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  • Is startup may be the solution for climate change?

    Today, unemployment is caused by environmental and economic changes are burning quite a problem around the world. With startups over the past 10 years, the economy is showing more and more increasing trend, so why not make it against the climate change fight, even while the young entrepreneurs also support the economy. There are many things to do, which is still untapped, including the use of geothermal and renewable energy resources, which not only
    reduced dependence on foreign countries, but also new jobs could be created using environmentally friendly methods. The innovative emerging entrepreneurs’ maybe will soon find a solution for climate change, because this phenomenon is certainly all the inhabitants of the earth directly or indirectly exercise influence.

  • Agricultural Insurance Market a New Solution of Marketing and Environment Protection

    The agricultural mitigation fund operating deficit expanded in 2012 to a price support for agricultural insurance business helped construct. (Figure 1). The legislai on aims to provide a wide range of farmers’ risk community to organize and strengthen the aff ected self-care responsibility. The new extended two-level agricultural risk management system in 2012 and 2013 were not used in the full amount. Further disseminai on of this 2014 novel possibility of a major issue in the insurance market. We have to examine how market pari cipants are informed and how to better disseminate of marketing solutions?

  • Energy Resources of Unmanned Aircrat Vehicle

    Aviai on is the quickest and most praci cal way of locomoi on, to which people have been paying at eni on for thousands of years. Today – on account of air traffi c, energy crisis and environmentalism – the power source of the aircrat became a key issue. In addii on to fl ight safety, there is a growing emphasis on environmentally friendly operai on. The ineffi cient burning of fossil fuels comes hand in hand with the signifi cant pollutant emission and noise pollui on which bother even those living far from the airports. Nowadays the most important objeci ve of researchers and developers is to create an effi cient, clean and quiet airplane, thus as a new idea they at empt to ui lize electricity in this form on board the aircrat . The ari cle presents some various energy resources through some example of unmanned aerial vehicle.

  • Investigation of the trends related to the electric car industry

    Our World tries to modernize and make environmental friendly the car industry. Related to this the electric cars have been modernized significantly. As a result the efficiency and the demand of these types of cars have grown. Many domestic consumers would change their cars for an electric type, however their financial budget is not big enough to afford it. In the spirit of this the government created its own supporting system to help the consumers. In my investigation I compare the domestic and some other european supporting systems. In addition I show the pro and cons related the electromobility, the new market trends and I also show where the electric car industry stands.

  • The significane of environmental taxes used for mitigating the environment harmful impacts of road transportation

    Logistics is one of the most important economic sectors of the European Union, with nearly 1.134 million companies engaged in the field of transportation in the EU. The global logistics market is expected to show further expansion in the forthcoming years. On the other side stands global warning which is one of the greatest problems for the time being. The European Commission has announced a cross-sectoral investment programme worth more than 10 billion euros (nearly 3,200 billion Hungarian forints) for the planning, development and implementation of low carbon dioxide-emitting technologies to improve Europe’s global competitiveness. The common data base of OECD and the European Environment Agency (EEA) currently lists 375 environmental taxes and approximately 250 environmental fees or charges in the OECD countries. Among the EU member states, Sweden, for example, introduced a tax system which includes the essential elements of eco-tax more than 10 years ago. Hungary has several of such tax types, such as the excise tax on fuel, the energy tax, the energy suppliers’ income tax or the vehicle tax.

  • Skills related to EU Projects

    Our country with its accesion to the European Union in 2004 became eligble to use EU funds for its national developments. More than 7,8 billion Ft had already arrived in Hungary during 2007- 2013. The allocation and the use of EU funds represent a unique and never returning oppurtunity but also a great responsability for Hungary. While infrastructural projects (e.g roads, urban rehabilitation, fulfillment of derogation obligations) has dominated the 2004-2006 and 2007-2013 periods, the Széchenyi 2020 National Development Programme focuses mainly on economical development, 60% of the 8 200 billion Ft allocated EU funds will serve the cause of reviving and boosting the economic growth. Besides this, environmental protection, employement, innovation and the knowledge economy will represent also main focuses for the use of EU funds in Hungary. Where ever we look we see the the multitude of results of EU funded infrastructural, human, and research projects. In the 2014-2020 period even young professionals graduating from Szolnok College will be able to become potencial applicants for EU funds. During the course „Projects, from application to materialization” iniciated within the Bethlen István Specialized College
    students were able to get acquainted with the basics of project writing, project terminology and project management.

  • Trends in the Construction Industry and in Building Public Utilities

    If one hears the word construction industry, one probably associates it with building a house, but the concept of construction industry covers a much larger area and can be divided into colourful periods. Architecture is the transformation of the built environment. On the one hand it is one of the branches of arts (applied arts), on the other hand it is one of the branches of engineering and technology disciplines. Nowadays, more and more environment-friendly technology is used in the construction industry, and already in the design stage a considerable emphasis is put on the use of renewable energy resources, in particular the use of solar cells. To measure the trends in the construction industry and in the building of public works we have also prepared a questionnaire which was filled in by 100 managers of enterprises.

  • The Criminal Code and nature conservation

    In my study of the XX. Jubilee International Student Conference on the Environment and Rural Development Programme fittingly made a complation in which the values of conservation and environment-focused collegaue, I wish to offer an insight into the changes in the Criminal Code, in which the position of the legislation, I present to the reader. In the interpretation of the law is an appropriate description of the former Minister's legislation and I reveal to the reader to more easily understood and behaviors penalties for crimes related to the individual nature.