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  • The key to rural development, startup - a new and innovative environmental solutions business search engine

    In the 21st century is a difficult task that just completed a tertiary education institution whether it can be college or university. The theoretical part of the school to learn their profession, but it is possible that the future work over the years to acquire the practice. Environmental and agricultural development specialists’ undoubtedly great expertise, which is great emphasis on research, and the resulting innovation that is present several areas. With the new technologies work more effective, energy efficient and become more conscious. By a recent graduate professionals startup business can achieve even greater success, not only in his country but also abroad supports not only the Hungarian economy by this, but also enhances the reputation of the country. Institution of higher education in the region Szolnok completed by 100 persons completed a quantitative research, which is very interesting information can be obtained.

  • Facilitate for Talented Students in Higher Educai on by Counceling Psychology Methodology

    Personality development and learning support are the fi elds of the psychological counselling, which can help to every student in the higher educai on, and are pari cularly important for the talented young people. The unfolding of the genius means the complex development of the personality, the explorai on and the conscious and direci onal development of the strengths and weaknesses. This is not a trouble free process and it is also not a simply task to take on the
    external viewer posii on. The counsellor can help to the students and can produce the chance for the development to the genius young people with the method of the personality development and the learning support.

  • Opportunities and preconditions of foreign language-taught study programs With a special focus on small Hungarian colleges

    In many countries of the world and also in Hungary many higher education institutions develop international – mainly English-taught – study programmes. Such programmes offer many benefits for the institutions and their management, their faculty, their students and their administrative staff. One is a stable and increasing income that improves the HEI’s financial stability, the stability of the institution itself and the security of jobs. Many of the benefits origin from
    internationalisation. Standards and requirements are high on the international education market, the HIEs have to develop a premium education. This requires an adequate organisational framework, high-quality infrastructure and all participants must be trained. Meeting the challenge offers development opportunities and ensures high quality for all participants. Small countryside colleges in Hungary cannot increase the number of their students domestically, the only way out is international education. 

  • The Current State of the Educational Service Market in Ukraine

    The level of educai onal service development is the precursor of economic status and social well-being of society. The issue of improving the system of teri ary educai on in Ukraine and the quality of vocai onal training poses an important socioeconomic problem, the solui on of which is possible on condii on of complying with the socioeconomic requirements of market economy. 

  • SWOT analysis on management information system of University of Debrecen

    In 2009, an SAP-based management information system (MIS) has been implemented at University of Debrecen (UD). After the introduction of the system, in 2014, MIS Centre – the organisation responsible for operation – has been established. The MIS of UD operates functionally, however, it has wider range of uses and the opportunities offered by the system have not yet been fully exploited. In our paper, SWOT analysis was used to present the currently unused functions of MIS and based on the results, we propose suggestion for development.

  • Erasmus+ student flow analysis with the gravity model

    This study aims to examine Erasmus student flows between the 33 Erasmus+ programme countries using a gravity model. The regression analysis quantifies the impact of the factors influencing decisions on the country choice in 2018. The results suggest that the costs embodied by geographical distance and cultural differences significantly diminish the intensity of bilateral student mobility. The research also shows that students prefer to choose a country with reputable, high-quality universities, while tourist attractions do not increase the attractiveness of the host country.

  • Pedagogical Implications of Teaching English for Science and Technology

    Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has traditionally been context-driven, focusing on the special field in which the language is expected to be used; needs-responsive, trying to define language learners’ needs and adapt teaching practices to these needs; and finally learner-centred, in a sense that teaching
    processes and learners activities have been highly influenced by the desired learning outcomes. However, due to recent global changes the conventional ways of teaching have been challenged. The paper lists some of the most intriguing pedagogical challenges for ESP practitioners and also recommends
    possible solutions to meet them, partly from overviewing related academic literature, partly from successful practical implementations. Pedagogical issues raised by the internationalisation of higher education are also investigated by the author and some preliminary results of empirical research about learning styles are presented.