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Search Results

  • A comparison of efforts to set up cluster initiatives in two Hungarian regions – submitted cluster proposals in North Hungary and the Northern Great Plain

    The Hungarian government has taken the initiative to finance the formation of new entrepreneurial co-operations using the cluster theory. It is not certain whether or not the Hungarian economy is ready for an initiative such as this. In North Hungary and the Northern Great Plain (two Hungarian NUTS 2 regions) project teams set up fresh clusters to obtain the subsidy – as in other regions. Their level of cooperation, the number of submitted projects and the ratio of successful projects tell us if theory and the western practice fit with the local needs - if Hungarian companies want to work and can be successful in clusters or not. In this article I examine the willingness of regional business actors to cooperate and start new business networks in the framework of the 2008 regional cluster calls. The two regions have similar but not identical results.

    JEL classification: R58, L2

  • New tendencies in urban development – The possibilities provided by walkable cities

    Nowadays, the so-called disadvantages of urbanization – the noise, air pollution, overcrowding – receive more and more focus in cities. Vehicles require increasing space to themselves in cities which decrease the quality of living space people need, which is harmful from the point of view of the society and the economy, as well. Sustainable urban mobility can be a solution, which has two elements: the well-known environmentally friendly public transportation and the less known walkability. The latter comes to the front in the course of the preparation of sustainable city development strategies, nevertheless walkability measurements have been taken principally in USA’s and Western-Europe’s big cities. In our paper we search for the answer of the question, how the concept of walkability is interpretable in middle-sized European cities and what kind of city development potentials do all these have. In the course of our research
    primary surveys were conducted in Szeged and Valencia to investigate walkability and its improvement opportunities. Our survey verified that the concept of walkability could be a useful city development tool even in middle-sized cities.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: R42

  • Interculturalism and economy

    A piaci stratégia és a kultúra összehangolása a vállalat hosszú távú stabilitásának egyik legfontosabb humánpolitikai eszköze. Különösen fontos a kultúra szerepe az olyan nagy jelentőségű szervezeti változások időszakában, mint a piaci stratégiaváltás, az üzleti folyamatok átszervezése, multinacionális cégek helyi vezetési és működési gyakorlatának kialakítása, vállalatok összeolvadása, felvásárlása. A cikk azt mutatja
    be, hogy a vállalkozás kezdeti, kritikus korszakában a vállalati kultúra ellentétes lehet a környezet igényeivel és a befogadó országokból származó tagok értékrendjével és normáival. A kialakuló vállalati kultúra
    inkább tükrözi a nemzetközi vállalat komplexitását, mint a befogadó környezetet: a kultúrák ütközése komoly akadályt gördíthet egy-egy vállalat fejlődésének útjába.