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  • Evaluation of the Technical Management Bsc by labor market and its development possibilities at the College of Szolnok

    The College of Szolnok conducted a qualitative research under the framework of SROP 4.1.1.C –12/1/KONV-2012-2004 to support the strategic development of Technical Management BA program. Using qualitative research methods we point out that the closer cooperation with companies will be crucial in the future: it is going to allow faster response to market demand, better knowledge transfer of newest skills, and higher acceptance of Technical Management BA program and College of Szolnok. Results show that the current training level in College of Szolnok requires further development to enhance the marketability of graduates, in which the transfer of the related areas is also an important issue. Addition to professional basic knowledge strong requirements are also language and communication skills in high-level.

  • The appearance of the conditions of sustainable development in the values of the population of Nagykörű: The results of a Qmethodology research

    One of the aims of sustainable development is to keep the local communities, to ensure their local welfare, which is essential to eliminate or mitigate negative consequences. In our research, we looked for the answer, how the local population relate to sustainable development. What preferences do they have regarding the place of residence? Do they see any inherent risks, threats? How long horizon they think and what problem solving techniques do they see? How do they think about sustainability issues? The responses were looking for with Q-methodology for which we have defined 46 claims in eight topics: local attachment; local cooperation; willingness to act; management; horizon; threats; solutions The Q methodology handles the respondents into factors, according to which claims they prefer more or less. The results are very well suited to understand the attitudes to the sustainability problems.


    A few decades ago dynamic pricing was a magic word in hotel industry. It was considered a mythic activity, and therefore, operators and owners expected that its introduction would result in a drastic increase in profitability. Then it turned out that it required systematic data collection, the best possible IT background in terms of the resources, and the presence of specialists. It can be accepted as a fact, that those who stayed out were left behind. However, which direction did those who joined take? What did they achieve? It became an independent activity with several trends and connection points. It can rightly be called the cornerstone of hotel industry yield management. In my review, I intend to show the present state of the hotel industry in the area of dynamic pricing. However, the representatives of each trend have a common goal: maximising their revenues in the long term.

  • Tracebility in vojvodina's spice prepper production

    The spice paprika production has a tradition in our region; however there is a risk that due to the price competition products with dubious origin or lower quality might be included into the supply chain. This could be resolved using product-traceability in the most effective way, which is also supported by legislation. Processing plants operate such food safety and quality management systems that are strongly committed towards implementation of the product traceability systems. However, we have experienced that some spice paprika processors operate their management system an “island-like” manner: there is no cooperation with other spice paprika processing companies in the field of procurement and transparency. We believe that could be beneficial to establish a public traceability system/database for buyers in order to prove the product origin in a transparent manner. It would be worth for spice paprika producers the LocalG.A.P program/standard issued by the Food Plus to be revised for spice paprika cultivation, with this standardized and comparable food-safety and traceability criteria could be reached for producers. There is a need for such an independent, non-profit association in order to realize all of that, which could elaborate and continually develop the production criteria by experts, as well as could be overseen and managed the traceability related database.

  • Results of a participatory action research in Mezőcsát, in the Northern part of Hungary

    Participatory action research could be a tool for strengthening rural areas, it could help the process of integrated rural development based on endogenous resources. This is a good method for rethinking the local and the wider interests and relationships in a changing social and economic environment. As a result there could be a practical solution at the end. This research can generate new interaction between local people, thus ensuring better communication and more successful cooperation. After introducing the tools of participatory action research this paper presents the first steps and results of a participatory action research which has started in Mezőcsát in the Northern part of Hungary. The aim of the research is to find real solutions to real problems (eg. unemployment) defined by inhabitants. Outcomes of this research are a stronger community in Mezőcsát and mapping a possible enterprise built on local resources.

  • International agreements in the area of tourism

    It is not a secret that tourism plays an important role in the development of not just any specific country but the global economy in general. It also promotes urban development in such sensitive areas as coasts and islands, increased water consumption and waste production, fragmentation of habitats and loss of biological diversity. Tourism industry is also one of the reasons behind higher demand for transportation, particularly those types that damage the environment most – personal vehicles and aircraft. “In 2005 in Europe, about 59% of the tourists arrived to their destination by car, 34% by airplane”. According to UNWTO International Tourism Barometer, the international tourism was growing at the rate of 5% in the first nine months of 2013. The key driving force behind this growth is Europe (mainly Central and Eastern Europe) and Asia-Pacific region. Thus, tourism, while playing a truly significant role in the global economy, at the same time causes major damage to the environment. Hence the urgent need to eliminate negative consequences of tourism activities. This can be done by promptly regulating the activities of agents in this area. However, due to the global value of tourism, this process requires not just the local regulators getting involved, but joint effort by many countries. Therefore, international agreements between countries as the primary regulators of tourism activities are becoming increasingly important.

  • Ideas for Connecting Rural Communities

    People may feel alone, especially in the rural parts of modern countries. They may be unemployed or undereducated, or they can have a job and a family. One can find fewer entertainment or other cultural possibilities in a rural area. Connecting those who are disconnected can help them be better members of a community and of a church. The presenters represent two countries (USA and Hungary). It is evident that local USA communities have better internal connections than communities in Hungary. Helping people connect will help them feel important! Here is some useful advice and observations in order to improve the results of the rural communities: choose a logo or slogan (or both) for the community, survey local people, publish a local guidebook, promote local traditions, provide opportunities to participate and learn, provide „best practises”.