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  • The Evaluation of the Procurement of the Grande-Inox Ltd

    Nowadays in the growing competition every enterprise has to strive to meet all the customer expectations and to serve the customers at a higher level than their competitors, In order to meet these requirements the procurement, the first phase of the trade in goods has to be appropriate from every aspect. To offset the negative aspects of the economic crisis and to meet the sales targets the sales have to be smooth, so the procurement also has to be adequate from the aspects of quantity, quality, choice and also of time. For this purpose we have analysed and evaluated the procurement at the Grande-Inox Ltd and have made suggestions.

  • The Present and Future of e-Language Learning as Reflected in, the multilingual website for the Slovak language
    85 is described as an example for an online, multifunctional, free website teaching a small language. The website is multilingual and includes a forum, a media library, additionally facts about Slovakia and the language. Several terms have been suggested to describe online language tuition and e-learning, which is testimony to the vibrant development of the field. The most general term is e-learning, which refers to learning helped by electronic tools, especially via the Internet. Online language tuition consists of lessons designed to help achieve a specific level of competence. Although nowadays many language-learning tools are available on the Internet, according to a survey I conducted only around half of the people asked are using or have used them before. Saving money and time is given as the main reasons for e-learning. Online tuition can be successful and efficient if it is offered for free or low-priced but in good quality.

  • The Comparison of Aircrafts’ Maintenance Strategies from the Viewpoint of Change Management

    A new aircraft has appeared at the flying troops of the Hungarian Defence Forces which also brought about the emergence of a new maintenance strategy. The new strategy meant a switch of the operating technology at the same time, and it also posed a set of management problems, especially in certain stages of the conversion process. The morphostatic or morphogenetic nature of the change has been brought up as a fundamental question; the successful realization of this change requires various management procedures. In the present study I make an attempt to compare the two operation strategies that are simultaneously present, from which it may emerge that what processes are affected by the changes and at what level they are affected. In my view the usefulness of the analysis lies in the fact that the efficiency of integrating a new aircraft into the system may considerably increase in the future.

  • Foreign trade possibilities of the Fruit – Vegetable sector in the future

    Hungary can be considered as a small, open economy, therefore the domestic market doesn’t provide enough possibility to sell the grown and produced agricultural products, exportation is vital. In the year of 2010 Hungary had trading activity on the field of agricultural products with 151 countries, which has grown to 164 countries by 2013. According to the Strategy of the Fruit- Vegetable Sector the production target is 3,5 million tons for the year of 2020. This target has already been reached in 1990, since then the average production is 2 – 2,5 million tons yearly. We can increase our foreign trade only if the properly classified, carefully packed products can be delivered in the requested quality on the contracted time. Perhaps this is the most sensitive territory where the Hungarian producers are falling back from the international trends. Due to the lack of cash and capital the technological and technical development of the is missing, the trade channels are getting more and more narrow, which will lead to loosing of the market. Nowadays the main problem of the Hungarian Vegetable-Fruit sector is the diminishing quantity of marketable goods, despite of the fact, that the sector could remain a net exporter. The presence of the black market is overwhelming in Hungary which makes the sector vulnerable and hard to regulate. Despite of several good examples and successful enterprises it is still true that the majority of the producers are lacking the needed technological, marketing, management and trade knowledge. They insist on using their obsolete methods, and not willing to learn and change. There is a problem in the forecast of the expected yield. The Vegetable-Fruit sector is the
    most export driven part of the Hungarian agricultural sector as it is selling more than the 50% of all production abroad. In order to be sustain this share it would be fruitable to have a more favorable tax policy and the revision, cancellation of the „Primary producer” system. In each case the main problem is that there is no common base and trust between the trader, producer and management. This is why it might happen that a member of the TÉSZ is willing to sell his product outside the system, because this way he thinks to have safe income. As the organization doesn’t have a safe base of products for sale they can not develop the market and if they have no safe market, due to the missing trust there will be no safe base of products for sale, and the circle is closed and the whole problem starts again.

  • Communication Strategy Use in English Conversational Discourse

    The ultimate goal of language learners is to communicate efficiently and fluently in the given second language, which is hard work to reach. They are learning the language for long years, and it may happen that theoretically they are familiar with all the grammar intricacies, but practically they are not able to ask for even a glass of water in real situations. The question is whether the use of communication strategies could help to cope with the difficulties by their direct teaching. A few years ago I conducted a research to find out what kind of interactive strategies the learners are using and to provide a full list of them. The publications at that time did not deal with strategies specifically in the teaching material. I used my own list. The latest books, however, put a stress on useful phrases. So the question is whether the fact that they draw attention to strategies in separate sections, will bring significant changes in the learners’  communication.

  • Reorganization of human resources in the tourism industry from the perspective of recent years, in relation to Transylvania

    Nowadays, employment in various economic fields and the possession of appropriate professional knowledge are of considerable importance, especially in the services sector, where properly qualified personnel is a key factor in terms of the development of satisfaction in the demand segment. As an apropos of this, the human resource reorganizations taking place in the Transylvanian region and the willingness to work form the subject of the research, focusing on the tourism industry, which was a difficulty for businesses providing various services during the period of the Covid-19 epidemic that spread in 2020. In a significant part of the international studies related to the topic, the difficulties arising because of the change in the attitude of the tourist human resources are mentioned, which can lead to a disadvantageous situation in the long term of the operation of tourist facilities. As a result, the sixteen Romanian counties that make up the Transylvania region became the target of the investigation. Projected on the mentioned counties, relevant data from the Romanian National Statistical Institute (INSSE) were first used, examining the time interval between 2010 and 2022, both yearly and monthly. According to the data used, it is important to focus on the investigation of tourist traffic, as well as on the number of people employed in the sector and its change, as well as on the wages received for doing their work and the associated benefits, which can serve as a motivational factor in addition to valuing employees. An examination of the data related to the topic shows that the 2008 global crisis had a more drastic impact on employment in Romania than the Covid-19 pandemic that spread in 2020, the effects of which can still be felt today.

  • The Air Transport Capability of the Hungarian Defence Forces up to Now, Future Development Opportunities

    The accession to the NATO presented new challenges to the Hungarian Defence Forces. In order to meet the requirements of the federal obligations, besides the protection of the state we must take a role also in conflict areas even thousands of miles away from Hungary. One of the basic conditions to achieve this, is that the forces offered need to arrive at the right area of application at the right time in a cost-effective way. The purpose of this article is to present an overview on how the Hungarian Defence Forces are able to meet these requirements. An important matter is whether the air transport capacity should be provided by our own capabilities or by other (civil or military) sources. In order to answer this question I am going to analyse the processes which have influenced the development of air transport capacity over the last 10-15 years.