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  • University Ranking Lists and Mirror Images - as Prospective Students Make Their Choice

    The paper is based on a survey carried out by the authors, which aimed, on the one hand, at specifying the extent to which would-be students know the rankings of universities and take them into consideration when choosing university faculties, and, on the other hand, at revealing the role played by other factors in their decisions. The majority of would-be students know the rankings of universities but these have not became an important factor in the decision processes. To have good lecturers and professors, to acquire useful knowledge, and to obtain a job with their degree are considered by would-be students as crucial factors. They try to get information from several sources and the Internet has become the most important one, which they use routinely and with skill. On the other hand, it can be proved that they would like to rely on more customized information sources as well.

    JEL classification: Z13

  • Attention in the world of information goods - an analysis of scarcity

    Attention as a form of service can also act as a source for the crearion of value. In its functional and market interconnections, attention is product of labour (product or service) and, as an exchangeable good, is naturally exchanged for money. The system of sxchange provides a significant amount of accurate information about the division of attention within society - the degree to which it reflects recognition by the individual and the community. The forum of exchange of attention can be viewed as the openness of society, while the internet is its international market place. However attention also played an important role in the 'old economy'; indeed in some cases attention was the central tool in its creation. Direct, personal services aimed at human beings (teaching, legal and health services) always demanded great attention. If nowadays a product itself is the main part of the service provided, attention becomes an important and decisive resource in the use of a product. The growing individualisation in the provision of goods and services, the increasingly direct interaction between people, and last, but not least, the transformation to a virtual level, necessarily increases the demand for attention in economic transactions- Unlike traditional goods, the outstanding feature of services, and more specifically intellectual goods, is the ability of consumers to devote sufficient time and attention to their use and to acquiring the necessary competence to use them. For the providers of these goods the ability to hold the attention of consumers/clients is often the crucial feature of competitive success. Praise, excellence and prestige are all manifestations of acquired attention. In this sense attention acts as a store of value, although it cannot be dircetly and easily compared with acquisition mechanism associated with money and other products. The economy of attention raises questions rather than offering defensible theses or clear statements. Even less does it allow us to claim that a theory could be crystallised in this field to explain how the expanding phenomenon of the non-material sector of the economy function in the economy as a whole. There is no doubt however that attention is a supremely important subject of research in the new economy.

  • A Google és versenytársai

    Egyetemi diplomamunkám témájaként a Google cég piaci stratégiai elemzését választottam. A cég nevéhez fűződik a ma legnépszerűbb keresőmotor kifejlesztése és üzemeltetése. A vállalat üzleti sikere a két fiatal alapító-tulajdonos által kidolgozott PageRank eljárásban rejlik, ami forradalmi változást hozott, lehetővé téve az Internet adatállományát alkotó hatalmas adatbázisban történő hatékony keresést. A
    Google megjelenését követően a korábbi keresők visszaszorultak és részben el is tűntek. A kilencvenes évek kiemelkedő vállalataiéval ellentétes, „különc” stratégiát alkalmazó cég az alapítóit hét év leforgása alatt milliárdossá tette, hatalmas felhasználói bázist gyűjtött össze, és számtalan konkurens vállalatnak okozott fejtörést. A legtöbben a Google név hallatán csupán egy egyszerű internetes keresőre asszociálnak, de a jól hangzó név mögött ma már egy hatalmas birodalom áll, amely a keresőfelülete mellett szoftvercsomagjaival is felvette a versenyt a többiekkel, a keresési eredmények mellett elhelyezett reklámokkal pedig hatalmas bevételre tett szert.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: L1.

  • Tegnap, ma, holnap: a vállalati tevékenységek kiszervezésének trendjei

    A tevékenységek kiszervezése, illetve annak nemzetközi változata, az úgynevezett offshore outsourcing napjaink gazdaságának egyik legfontosabb jelensége. A termelés kihelyezése olcsó országokba már évtizedekkel ezelőtt megindult. Az infokommunikácós technológia fejlődésének köszönhetően a múlt század kilencvenes éveiben az egyéb, többnyire szolgáltatás jellegű vállalati tevékenységek is sorra kerültek. A near-shoring és az off-shoring hatalmas, dinamikusan fejlődő iparággá vált, ami különleges lehetőségeket biztosít számos feltörekvő országnak. A szektorban élénk verseny bontakozott ki, aminek részese hazánk is. Ebben a küzdelemben sajátos ország- és vállalati stratégiák figyelhetők meg. A fejlődés számos gazdasági, politikai és társadalmi problémát vet fel, amelyekre megoldást kell keresniük mindazoknak, akik élni kívánnak a lehetőségekkel.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: L24.

  • Unworthy poverty as social relations

    The paper deals with recent discourses on poverty, exemplified by the case of Hungarian Romany community. For this purpose we first deduce from the theoretical framework of the underclass three way of viewing extreme poverty: the political-economic type that traces poverty back to developments of the whole society; the culturalistic type in which poverty is the result of certain behavioural deficiencies (the “culture”) of the poor; and the interdependency type that regards poverty as induced by factors in the society as a whole and perpetuated by poverty specific cultural elements of the poor themselves.
    In the second part of the study we discuss three fields of discourse with respect to the question of which of the mentioned types can be found there. In the field of social sciences it is preeminently the interdependency type which occurs, probably because of its capability to link many, even heterogeneous, observations. In public discourse – analyzed by considering an internet debate and two so-called scandals – the culturalistic type dominates: Romanies are poor, because they have Romany cultural (behavioural) deficiencies. The Romanies themselves mainly use elements of the political-economic type, explaining poverty in terms of general impoverishment, regional neglect, and group discrimination.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: I32, J15, J16, O15