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    Globalization changed employee preferences, advances in technology, changes that make organizations face new challenges. Existing human resource management systems need to be reviewed or even new ones need to be created. “My hobby is my job, my job is my hobby,” says the saying, but how is it possible to attract a potential workforce and keep it afterward? Gamification is one of the possible answers of HR to this issue. Generation X, Y, and Z employees show significant differences compared to their predecessors, therefore innovative solutions are needed to maintain a long-term, productive, and loyal working relationship and satisfaction. The aim of this study was to explore the history of the development of gamification, the increase in its popularity, and its causes. After describing the methods of gamification, it presents the field of application of gamification based on domestic and international literature. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that well-applied gaming can be an effective solution in the fields of health preservation, education, learning, motivation, business, marketing, and human resource management.


    A few decades ago dynamic pricing was a magic word in hotel industry. It was considered a mythic activity, and therefore, operators and owners expected that its introduction would result in a drastic increase in profitability. Then it turned out that it required systematic data collection, the best possible IT background in terms of the resources, and the presence of specialists. It can be accepted as a fact, that those who stayed out were left behind. However, which direction did those who joined take? What did they achieve? It became an independent activity with several trends and connection points. It can rightly be called the cornerstone of hotel industry yield management. In my review, I intend to show the present state of the hotel industry in the area of dynamic pricing. However, the representatives of each trend have a common goal: maximising their revenues in the long term.

  • The Air Transport Capability of the Hungarian Defence Forces up to Now, Future Development Opportunities

    The accession to the NATO presented new challenges to the Hungarian Defence Forces. In order to meet the requirements of the federal obligations, besides the protection of the state we must take a role also in conflict areas even thousands of miles away from Hungary. One of the basic conditions to achieve this, is that the forces offered need to arrive at the right area of application at the right time in a cost-effective way. The purpose of this article is to present an overview on how the Hungarian Defence Forces are able to meet these requirements. An important matter is whether the air transport capacity should be provided by our own capabilities or by other (civil or military) sources. In order to answer this question I am going to analyse the processes which have influenced the development of air transport capacity over the last 10-15 years.

  • Pedagogical Implications of Teaching English for Science and Technology

    Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has traditionally been context-driven, focusing on the special field in which the language is expected to be used; needs-responsive, trying to define language learners’ needs and adapt teaching practices to these needs; and finally learner-centred, in a sense that teaching
    processes and learners activities have been highly influenced by the desired learning outcomes. However, due to recent global changes the conventional ways of teaching have been challenged. The paper lists some of the most intriguing pedagogical challenges for ESP practitioners and also recommends
    possible solutions to meet them, partly from overviewing related academic literature, partly from successful practical implementations. Pedagogical issues raised by the internationalisation of higher education are also investigated by the author and some preliminary results of empirical research about learning styles are presented.

  • Zum Gebrauch von Phrasen und Metaphern in der Wirtschaftssprache - eine Untersuchung mit fachsprachendidaktischen Aspekten

    Der Vortrag stellt einige Gedanken zum Gebrauch beliebter Phrasen und Metaphern in der alten und neueren Wirtschaftspresse dar, die anhand von Satzbeispielen aus Presseartikeln im Kontext gezeigt werden. Mit Hilfe von mehreren Zitaten werden Ausdrücke der Wirtschaftssprache analysiert, die sich in dem erforschten Zeitfenster großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Das Thema wird aus sprachwissenschaftlicher, aber auch aus sprachdidaktischer Sicht betrachtet, denn das Wissen um diese spezifischen Redensarten kann beim Erschließen von Wirtschaftstexten und beim Erlernen der Fachausdrücke der Wirtschaftssprache von Nutzen sein. Angesprochen wird auch die Frage, welche Wortbildungsphänomene in der Sprache der Wirtschaft zu neuen Wortbildungsprodukten führen und wie sie zur Entwicklung der Wirtschaftssprache beitragen. Diese Entwicklung wirft wiederum neue Herausforderungen an die Fremdsprachendidaktik auf, da Fachphrasen aus verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen zunehmend in die Alltagssprache eindringen.



    Although entrepreneurs have been researched from many different perspectives, the subgroup of internal entrepreneurs has been somewhat neglected in the literature.

    After the overview of the definition of the intrapreneur, we will examine why organisations need this type of people and what are the most important factors that facilitate or hinder the emergence and motivation of intrapreneurs.

    A literature review on the databases of Scopus and Web of Science draws attention to the fact that, despite its importance, there is little research on this topic, especially in the field of entrepreneurial universities.

    The barriers identified in the literature for internal entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial universities are presented and suggestions for further research are made.