow- és antiflow-élményt élnek át különböző élethelyzetekben az idősek. Mindkét kutatás érdekes, elgondolkodtató és előremutató eredményeket hozott.

Bene Ágnes, Móré Marianna és Zombory Júlia igen időszerű dolgozatukban az idősek szempontjait előtérbe helyezve elemezték a digitalizációs kor kihívásait. A pandémiát megelőző időszak helyzetképét rögzítették a szerzők a digitalizációnak az aktív idősödéssel kapcsolatos lényeges területeire nézve.

Tudománynépszerűsítő cikkeink is komoly érdeklődésre tarthatnak számot. Az elsőben Arató András saját példáján keresztül lebilincselően számol be arról, hogyan vált egy 65 éves villamosmérnök egy véletlennek köszönhetően a világszerte ismert és kedvelt Hide the pain Harolddá. A másodikban Dobos László az EduSenior Karantén Képzési Program részeként megvalósult kérdőíves kutatás izgalmas eredményeit mutatja be. A vizsgálat 2020. május 5-től 2020. május 20-ig tartott.

Zárásként ismételten ajánljuk a gerontológia tudománya iránt érdeklődők számára folyóiratunk aktuális számát, kellemes és tartalmas olvasást kívánunk!

Kristóf Zsolt



  • The Role of Elderly Generation in Generational Turnover of Family Farms

    One of the greatest risks of a family farm is the succession of the farm. It is also backed by the fact that 2/3 of the companies do not survive the generational turnover. However, several farm risk their survival by not planning succession. Predecessors play a major role in the succession process. Thus, the aim of the study is to examine the role of the elderly generation in generational turnover of family businesses based on earlier empirical research. The predecessors continue to play a symbolic role after succession and thus have a profound impact on corporate culture, values and performance. The predecessors have extensive farming experience but are inexperienced in succession. Several of them contemplate on retirement, but few actually get to action. In conclusion, the core benefit of family farms is that, ideally, they remain in the control of a family for generations, thus allowing tens of years of experience and knowledge to be concentrated in the leader. Therefore, we should not forget that the silver generation is worth gold!

  • Active, Creative Aging I. - Coping

    Background and aims: In our research, we examined how the last stage of their lives is experienced by older people who engage in creative activity (handicraft, fine arts, textile art) aimed at creating a lasting work at this stage of their life.
    Methods: In our study, we used questionnaires examining proactive coping, life satisfaction, geriatric depression, and the meaning of life.
    Results and discussion: The higher level of search for meaning measured by creators may be related to the complex nature of the search, which may involve the mental stress associated with life cycle change and the ability to cope with it and the possibility of development, so that creative activity can be interpreted as a kind of protective factor. In the group of creators, reflective coping (exploring and analyzing several solution options and the resources needed for the solution) showed the highest value, which may result from the creativity and divergent thinking of those engaged in creative activity.

  • The impact of some elements of digitisation and education for the elderly - before the quarantine situation

    Digitalisation is one of the most important elements of the changes of the 21st century. The study describes the social impact of some areas of digitalisation, especially for the older generations. Beyond the health aspects there are two areas - the supporting power of the community and the fight against loneliness - which give the core of the social importance of the innovative solutions in Hungary.

  • Active, Creative Aging II. – Flow

    Background and aims: In our research, we examined the flow and antiflow experience that older people experience in different life situations (loneliness, time with family and friends, domestic work, leisure or creative activity).
    Methods: In our study, we used a questionnaire examining flow and antiflow experience (anxiety, boredom, apathy) by Oláh A.
    Results an discussion: Overall, creative activity and other leisure activities provide greater flow and less antiflow experience than doing housework. The flow experienced in the family circle is higher in the elderly than in the group of friends. Those engaged in creative activity reported higher flow and lower antiflow experience during loneliness than the control group engaged in other leisure activities.

Public science

  • 70+ new role in online space

    As a case study, the author uses his own example to show how a new role can bring positive changes in the life of a retired person. In his case, the activity in old age is a family inheritance. His father worked as a proofreader and multi-lingual translator until he died at the age of 83. His grandfather won a competition for modern methods of teaching physics when he was 82.
    After retiring as an electrical engineer, at the age of 65, the author became known on the Internet, mainly among young people. Based on his somewhat sad smile he was given the name Hide the pain Harold, the internet users started making funny memes from his photos. Initially, he did not accept his new role, tried to fight it. It took several years to realize that what he could not change, had to be at the forefront of it. At the age of 72, he created a website for his fans. He started working to replace the not always positive message of the memes to carry a positive point of view. The basic idea of his philosophy, that is the smaller or bigger annoyances of life should not be taken too seriously, they should be overcome with a sad smile, resonated among young people. He already has more than half a million followers worldwide. The popularity gained in this way has changed his daily life. Through invitations, he visited many countries around the world from Siberia to South America. His previously more introverted personality became more open to public appearances. Keeping up with the events of the world, new technical possibilities and the way of thinking of young people mean a steady occupation for him. His history is one-off and unrepeatable, but it provides an example of the positive consequences a career change in old age.

  • Karantén Kérdőív a Koronavírus idején

    The research programme was conducted by the 3. Age University Foundation, the Human and Gerontology Session of the MATB, Hungarian Scientific Academy and the University of Miskolc. The research was a part of the complex programme called EduSenior Quarantine Programme that provided various programmes for older adults during the quarantine time in 2020. This study presents the main findings of the survey.