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  • Health behavior and mental health among college students at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

    Aim: Our study is a quantitative investigation on the health behaviour and mental health of Sapientia Hungarian University students.

    Methods: The self-administered paper based standardized questionnaire contains several scales: the Self Esteem Inventory (RSESH), the Purpose in Life Test (PIL), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS4) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Data of 206 respondents were analysed from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania.

    Results: Data show that students with lower self-esteem and mental health use more alcohol than students with higher selfesteem. Physical activity seems to be a protective factor against mental illness, the students who practice sport frequently are mentally healthier than those who do not. Mental health of students is largely socially determinated.

  • Freeloaders, anomic students, ritual persistent students and goal-oriented persistent students. Unusual risks in higher educational students’ dropout

    The question of our study is measuring the relationship between the risk of dropout and the belief in the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort to obtain it. In our analysis, the student database of the HERD research (N=1295) was used. Four groups were identified by cluster analysis. 1) Among the anomic students (the group described with anomie), the level of belief the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort toward that is the lowest while the risk of dropping out is the highest. 2) The ritual persistent (i.e. tenacious) students are able to make strong efforts but do not believe in the degree. Their diligence does not offer them the same level of protection against dropout as 3) the goal-oriented persistence which means that the student believes in the degree as well besides the diligence. 4) The freeloaders are less diligent, but aware of the value of the degree, offering them bigger protection than the disappointed diligence of the ritual persistent students. Among the target-oriented persistent group is higher the proportion of students who learnt in an elite secondary educational institution and who has a graduated householder, while among the ritual persistent group the proportion of those having priority admission points due to disadvantaged/cumulative disadvantaged (HH/HHH) position is higher.

  • Academic risks of students characterized by risk-behaviour

    The aim of our study is to reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of students with different health behaviors. We were curious about the differences between students with different health-care (risk, inactive and health-conscious) students in the studied dimensions of educational performance in Hungary in the Northern Great Plain region, as well as in the Transcarpathia, Highlands, Vojvodina, Par-tium and Transylvania (IESA 2015; N = 2017). In line with our preliminary assumptions, we can see that there are more students at risk who attend less than half of the lectures, one or two or even half of their exams have not been completed, and less than one hour per lesson, while the latter is the least characteristic of for health-conscious students. They are making great efforts to meet their serious study load, but there are more people who are unable to cope with these difficulties in the first round and have failed their examinations. In this way, health-conscious behavior does not constitute supporting factor in the effectiveness of the study.

  • The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education

    The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education. The sociology of intellectuals offers us a special approach to the phenomenon of dropout. The rate of students with lower parental educational level (’non-traditional students’) has been changed during the process of the expansion. These students have deficiencies in several fields and these deficiencies can rise the chance of drop-out. In the frame of „Social and institutional factors of student dropout in higher education” project (led by Prof. Gabriella Pusztai, OTKA project, no. 123847) a database was created in 2018 (N=605). The respondents were earlier students after the drop-out process. We tried to identify the features of the sociocultural background, the main factors of the drop-out and compare the patterns of the first generation intellectuals and students with intellectual background. Our empirical findings have showed that in the case of lower parental level the elements of compulsion seems to be more typical and voluntary withdrawal seems to be more frequent in the other case.

  • Magyarországi egyetemek hallgatóinak sportolási szokásai. Áttekintő irodalmi elemzés

    Previous research has highlighted that the frequency of regular exercise decreases linearly with age. There is, therefore, a need for young people to develop healthy lifestyle habits for themselves. In the course of our research, a literature review of Matarka (Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database), MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliograhy), and publications in the archives of DEENK (University and National Library of the University of Debrecen) was conducted to find those studies that examine the sports habits of Hungarian university students. A total of 22 studies were identified. The articles concerned 10 universities. The analysis found that although a significant proportion of university students engage in sports, the conscious integration of health education into students’ lives is recommended.

  • Egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos szokások egyetemi hallgatók körében

    The leisure time and the number of healthy lifestyle people are increasing at same time, what creating several health trends. These health trends affect two basic elements of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and healthy diet. In this research, we examined the healthy diet, including two segments; vegetable and fruit consumption and fluid intake. The test sample was made by the students of the University of Debrecen. As a research method, we also performed primary and secondary research. In the case of secondary research, we also reviewed the international and national literatures, and compared the American and European healthy diet recommendations. In the case of primary research, we did a survey, during which we measured the healthy eating habits of the students. Our research shows that only 11,3% of the surveyed students consume vegetables and fruits what complies with the daily recommendations. However, in the case of fluid consumption, we got better result. The 65% of the respondents consume the appropriate amount of fluids.

  • Discovering factors influencing study success of students with disabilities and learning difficulties in an interview study

    The focus of our research is on students with disabilities defined by the current National Higher Education Act in Hungary. The actuality of the topic is that after the millennium, due to the expansion of higher education, the above-mentioned students appeared at universities, but regulations dealing with their presence in Hungary were laid down as late as 2007. Earlier researches have studied the accessibility and inclusive practices of the institutions internationally and in Hungary, but only little attention has been paid to these students’ chances of acquisition and retention to higher education. Equal opportunities in higher education appear to be an important supporting factor in our research however, the overall social context of the individual has a great influence on successful entry and graduation. A further research opportunity, a deeper, more extensive quantitative study of the institutional presence of students with disabilities and the factors contributing to their learning success is emerging.

  • A felsőfokú továbbtanulási döntés determináns összetevői. - Empirikus kutatás a végzős Hargita megyei középiskolás tanulók körében

    Another choice after finishing secondary school: university or work? Does the decision taken earlier - on the choice of secondary school - affect the decision to be taken four years later? Behind every (further education) decision there are manifest and latent variables. The target population of our research is the senior students in Harghita County. We use a multistage group sampling. In the first stage, all the Hungarian-language theoretical high schools (lyceums) in the Szekler county (Harghita) were included in the sampling frame, and pairs of vocational high schools were matched. We were interested to find out which factors and arguments induce students' decisions for or against further education. The family background effect is also present in students' post-secondary school decisions, since there is little discrepancy between investment risk and probability of success for children of higher-status parents, and the same applies to the gap between aspirations and actual achievement.

  • TDK részvétel motivációi a Debreceni Egyetem Tehetséggondozó Programjában résztvevő hallgatók körében

    Recognition and support of outstanding students are among the most important tasks of higher education, as they can thereby be motivated to pursue a career in academia. In our study, we examined the willingness of members of the Talent Management Program (DETEP) at the University of Debrecen to participate and present at scientific student conferences. Our research was based on a questionnaire survey. The sample consisted of respondents who had previously participated in local TDK conferences (n=128). Based on our results, we can conclude that students who have participated three or more times in TDK events are considering a future career in academia. Respondents who have participated only once mainly participate for the purpose of the competition According to the results between achieving the ranking and the experience of participating in the TDK, participation is experienced as a positive experience if they manage to achieve a ranking at the local conference. Additionally, achieving a ranking also affects the feeling of gaining an advantage during studies and faculty recognition among the respondents.

  • The chance of digital education among students in a disadvantaged settlement

    The study has researched the adherence of full-times tudents’ into digital study in a disadvantaged region The 240 participants consisted of 165 elementary school students, 51 secondary school students and 24 college/university students. The publication shows that part of the questionnaire that deals with the condition of the adherence, infrastructural endowment and the reasons of absence. The study carries out the survey along factors that cause digital and social exclusion, seeking after significant correlations. The furtherresults of the survey – which deal with the methods of education, successfulness, advantages, disadvantages and the improvement of digital education - will be discussed in another publication.

  • The role of social and psychological factors in high school students' smoking and alcohol consumption

    The study aimed to research background factors and motivations for smoking and alcohol consumption among Hungarian adolescents. 501 students from Debrecen participated in the survey. Among the social variables, the best friend's smoking (EH=16.72; p<0.001) and alcohol consumption (EH=22.77; p<0.001) as well as the harmful passions of peers acted as risk factors in the sample. Among the psychological variables, high self-esteem is a risk factor (alcohol: EH=1.04; p<0.05), while shyness (alcohol: EH=0.97; p<0.01; smoking: EH=0.97; p<0.05) and the feeling of loneliness (alcohol: EH=0.96; p<0.001) also proved to be protective factors. The behavior of psychological variables is explained by the primary role of social variables. The results highlight the importance of teaching young people how to behave assertively in social situations, avoiding peer pressure, before they start using drugs for self-strengthening and coping.

  • Anti-bullying approach applied among children with autism spectrum disorder in light of a professional literate review

    The investigation of the phenomenon called bullying has started approximately five decades ago and simultaneously prevention and intervention programs have been developed. Shedding light on the concern of students with disabilities, such as children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders has delayed. The focused programs for students with autism are still missing, though it is likely that the tools and aiming of prevention and intervention should not be irrespective of the nature and diagnosis of autism and the identified risk factors.

  • Teachers and facilitators in different teaching spaces

    Nowadays the information society can not imagine its everyday life without the use of the Internet. Keelan and her colleagues determined the benefits that virtual worlds can impact to traditional territories. Virtual spaces can abolish physical-geographic boundaries in cases where research is far apart from the group of people to be examined (Keelan et al. 2015). Whether we are planning to implement the education process in real space or virtual space, explanation and assistance in many cases may be indispensable. Gamage and his research associates differentiated the subjects of their research as to how much they had experienced in the use of virtual spaces. Both groups agreed that the use of platforms was an advantage in learning but they differed in their opinion of the likelihood of emotional connection between teacher and student in the virtual world (Gamage et al. 2011). The activities of teaching assistants can be useful not only in the real learning environment, but also in the virtual learning environment. The facilitator is a person who can work efficiently with both the instructor and the students. The facilitator contributes to the smoothness and effectiveness of teaching processes (Schwarz et al. 2011). In our article, we present and define the preceding, participatory, follow-up and continuous facilitator roles we have outlined. From the facilitator's point of view and from the traditional learning environment we get to the exact parameters of the role that is necessarily emerging in the learning environments of virtual spaces.