
A munkaerő-piaci intézmények hatásai a foglalkoztatásra szektorális megközelítésben

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Mate, D. (2020). A munkaerő-piaci intézmények hatásai a foglalkoztatásra szektorális megközelítésben. Competitio, 10(2), 27-41.

Recently, there have been serious debates attempting to explain the role of institutions and their interactions as they might influence the impact of economic growth on employment. However, essentially no clear theoretical consensus has yet emerged and several unanswered problems remain. From this point of view, one interesting question is how institutions matter, and also what kind of characteristics they should have in economies. In our estimations ws followed a sectoral approach to identify the main features of institutions. In order to demonstrate short and lon run economic processes we use an error-correction method to analyze how certain intitutions and their interactions determine employment growth in different market-and non-market oriented branches. All in all, we demonstrate that unions, minimum wages and unemployment benefits have influenced employment in different ways.

JEL classification: J21, J45, E02.

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