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  • Investigation of the trends related to the electric car industry

    Our World tries to modernize and make environmental friendly the car industry. Related to this the electric cars have been modernized significantly. As a result the efficiency and the demand of these types of cars have grown. Many domestic consumers would change their cars for an electric type, however their financial budget is not big enough to afford it. In the spirit of this the government created its own supporting system to help the consumers. In my investigation I compare the domestic and some other european supporting systems. In addition I show the pro and cons related the electromobility, the new market trends and I also show where the electric car industry stands.


    Electric cars are becoming more and more popular in Hungary, and there is a growing trend in the European Union to consider new car sales. One of the main reasons for this is the Hungarian support system. In our study, the structure of the support systems for electric cars provided by the governments of the V4 region is presented in detail, and their effectiveness is presented as well. In the course of the research work, we performed secondary data analyzes and examined in detail the reasons for the popularity of electromobility.

  • Interpretative Possibilities of Local Products and their Role in the Development of Tourism Destinations

    Rural tourism is a progressively growing factor of local economy in Europe. For this, those products of rural tourism are needed that are based on direct rural at raci ons like natural facilii es, technical at ractions, demonstrai on of special aci vii es. The examinai on which is presented above is about the products of rural tourism. It examines the system of interaci ons between the eff ects of the development on products of rural tourism. In addii on, it examines the eff ects of arrangements made in rural development on the development of tourism. In the future one way of the rural development can be the development of rural tourism giving a chance for alternai ve aci vii es and ways of earning money. Among the several specialized tourism it is gastronomic tourism that is mostly based on tradii on. It is very close to rural people, they can easily keep these tradii ons alive and they can think they are closed related with them. The astronomical tourisi c off ers of rural small regions and the natural curiosity of tourists can induce a development that can be a base of conscious development of products.