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  • Company analysis and comparison of the assets and short-term financial situations of Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt. and Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. based on annual reports


    Hungarian brewing has a long tradition, which is why this iconic drink is so popular in our contemporary society. The topic of the following article is the company analysis and comparison of the assets and short-term financial situations of Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt. and Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. based on annual reports because with this we can get an answer to the outstanding success of these companies. I collected the data necessary for the indicators for the last 5 years, so that I could get a fresh and comprehensive picture of the companies' operations.

  • An Agro-Economic Investment of Apple Orchards in Vojvodina

    There is a big tradition of apple producing in Bácskertes (Vojvodina, Serbia), but this cannot be declared for the intensive production. I have chosen the economic investments of the intensive apple plantation as the topic of my thesis, because of the later profitability of our family business that deals with apple producing as well. The establishment of the intensive apple plantation is the most extensive investment among the fruit types the return of which depends on several factors. In my thesis I deal with the economies of a plantation planted with the help of investment support. I carried out the research with the help of the producers’ data and special literature. In addition to it I did some research about the customers’ needs in the nearest market. As regards profitability I examined the plantation in the following respects: the NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), DPB (Dynamic Payback Period), and PI (Profitable Index).

  • Identi ty Awareness in the ’Melti ng-Pot’ - The Sociological Questi ons of the Identi ty of the Croati an Minority in Hungary

    In our research we have applied sociological methods in the investi gati on of the Croati an minority communiti es, of their values or scope of acti ons and their identi ty preservati on methods in the 21st century. As an interesti ng fact of the research, in Vas County communiti es we have found identi fi cati on and diff erenti ati on in and between classical and cultural nati on percepti on. We have investi gated the approach of identi fi cati on and as a result we can state that nati onal symbols are important elements of identi fi cati on. There are associati onal symbols originated from the nati onal past in the communiti es’ collecti ve mind (like fl ag, coat of arms, crown, and anthem). In the aspect of belonging to Hungarians, these dimensions appeared again in the research, but in this evaluati on the abstract concepts are too strong (for example: identi ty, cultural awareness). There was no signifi cant diff erence regarding the judgment criteria as regards who belongs to Croati an or Hungarian communiti es. Belonging to Croati an communiti es is realised by less perceivable abstracti ons.
    Beyond the cultural nati on concept, belonging to Hungarians’ natural elements are the form and traditi on (border, ‘I was born in Hungary’, nati onality).
    These parameters fi t bett er into the state nati on percepti on. These traditi ons are stronger presented among senior citi zens and under-educated populati on.

  • Tracebility in vojvodina's spice prepper production

    The spice paprika production has a tradition in our region; however there is a risk that due to the price competition products with dubious origin or lower quality might be included into the supply chain. This could be resolved using product-traceability in the most effective way, which is also supported by legislation. Processing plants operate such food safety and quality management systems that are strongly committed towards implementation of the product traceability systems. However, we have experienced that some spice paprika processors operate their management system an “island-like” manner: there is no cooperation with other spice paprika processing companies in the field of procurement and transparency. We believe that could be beneficial to establish a public traceability system/database for buyers in order to prove the product origin in a transparent manner. It would be worth for spice paprika producers the LocalG.A.P program/standard issued by the Food Plus to be revised for spice paprika cultivation, with this standardized and comparable food-safety and traceability criteria could be reached for producers. There is a need for such an independent, non-profit association in order to realize all of that, which could elaborate and continually develop the production criteria by experts, as well as could be overseen and managed the traceability related database.

  • The Conception of the Philosophical and Social Scientific Trend of Psychology in Hungary in the 1900s

    In Hungary, the science of psychology separated early in the XX. century using three trends: the tradition of social science emerged from the philosophy, the psychoanalytic trend was born in the healing and the natural science in the children-experiments. Famous representatives of the philosophical trend were Szüts, Ribot, Pikler, Leopold, Kornis, Posch. We can recognise the concepts of the human inner processes, the cognition and the soul activity of the early psychology
    from their publications.