
Verseghy Circle, a Civil Organization in Szolnok


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Szurmay, E. (2020). Verseghy Circle, a Civil Organization in Szolnok. Economica, 6(2), 68-71.

The Verseghy Circle was established 20 years ago, on 26 November 1993, in Szolnok. The associati on is preserving the cult of Ferenc Verseghy (1757-1820) scholar-poet, nati ve of Szolnok. It also assists and tends to events and acti viti es related to him. Besides traditi ons of language and literature, it also promotes other arts and disciplines. Based on the creati vity of the members, it seeks to explore and promote the values of Szolnok, with very special tools. Thus,
it strengthens the identi ty and patrioti sm of the inhabitants of Szolnok. The Verseghy Circle is a voluntary NGO, which organizes scienti fi c meeti ngs, local studies and inaugural lectures for its local patriot membership and the general public. This paper is the account of the past two decades by one of the founders, the oldest member of the Circle.