
Bio-Resources of the Future – Using Unconveni onal Biotechnology


Copyright (c) 2014 College of Szolnok

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Ipate, I., Duca, M., Bogdan, A. T., Seregi, J., & Kovacs, A. (2020). Bio-Resources of the Future – Using Unconveni onal Biotechnology. Economica, 7(1), 13-18.

Using specifi c bio-techniques of compared medicine contribute to the improvement of animal health, to increase the produci vity of animal products, to the conservai on of various animal species and also advances in human health. Transgenic animal organisms can be used for fundamental research (ideni fying genes, elucidai ng the funci ons of genes, controlled modifi cai on of genes); for pharmacological studies, especially chemicals that can act on tumour cells, to obtain recombinant proteins; bioreactors; food biotechnology etc. Bio-food is an alternai ve source for the future’s generai on and economy. All professionals and specialists in this fi eld must have a prevision, they must take into account the current bio-food possibilii es and sizes depending on the market needs, to
conserve and develop new resources of food.