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  • The reasons of bee population’s decrease, its expected consequences, its effects on the environment

    Scientific studies prove that the bee population is showing regressive tendency worlwide. It is important to protect the bee families of the Hungarian bee masters together with the high quality bee products thereby protecting our environment and our lives. Preventing the problem is the most important objective. Already there are some taken actions to reduce or restrain the devastation of the bee population. A good example is the prohibition of some insecticides and seed dressings as well as the raising possibilities of the GMO vegetables in Hungary controlled by laws. Besides of this the right number of the quality bee pastures must be ensured. Using all the mentioned ones and the appropriate knowledge the growth of the bee population can be assured in the future as well. In my dissertation I’m looking for the reasions that could cause the reduction of the bee population, analyzing the possible effects and providing suggestions to find a way to balance the negative impacts.

  • Kunhalmok védelmének helyzete Békés megyében

    Cumanian mounds, „kurgans” have a great importance in the history of the Carpathian Basin from cultural and nature conservai on, landscape, archaeological, botanical and zoological viewpoints. The kurgans are more thousands years nai onal values heritages. In Hungary these appear with the highest number in the fi eld of Great Hungarian Plain. Their size and relai ve height about 1-12 m. Unfortunately, the diff erent agricultural aci vii es resulted in their coni nuous degradai on and their number also decreased over the past centuries. There were remarkable changes in agricultural regulai on concerning Cumanian mounds in the EU – and in Hungary too – in 2010. They were declared protected landscape elements therefore they became part of cross-compliance. In our research we will check the results of the new regulai on in relai on to the changes in the state of Cumanian mounds in Békés County.

  • Start-up Soluti ons in the Field of Product Liability, Insurance, and Agribusiness

    Many companies do not realise even today that the acquisiti on of adequate insurance cover has become a separate profession. The largest companies employ a special, so-called ‘risk manager’, who has extensive experti se and considerable experience on the basis of which he considers, analyses, compares various opti ons and makes decisions bearing in mind the interests of his company. The three quarters of agricultural products are semi-fi nished products or processed food products; therefore the Product Liability Act can be interpreted more easily in the case of agricultural products. I am convinced that preference is given to those companies and products that meet the strict criteria and have been given a clean product certi fi cati on, which means that they are polluti on-free products and have a product liability insurance.