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  • Social media, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, robotization - How does the development of digital technology affect social work?

    The use of ICT is widespread among social workers, many of them use digital technology and social media, keep in touch with their clients online and there are more and more people consulting online. There are also automated treatments that do not require the contribution of the social worker, robots have already appeared abroad in elderly care, use algorithms to prevent child abuse and suicide, and virtual reality in the treatment of addicts. How does all this affect social work as a profession, what professional and ethical issues does the use of technology raise? What kind of new skills do social workers need and how should they reinterpret their roles in the 21st century? In my study, I sought answers to these questions.

  • Similarities and differences - Work attitudes and job satisfaction characteristics 2005-2018

    In our study, we present the domestic aspects of work-related attitudes, focusing on the period after the turn of the millennium. In our analytical work, we aimed to examine the characteristics of job satisfaction, work-related attitudes, and work-related stress in a database of two national and one county seat. In our writing, in addition to the descriptive analysis of the three databases, we focus on exploring possible changes and differences in time and space. According to our results, the job satisfaction of the respondents of the two national surveys shows almost the same pattern, while the opinion of the local society shows a different and more unfavorable picture. This can be explained, among other things, by the fact that our local survey took place in one of the most disadvantaged counties of the country, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. In addition, it should be emphasized that the location of our research, as the county seat, still has more favorable conditions than other settlements in its agglomeration. The other two national databases that form the basis of the analysis were created within the framework of the International Social Survey Program. Based on Herzberg's two-factor model, we can conclude that certain factors belonging to the group of external motivations, such as favorable earnings, job security are equally important for all groups of respondents. This is consistent with the terminology of work as a core value for livelihood. According to the national sample conducted in 2005, the internal motivational factors, such as the interest and usefulness of the work, and the importance of the work that can be done independently were the most decisive. The opinions of the 2015 national and 2018 local respondents were nearly the same in this respect. Overall, it can be stated that both the differences and the similarities characterize the job satisfaction, work attitude and work-related stress situation of the respondents of the three survey years. The issue of divergence and convergence is shaped not only by regional characteristics, but also by social and economic processes and the social and individual responses to them.

  • „Nem tudom, hogyan lehet rájuk hatást gyakorolni...” Pedagógusok a roma tanulók oktatásáról

    In our study we analyse a specific aspect of the mass presence of Roma pupils in schools: the context in which the social environment of Szeklerland creates the context for the schooling of Roma pupils. After outlining the characteristics of the regional social context, we present some classroom situations which for teachers bear the challenges of confronting the cultural difference of pupils. The research method is interviews with teachers in Roma-majority classrooms. Our research shows that a significant part of the work of teachers in Roma-majority classrooms is not about teaching, but about managing cultural difference. In the context of the specific social conditions of the Szekler region, in addition to the social approach (extreme poverty) and the search for methodological solutions in the education of Roma children, it is also useful to pay attention to the social relations as a frame of the educational process.

  • A szülői gondoskodás formái – az anyaság gyakorlatának elemzése a helyi társadalom kontextusában

    A szülői tapasztalat és szülői identitás témáját növekvő figyelem övezi az elmúlt 20-25 évben a családszociológiai kutatások terén. A szülői gondoskodás gyakorlata mellett mind fontosabbá vált annak megismerése, hogy hogyan látják a szülők magukat szülőként, hogyan konstruálódik meg a szülőség tapasztalata. Számos egészségügyi, szociális, etikai, pszichológiai probléma, folyamat jelenhet meg ebben a keretben, s a különböző tudományterületekhez kapcsolódó kutatások mint egy nagyítóüveget használhatják a szülői tapasztalatot e jelenségek tanulmányozása során. A szülői szerepkör diverzitást mutat annak tükrében, hogy milyen értéket társítanak az eltérő szülői státuszokhoz. Az anyává válás például centrális pozíciót eredményezhet a családon belül, ám a társadalmi kontextusban inkább jár együtt izoláció megélésével és perifériára kerüléssel. Ez a szakadék hatással van a szülőség megélésének minőségére. Tanulmányunk célja az, hogy bemutassuk hogyan formálódik az anyaság tapasztalata és a szülői gondoskodás megélése különböző lokális terekben.

  • Az egészség komplex megközelítése, mint az egészség-szociológiai vizsgálatok elméleti kerete

    The health indicators of the population are worst in the whole Central and Eastern European region, and thus in Hungary as well. The health status of Hungarians is not possible, it is not a unique phenomenon. The state of health of the Hungarian society is one of the worst in the European Union. To advance the understanding of the situation, it is necessary to conduct complex interdisciplinary studies that combine health and social science models.

    In our study, we present a complex approach to health, its social embeddedness, with the aim of providing a theoretical basis for a study we have designed to target Hungarian health characteristics.

    The theoretical overview emphasizes the context of the definition of health used in certain disciplines of the social sciences, the presentation of the explanatory factors of health, and the theses and models. Outlining our present work and future research cannot be without tracking the changes that have taken place that determine health, so we will first analyze this. In laying the theoretical foundations, we return to the complex approach to health, in which we present the presentation of biomedical and bio-psycho-social models in detail, and then we describe the economic and social models of health. We also deal with health determinants that determine the health of the individual and society.

  • Quality of Life of Patients with Arrhythmia

    Introduction: Quality of life must be perceived in two levels - objective and subjective. Heart arrhythmia is a disease of the cardiovascular system that, by its subjective and objective symptoms, can affect the individual's life physically, mentally, and also socially. It can limit a person in his or her everyday activities or in activities that make them happy or satisfied.
    Objectives: The aim of the research was to map the quality of life of patients with arrhythmia and to verify whether the duration of arrhythmia has an effect on the quality of life of patients with arrhythmia.
    Methods: A standardized ASTA (Arrhythmia - Specific Questionnaire in Tachycardia and Arrhythmias) questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. The research group consisted of adult patients diagnosed with hearth arrhythmia, hospitalized at the Department of Cardiology of the Ceske Budejovice Hospital (Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s.). A total of 127 valid questionnaires were used for data processing.
    Results: The research revealed that the most common symptom of arrhythmia in 58% cases was rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, and a sense of heart failure. Most respondents agreed with the claim that heart rhythm disorder makes it impossible for them to perform work, study, and perform daily life activities. No statistically significant differences were found in the evaluation of the influence of the arrhythmia duration on the patients' quality of life.
    Conclusions: Arrhythmia duration in the selected sample does not affect the overall health status and quality of life measured by the ASTA series questionnaires. Arrhythmia restricts the patient to perform work tasks, study, and perform daily life activities.

  • Roma employment – disadvantaged situation - labour market insecurity

    The problems faced by disadvantaged social groups are complex and require a multidimensional, interdisciplinary approach. In our study, we present the employment-related results of a 2021 survey of a predominantly Roma local community living in a settlement conditions across several dimensions of quality of life. In addition to the employment characteristics of the target group, we explore their employment attitudes, work value preferences and related gender and social roles. Our results show a positive change in the employment situation of the local society, although general labour market insecurity remains to be seen.

  • Migránsok gyermekeinek szocializációja

    Tasks related to the inclusion of migrant children pose significant challenges for teachers. Our study's focus is on the research question, what factors play a role in the successful integration process of migrant children? We aim to present integration challenges, statistical data related to the topic, and provide a comprehensive overview of the factors that help students' school integration. We can state that diversity promotes synergy in the community and positively impacts effectiveness. At the same time, the school is less effective in solving social problems. Problem management adjusted to the school's operation can also contribute to the reorganization of pedagogical practice and, in the long run, to social effectiveness. We consider a new type of service system for school social work to complement the pedagogical process. In our opinion, the content elements of training should be extended to describe the helping methods in the inclusion of migrant children.

  • A hátrányos helyzetű tanulók nem-kognitív problémamegoldó készségének fejlődése a tanodában

    In contrast to cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills play a key role in shaping an individual's life course, yet the development of non-cognitive skills attracts insufficient attention. This study explores the contribution of study halls today to address the social disadvantage inherited by students in the area of non-cognitive problem-solving skills. The results of our exploratory study in five study halls in cities with county status in the Northern Great Plain region showed that study halls play a prominent role in mitigating the skills deficits of the mainly upper primary disadvantaged students included in the study. As a result of the developmental work of the study hall, problem-solving skills showed improvements mainly in the reduction of problem sources, in the problem-solving instruments and in the form of problem solving. As a result of the intervention of the study hall, the students' acquired social disadvantages were reduced and their inclusion in school, later in the labour market and in society was reinforced.

  • A szervezeti értékek a tanyagondnoki szolgáltatásoknál

    The history of Hungarian homesteads in the last two and a half centuries has shown that, despite their ingenuity, the inhabitants of the homesteads had to cope with a lot of obstacles in order to be sustainable. Nowadays, in the fight to make life easier for the struggling residents and to keep the younger generations in place, it is the homestead caretaker who takes up the fight against the unending problems in the framework of the caretaker service as a basic social service. The primary goal of our study was to obtain up-to-date data from caretakers on the operation of caretaker services in Hungary, and secondly, we sought to answer the question of how professionals judge the manifestation of the organizational values of services. Based on the answers received, it could be stated that similar improvements are idealized regardless of the form of maintainer of the respondents (n = 131), and that in order to optimize work performance, service managers should make better efforts to interpret novelties and different opinions.

  • A brief comprehensive overview of surrogacy

    Statistics situates infertility as a global health issue with about 48 million couples and 186 million individuals. The rate at which IVF and surrogacy arrangement have been engaged globally has raised alarm to scholars in medicine, sociology, law, social work, psychology, and religion among other fields. Improved methods and unarguable advantages of surrogacy particularly to couples in dire need of children has left even more questions unanswered. The focus of this research is placed on the interdisciplinary factors that influences the practice of surrogacy. Due to the paucity of data on the subject, a systematic review of relevant published articles dated until 2023 were engaged within survey design. This study argues that surrogacy is not welcomed in many societies, however, it is also clearly noted that it is currently practiced in several countries. Interdisciplinary collaboration has been situated within surrogacy practice, and the findings of this study is prominent for such.

  • Iskolavezetők és vidéki elitszerepek

    The study is based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2017-2018. It analyses the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland (n=238) based on two main aspects in the topics that determine the everyday school work and leadership: (1) the relationship between school and local society and (2) the social context. The importance of this topic is indicated by the changes in the role of schools, teachers and school leaders in the 21st century, which have created different challenges for rural schools and areas compared to urban ones, and which can be addressed in new ways. These new processes require a change of approach in school management, which is not only a matter of school management and education, but also of rural development. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the relevance of this process by referring to the literature and by analysing the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland.