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Search Results

  • The Conditions of and Requirements for the Formation of Clusters in Biotechnology

    In this article, with the help of the value chain model, I explain the functioning of biotech clusters. The “cluster” phrase was originally defined by Porter. In my opinion, the problem with Porter’s and other classical definitions of a cluster is that they are static, whereas the main feature of clusters’ is actually their dynamic nature. This is the reason why the following should also be included in the definition:
    – clusters emerge in a turbulent way: processes cannot be foreseen due to the lack of linearity.
    – a cluster, however, is a kind of an arena, because dense and changing vertical input-output relations and connections between horizontal organizations always generate a sort of a need for change.
    – clusters cause changes in the innovation policy, as they support the evolution of a policy which is appropriate for cluster formation. That is, they act as catalysts for the formation of better conditions.
    Accordingly, Porter’s original definition needs modification.

    JEL classification: O32, L25, L65, D80

  • A comparison of efforts to set up cluster initiatives in two Hungarian regions – submitted cluster proposals in North Hungary and the Northern Great Plain

    The Hungarian government has taken the initiative to finance the formation of new entrepreneurial co-operations using the cluster theory. It is not certain whether or not the Hungarian economy is ready for an initiative such as this. In North Hungary and the Northern Great Plain (two Hungarian NUTS 2 regions) project teams set up fresh clusters to obtain the subsidy – as in other regions. Their level of cooperation, the number of submitted projects and the ratio of successful projects tell us if theory and the western practice fit with the local needs - if Hungarian companies want to work and can be successful in clusters or not. In this article I examine the willingness of regional business actors to cooperate and start new business networks in the framework of the 2008 regional cluster calls. The two regions have similar but not identical results.

    JEL classification: R58, L2

  • Empirical analysis of the relationship between the attitudes of domestic researchers and their economic results

    The study analyses the attitudes towards intellectual property management and innovation attitudes of researchers in Hungarian public research organizations and the different types of economic results they achieve in an empirical way by pointing out the close relationships among them. During the analysis, a form of researcher typology will be developed based on clusters which were formed by the attitudes of researchers. The principal components
    were created from the attitude variables and served as dimensions. The research is primarily aimed at testing two hypotheses. On the one hand, these researcher clusters have significantly different economic characteristics and on the other hand, the cluster which has the most favourable attitudes in terms of the economic exploitation of research results has the greatest economic performance. In the course of the research the results basically confirmed both hypotheses.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: O32, O34, D01

  • The emergence of digital transformation in the automotive industry - Industry 4.0 in Hungary

    It is no exaggeration to say that the digital transformation can be seen as both a paradigm shifts and a real technological revolution (Perez, 2010, Mergel, et al., 2019). In order to get to know the preparedness of the Hungarian automotive industry players in the topic, we conducted an empirical research in October - December 2020. The main goal was to determine the level of automotive actors in the digital transformation process. Company leaders were primarily asked about their progress in the digital transition process, its opportunities and challenges, organizational culture, and potential human resource management responses. This study focuses on the digital transition concentrating on the following dimensions: strategy and leadership, human resources, business processes, supply chain, manufacturing, products and services. Based on the results, we classified the examined Hungarian automotive industry actors into clusters.

  • Regional netwrok cooperation

    The current study aims to reveal the regional network cooperations - found primarily in the construction industry -, in particular in the Észak-Alföld Region. The study includes three main parts: after the industry analysis of the construction industry a short summary follows about the theoretical bases of today's business network cooperations, clustering, and such relationships especially among firms operating in the construction industry, and finally it is closed by a case study revealing the relationship network of a dominant construction company of the Észak-Alföld Region. The most important finding is that in Hungary clustering in the construction industry - that has already existed in several developed economies - has not started yet, however, networking - that can be the basis for the development of a construction industry cluster - has already began, and if it continues, it further increased the advantages already experienced.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: L140, L850