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T. Nagy-Pető, D., Szakály, Z., & Kiss, V. Ágnes. (2022). INVESTIGATION OF ETHNOCENTRIC BEHAVIOR USING THE CETSCALE MODEL. Economica, 13(3-4).

Nowadays, the protection of the local economy and society is strongly supported not only at the level of nations, but also at the global level. Our study was based on the CETSCALE model of Shimp and Sharma (1987), based on Sumner's (1906) concept of ethnocentrism. The consumer questionnaire survey was conducted in the fall of 2021 as part of an omnibus research on a representative sample (N=1000). The sample reflects the composition of the basic population in terms of gender, age, settlement type and regions. In the course of the research, in addition to descriptive statistical methods, factor and cluster analysis were performed in order to reveal the consumer segments formed along the lines of domestic ethnocentric values. Since in 2014 we already analyzed this set of statements in the framework of a representative large-scale study, we also had the opportunity to compare it with the results of seven years earlier. According to our expectations, the 2020 epidemic increased the commitment to Hungarian products. However, our preliminary assumption was not confirmed, during the analyzes it was revealed that there was no significant change compared to the previous state. Along the lines of the CETSCALE statements, it was possible to identify two factors and with their help to separate three segments, which were named Nationalist, Patriotic and Cosmopolitan based on their alignment with the value groups. It is in the fundamental interest of the actors of the domestic economy that the patriotic behavior is strengthened in the future, for which a strategy must be developed.

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