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Search Results

  • Questions of research while examining the organizational development of health care

    There are serious debates about the health crisis both in the public sector and the literature. Health care was the first service to be exempted from market law after the Second World War. General and free health care brought hope and relative results following the social shock. Due to equal access the established health networks were successful in improving health indicators, but this stalled by the end of the 1960s as modernization processes were significantly reduced and "the institutional network was confronted with new challenges ahead." (Szalai J. 1989:171) I begin my examination into the health care system by comparing the causes, phenomena, parallels, and disorganizations of past and present dissonances in primary and specialist care. I assume that having known the basic problems, a successful reform of the health care system can be started by modernization and the organizational development of primary and outpatient care.

  • Egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos szokások egyetemi hallgatók körében

    The leisure time and the number of healthy lifestyle people are increasing at same time, what creating several health trends. These health trends affect two basic elements of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and healthy diet. In this research, we examined the healthy diet, including two segments; vegetable and fruit consumption and fluid intake. The test sample was made by the students of the University of Debrecen. As a research method, we also performed primary and secondary research. In the case of secondary research, we also reviewed the international and national literatures, and compared the American and European healthy diet recommendations. In the case of primary research, we did a survey, during which we measured the healthy eating habits of the students. Our research shows that only 11,3% of the surveyed students consume vegetables and fruits what complies with the daily recommendations. However, in the case of fluid consumption, we got better result. The 65% of the respondents consume the appropriate amount of fluids.

  • A hátrányos helyzetű tanulók nem-kognitív problémamegoldó készségének fejlődése a tanodában

    In contrast to cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills play a key role in shaping an individual's life course, yet the development of non-cognitive skills attracts insufficient attention. This study explores the contribution of study halls today to address the social disadvantage inherited by students in the area of non-cognitive problem-solving skills. The results of our exploratory study in five study halls in cities with county status in the Northern Great Plain region showed that study halls play a prominent role in mitigating the skills deficits of the mainly upper primary disadvantaged students included in the study. As a result of the developmental work of the study hall, problem-solving skills showed improvements mainly in the reduction of problem sources, in the problem-solving instruments and in the form of problem solving. As a result of the intervention of the study hall, the students' acquired social disadvantages were reduced and their inclusion in school, later in the labour market and in society was reinforced.

  • Research at the Husar and Eastern settlements in Nyíregyháza – Methodology of the research

    This study contains the methodology description of settlement research carried out in Nyíregyháza. A description of geographical location and distinctiveness of the two surveyed places, Husar and Eastern settlements, is followed by an introduction of the main block of the questionnaire used in our research. The surveyed sample is described by its geographical distribution then by the main socio-demographic indicators. 271 households were examined at the two locations by questioners. 69% of the respondents were women, 31% of them men, the average age was 43.5, and rate of those with completed 8-grade primary school was prominent. The majority of the respondents lived in cohabitation or were unmarried. It is estimated that our data collection covered the 25-35% of the population in the two settlements. Regarding gender, age, level of education, marital status and economic activity there were no statistical differences between the two settlements.

  • A szervezeti értékek a tanyagondnoki szolgáltatásoknál

    The history of Hungarian homesteads in the last two and a half centuries has shown that, despite their ingenuity, the inhabitants of the homesteads had to cope with a lot of obstacles in order to be sustainable. Nowadays, in the fight to make life easier for the struggling residents and to keep the younger generations in place, it is the homestead caretaker who takes up the fight against the unending problems in the framework of the caretaker service as a basic social service. The primary goal of our study was to obtain up-to-date data from caretakers on the operation of caretaker services in Hungary, and secondly, we sought to answer the question of how professionals judge the manifestation of the organizational values of services. Based on the answers received, it could be stated that similar improvements are idealized regardless of the form of maintainer of the respondents (n = 131), and that in order to optimize work performance, service managers should make better efforts to interpret novelties and different opinions.

  • Health state and health education

    In our study, we present the results of a survey, presented among the roma local group living in settlement conditions; concerning their health state, health education and health awareness behaviour. The study explored the quality of life of these disadvantaged groups in several dimensions. According to our results health state and health education need a multilevel intervention, focused on emphasising the preventive functions of the primary health care; in order to gain a long term, positive change among the related social groups.

  • Educational situation picture of Roma residents living in shantytown conditions in North Great Plain Region

    In our study, we examine what kind of educational qualifications Roma residents living in shantytown conditions in a large city in Hungary have, what their motivation to learn is like and to what extent school dropout is typical among them. We can compare our research results with the national statistical data available only in a limited number, because the analysis of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s Microcensus 2016 data revealing ethnicity data is the last database on the subject under examination. The theoretical part of our paper covers the historical presentation of Roma participation in education, the background factors of school failure and dropout. We used univariate and multivariate analysis techniques to evaluate our research data. According to the analysis of the data, the proportion of Roma with vocational qualifications and certificate of baccalaureate among Roma living in the shantytown conditions examined is higher than in the 2016 national survey. Our data confirmed the sociological findings that the primary role of girls in Roma families is to contribute to family life, even at the detriment of learning, since fewer of the girls living in the shantytown continue their education than boys. According to our results, the respondents are aware that higher education is supposed to lead to find better jobs, but the responses reflect bad experiences and one third of the Roma in the shantytown believe that living in the shantytown is a disadvantage when trying to find a job.

  • Tanodás és nem tanodás gyerekek szociális kompetenciáinak összevetése kérdőíves, megfigyeléses és narratív módszertannal

    In school settings, there are often not enough opportunities to develop children's social competencies besides developing their cognitive abilities. But there is a need for this kind of support, especially in disadvantaged areas and for minority children. Study-hall programs function to compensate for this deficiency. We compared matched groups of primary school pupils in two municipalities in the Northern part of Hungary. One group participated in a study hall program, while the other did not. We measured social competencies. Impulsivity and aggression were measured with questionnaires, while communication and future vision were approached qualitatively. Children attending Study-hall programs like to go there, and most of them listed playing activities among the best programs. Our results show that children from the study hall program have better communication skills and a more realistic vision of the future, and based on their self-report, they feel more like they belong to the majority society than their peers from the school without a study hall program. We conclude that study halls can mitigate disadvantages coming from low socio-economic status.

  • The role of social and psychological factors in high school students' smoking and alcohol consumption

    The study aimed to research background factors and motivations for smoking and alcohol consumption among Hungarian adolescents. 501 students from Debrecen participated in the survey. Among the social variables, the best friend's smoking (EH=16.72; p<0.001) and alcohol consumption (EH=22.77; p<0.001) as well as the harmful passions of peers acted as risk factors in the sample. Among the psychological variables, high self-esteem is a risk factor (alcohol: EH=1.04; p<0.05), while shyness (alcohol: EH=0.97; p<0.01; smoking: EH=0.97; p<0.05) and the feeling of loneliness (alcohol: EH=0.96; p<0.001) also proved to be protective factors. The behavior of psychological variables is explained by the primary role of social variables. The results highlight the importance of teaching young people how to behave assertively in social situations, avoiding peer pressure, before they start using drugs for self-strengthening and coping.

  • Income situations, income conditions among the residents of two settlements

    The monthly net income of settlement residents is much lower than in the town of Nyíregyháza or nationwide. Poor employment stands in the background, which naturally stems from the education level of settlement residents. Almost 80% of them completed 8 grades of primary school only or even fewer, while the number and rate of those who gained any qualification is very low. When examining income disparities in Nyíregyháza, it can be seen that the majority of settlement residents, 76.6%, belong to the 2 lowest deciles, and the rate of income poor also exceeds what is measured in the town or across the country. Considering the 60% of median income, 78% of the residents are poor. Regarding the costs of living, housing expenses cause the biggest trouble and many households have been struggling with arrears.